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Logi Options+

Logi Options+



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  1. 기존 작업표시줄에 있던 FLOW 켜기/끄기 아이콘(버튼)이 없어졌습니다. 그 기능 편했는데, 다시 넣어주세요!

    그리고 볼륨조절도 2씩만 되는데, 1씩 조절 할 수 있게 해주세요!

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  2. My MX Master 3 doesn't play well with MacOS. It started after I downloaded the beta. First, my gestures and custom mappings stopped working. Steps attempted to fix:
    1. Uninstall Logi Options (alpha) using un-installer
    2. Rerun Logi Options+ (beta).
    This led to a failure to start the backend.

    1. Reinstall Logi Options and uninstall beta.
      Mappings still did not work. Prepare for clean install by uninstalling Logi Options again.

    2. Upgrade OS to Big Sur

    3. Get clean download from Beta site.

    4. Install Beta
      Gesture button still not working at all. The custom mappings for apps works until I decide to change…

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  3. ability to set the scrolling of one or more rows at a time with the wheel independently for each app :)

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  4. Shortcuts not working in zoom

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  5. Bonsoir L'option défilement fluide ne fonctionne pas très bien lors des zoom et dezoom sur des cartes (type GoogleMap ou Mappy). Un cran de la molette fait un zoom très important et inversement. Merci à vous.

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  6. Sometimes while working in Autocad Electrical 2018, if I'm going back and forth between ACADE and a different window, when I scroll one 'notch' to zoom, it will zoom to near infinity in whatever direction I scrolled. If I toggle back to another page, scroll there, and come back, it fixes the problem. I haven't determined whether or not scrolling on the other page is necessary, or if the window change fixes the problem.

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  7. Next to good evening or good morning . Need to have a option to addd our name...we should have a enter you name/Alias in teh setting so that we would get a message like Good Evening gopal or Good morning Gopal

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  8. MX Keys became unusable forcing me to hard restart my mac as was unable to login. my MX master 3 has also repeatedly become unavailable so I am going to uninstall this beta as I do not find it useable in its current state.

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  9. Need option for horizontal scrool wheel speed

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  10. En windows no se puede configurar la tecla 'Impr Pant' que se utiliza para guardar las capturas en una carpeta, utilizada mucho por desarrolladores, sería bueno o agregar la Accion, que no es la misma que Captura de Pantalla o poder agregar 'ctrl + imprpant' en acciones de teclado.

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  11. need effect when moving desktop 1 to desktop 2 or other.

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  12. There are instances where the Mac-specific gestures/keys stop working on my MX Master 3 mouse and MX keys keyboard (until a reboot).

    For example, pressing the Mission Control (aka F3) or Launchpad (aka F4) keys results in MacOS registering it as an F3 or F4 key-press (as opposed to Mission Control or Launchpad).

    Similarly, the gesture button on my MX Master 3 (which I've set for window navigation) fails to work. Instead, it opens and cycles through the Cmd+Tab app selector.

    During this period, it appears that Logi Options+ also thinks the MX Master 3 and MX Keys are disconnected…

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  13. I would love a settings file, say .ini, or .yaml that we could use to modify the settings or share across devices and computers. I have found the settings back-up to the cloud buggy and unreliable. The ability to export settings to a file would be preferred. If this file was a readable text file as well that I could edit, I would be thrilled. I use my MX Master 3 on two computers, and I have to change the settings on each Logitech Options installation--very annoying.

    I also noticed that the middle-click gesture configured to a keyboard shortcut (Win+Tab)…

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  14. My middle button is no longer scrolling - it is not set up to perform any special functions.

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  15. I should not have to switch both my keyboard and mouse manually in order to toggle between the active computer. For instance, If I want to switch from my work PC to my personal PC, I have to first select device 2 on my keyboard and then pick up my mouse and select device 2 separately. I should only need to select device 2 on my keyboard for both to switch simultaneously.

    My work PC must operate on a VPN and therefore Logitech Flow does not work, or this would not be an issue.

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  16. Hi!
    Is there a way to activate my keyboard automaticly on the computer where my mouse is active? Now I have to activate the keyboard for the "active" computer manually by pressing 1 (for computer 1) or 2 (for computer 2). In the previous Logitech Options this happend automaticly. Or, am I missing something here in my settings?

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  17. L'alternance du mode de la roulette n'est disponible qu'en touche à part et pas comme option dans les gestes. Je préfèrerai pouvoir configurer le fait d'appuyer sur mon bouton "Gestes" sans bouger la souris pour alterner les modes de la roulettes plutôt qu'avoir à y dédier un bouton spécifique.

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  18. I do have an old macbook pro it would be much appericated if you could if possible put this on El Captain so i can work in one go than changing the mouse and keyboard everytime,

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  19. intermittent unwanted auto mode shift between free spin and ratchet mode (smart shift already off since i never liked using that and only use free spin mode)...not able to reproduce the problem willingly but it does occur ~2 times a day {{only way to rectify is going into options+ app and manually changing it under pointer tab}}

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  20. Die Maus ist ruckelig bei Macs mit Apple Prozessor. Native Treiberunterstützung ist notwendig.

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