31654 results found
Logi Options is destroying the entire company
I used to love Logitech products, but now I am replacing all of my mice and keyboards with competitor products, and a huge factor in that decision is how disgusting this Logi Options software is. Scammy, spammy, junky. Just absolutely awful. If I was the hardware division I would be absolutely disgusted with the software arm of this company.
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mouse crashes windows 11
it crashes every time i try to connect the mouse
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craft support
why the **** cant i use my expensive craft keyboard in logi options + here two years later!?!
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Configuración boton central
Buen día, tengo un problema para configurar la opcion del boton central de mi mouse, es un pebble mouse 2 M350s
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Akkustand von Spotlight wird bei Verwendung mit Options + nicht unter Windows Geräte angezeigt. Bei Verwendung mit Presentation aber schon.
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
ich schreibe Ihnen, da ich eine Fehlfunktion in Logitech Options+ bzw. dessen Kommunikation mit Windows festgestellt habe. Wie Sie an dem beigefügten Screenshot sehen können, nutze ich Logitech Options schon länger mit Mx Master und Mx Keys. Nun habe ich gesehen, dass sogar, mein Spotlight unterstützt wird und das dann auch gleich ausprobiert. Denn bislang habe ich Logitech Presentation dafür genutzt. Aber nichts ist besser, wie wenn man sich eine weitere extra App sparen kann und zudem noch mehr Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten vorhanden sind. Allerdings habe ich festgestellt, dass in der Geräteübersicht von Windows leider nicht der…1 vote -
Action Ringの大きさ
Action Ringの大きさは変えることはできないのですか? 27インチ 4Kのモニタでは、小さすぎて使用に支障が出ます
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Scrolling am Macbook geht nicht
Meine MX Master 3 verbindet sich zwar mit dem Macbook, jedoch funktionieren beide Scrolling-Räder so gut wie nie. Maus aus dem Steuerprogramm genommen und wieder eingefügt – hilft nichts. Leider nicht sehr zuverlässig, werde jetzt wohl wechseln.
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Backups useless
Backup is useless only restore from a few hours ago,. So reflects lates Logitech updates. Keep losing my settings for adobe products. Useless
Need history Backups so can restore from the day before1 vote -
MX MASTER 3S - Easy Switch
MX MECHANICAL 키보드와 함께 MX MASTER 3S 마우스를 사용하고 있는 유저입니다.
키보드의 경우 우측 상단에 있는 1~3 스위치 버튼으로 디바이스 간 변경이 쉽고 빠른 반면에, 마우스는 스위치 버튼이 밑바닥에 있고 [1->2->3->1...] 순서로만 변경이 되다 보니 상대적으로 편리함이 덜하다는 느낌이 들었어요.
그래서 개인적인 생각으로는 '엄지손가락 버튼'을 'Easy Switch' 기능으로도 활용할 수 있으면 좋을 것 같아서 커스터마이징해 보려고 했는데 엄지 버튼으로는 Easy Switch 기능이 지원되지 않는 것 같네요.
물론 MX 시리즈 키보드/마우스에 이미 많은 장점이 있기도 했지만, 제 경우에는 스마트폰을 충전거치대에 올려 둔 채로 키보드/마우스로 폰을 자유롭게 쓸 수 있을 것 같다는 점도 제품 선택의 큰 이유가 되기도 해서 그런지 유독 이…
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software critic
this isnt a feedback is more a critic to your software, imagine i install a software just to send me to a website to link my device to just doesnt work the link, it recognize the usb receiver but does not add any device, i turned it on and off and i had try different ports but it doesnt seems like is the usb port is just your **** software fix this ****, please
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Не работает
Глючит. Постоянно теряется связь с устройствами. Невозможно переподключить. Больше никогда не куплю Logitec
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要么就是打开软件设备为空,点击添加设备返回才正常显示。1 vote -
使用Smart Actions导致CSP闪退
只要使用Smart Actions功能(比如点击试一试,或者实际通过按键激活),就会导致Clip studio paint软件(测试过2.1.4和最新的3.1.4版本)闪退。
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Spacebar Focus Bug
Im having a problem with my spacebar acting unexpectedly. In the programs that I have set up with opening commands from my default screen, when I switch to them and press spacebar, the action that results is a little gray box around certain fields within my applications. All other keys seem to be functioning normally. Only the spacebar seems to trigger this field, which I can only assume is some sort of focus area for the MX.
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Dictate with chat gpt
Option to dictate with the chat gpt integration
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having issues when switching users on mac
when switching users on mac settings conflict with each other
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- Don't see your idea?