11211 results found
Disable AI
Please allow us to uninstall the AI ****. I know you think it's cool to have AI everywhere, but it's not. It's just bloat.
163 votes -
AI Disablement Toggle
Please, create a toggle to completely disable the AI Prompt services. That's it. I don't want this, and I know that it's the hot new thing, but I don't want 500+MB of memory eaten up by this thing I don't need or want.
107 votes -
Uninstall AI
Being unable to uninstall, let alone simply turn off, your new AI feature is IMMENSELY annoying. I'll be revising my positive review on Amazon to update potential customers.
95 votes -
As a working commercial artist, I want absolutely nothing to do with any of this AI garbage and I was very disappointed to see Logitech embracing it by including some kind of half-baked service with the next version of Logi Options+.
Please get rid of it. It has nothing to do with my MOUSE. It has nothing to do with my WEBCAMS. If this is the road Logitech is going down, I will have to stop being a costumer. I switched a lot of my workflow to utilize Logitech products because I thought this was a safe company. Very sad…
66 votes -
Say No to AI
If you ever try to push some AI garbage on me again I will boycott your company forever. F U.
59 votes -
i would rather kill myself than use any AI prompt ********. thanks!
57 votes -
Disable AI
I don't need the AI ********. Please let me disable it.
41 votes -
AI Prompt - Select AI Agent (gemini)
the AI prompt UI is a neat concept, but I wish I could select which AI it used. I prefer google gemini, so I don't see myself using this feature as long as it's only chatgpt
36 votes -
Please no AI
It's not an idea, it about bloatware: I do NOT need AI on my mouse and my keyboard. This, up to the point where I might change vendor (away from Logitech). Please give us a way to disable this AI stuff!
33 votes -
Easy switch both mouse and keyboard with one switch
we need to be able to switch both the mouse and keyboard with just the easy switch buttons on the keyboard.
so with one button on the keyboard both the mouse and keyboard would switch to the next device
and please let me know when this will be available :) (Agustasm95@gmail.com)78 votes -
AI ********
I am uninstalling this until you get rid of the mandatory AI spyware.
25 votes -
我记早期使用K375S+MX Master 2的时候,可以通过键盘的F1F2F3来联动的切换键盘和鼠标。现在换成MX Mechanical mini + MX Master 3s我找不到这个功能了,只能键盘按一下切换,然后鼠标再按一下切换,因为我电脑有多个扩展屏每次要移动到边缘没有按一下键盘来的方便,我挺希望这个功能能够回来。
3 votes -
Battery Level Indicator
How difficult is it to add a battery level indicator to the system tray or at least in Logi Options+? It is ridiculous that online forums show users have been suggesting this "feature" for years but Logitech still has not implemented the idea. Utterly ridiculous...
7 votes -
Disable AI Features
I would like to disable the AI features. I have other ways of using AI apps on my Mac, it’s not a feature I want from my mouse or keyboard.
I'd like to prevent the Prompt Builder process from loading and delete the "aioverlaytmp" without it reappearing.
Major changes like this should be opt-in features, not automatic.
23 votes -
One button to switch both devices
I think this is a well documented issue/potential for improvement.
Instead of having to press the switch button on each device individually there should be an option on either the keyboard or mouse to switch both together.
Many of us use work system where we cannot install software, so this feature would really help.
65 votes -
Remove AI or provide AI free version
Please remove the AI features or release an AI free version. I enjoy using my Logitech gear at work. My company has very strict guidelines around what AI tools we can use. Having AI built into Logi Options+ could get it placed on my companies software black list.
22 votes -
MX Keyboard also controls MX mouse device switching
I have an MX mouse and MX keyboard and swap devices all the time. Swapping on the keyboard is very quick and easy, but having to turn over the mouse and press a tiny little button is very frustrating. If there was an option for the MX mouse to swap device along with the keyboard this would make a huge impact on my work flow. Just an option to switch on in settings so that the keyboard also controls device switching for the mouse.
205 votes -
Backup Setttings Idea
this is related to mouse settings backups. i am using the mx master 3 mouse.
so as a bluetooth software developer, i replace my pc bt driver often enough to notice that when i replace my driver. i then connect the Logi mx mouse via your unifying dongle. when i put back my original bluetooth dongle back serval hours later.
i lose my settings on the mouse. then when i go to restore my back ups on my pc. it has back up settings related to when i was using the unifying dongle. ( which are like defaults it seems) …
4 votes -
Logi Options+ Unpair Devices from Bolt and Unifying Dongles
Logi Options+ Needs option to see all paired devices to Bolt and Unifying dongles so one can unpair inactive devices. Both Logi Bolt and Unifying software have this option but Options+ does not.
3 votes -
**** the ********* who write logioptions
I absolutely ******* hate the people behind logioptions and think you should dump them at sea. STOP ******* CHANGING MY KEYBOARD MAPPINGS DURING AN UPDATE TO LOGIOPTIONS!
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?