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Custom F keys for specific app
Hi, I set some custom function keys for a specific applications and it stopped working (instead of them, it go back to media keys).
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Logitech Options + 控制提示标签4K屏幕分辨率兼容问题
安装了 Logitech Options +后,键盘自带的一些调节控制的图标在4K屏幕上尺寸缩小很多。应该是分辨率不匹配的原因,原来的Logitech Options一切正常。
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Horizontal scroll
I'm having a strange issue with horizontal scroll working arbitrarily. It doesn't matter which program is in use, sometimes it simply doesn't work, and when it starts working it doesn't matter which program is in use as well, behavior is quite random.
Is there a way to make it more consistent?Thank you,
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Чтобы все работало нужна дополнительная мышь подключенная по USB
Добрый день, Logi
Столкнулся с такой проблемой: у меня клавиатура MX Keys и мышка MX Master 2S подключены к компьютеру и в какой-то момент перестают работать одновременно и клавиатура и мышка, но если в это время я подключу дополнительно проводную мышку по USB, то они начинают снова работать (это решение я нашел в интернете на форумах). В итоге сейчас приходится сидеть с дополнительно подключенной мышкой по проводу, чтобы таких сбоев не было в процессе работы =)))Возможно уже есть какое-то решение этой проблемы?
PS. Операционная система: Windows 10
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設備:Apple Macbook Air M1 2020、MX Master 3 for Mac
作業系統:macOS Big Sur1 vote -
在使用options+时,我找不到备份 鼠标配置 的功能栏。
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MX master 3 smart scroll randomly changes
My scroll wheel's smart shift suddenly turned off, and the scroll type changed to free spin.
I didn't do anything specific to trigger it (that I know of), and after changing it back it seems fine now.
Maybe important to note I have one app specific scroll settings for chrome (that only has an inverse scroll for the thumb wheel, the rest is the same as the base settings), which remained as before, and the base setting is the one that was affected.2 votes -
carica piena non segnalata dall'app
Lingua Italiana per favore
la aplicazione non segnala quando la carica dei dispositivi è finita
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mxkeys manual
mx keys tastaur
Ich vermisse ein besseres Manual, zum Beispiel :
wie wichtig ist es für den Akkuverbrauch die Tastaur mit dem hardware Switch auszuschalten am Ende des Tages.
Wie lange ist die Akkulaufzeit jeweils in Bezug auf die eingstellte Helligkeit der Tastatur.2 votes -
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K800 keyboard compatibility issues
i have an MX master 3 mouse and a keyboard K800. The keyboard is not supported from the Logi Options+. Why I to choose the newer software when the older is more powerful from compatibility issues.
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Minha ideia é fazer com que ao utilizar o botão de gestos, possa ter a opção de configurar para que abra um determinado LINK com um gesto configurado.
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backup and restore options missing
there is no backup settings options at logi options+. please bring back the options so I didn't need to set all the options to my mouse and keyboard one by one
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Does not recognize my MX Master 3 with Win11
Hello. The new version is amazing. Except that does not work with Win11. Does not recognize my Mx master 3, bluetooth or USB
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Ícone indicativo CAPS LOCK MacOS
Estou utilizando o teclado K380.
Durante o uso com o Options, sempre que eu pressionava o CAPS LOCK, na barra superior do Mac aparecia o ícone de uma seta para cima, indicando que o CAPS LOCK estava ativado.
Porém, ao migrar para o OPTIONS+, não exite o ícone na barra superior do Mac, mas somente um desenho no centro da tela que indica que a função foi ativada/desativada, desaparecendo logo em seguida.
Gostaria que o ícone da barra superior voltasse a aparecer, pois, faz toda a diferença para a utilização do teclado.
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How to remove inactive device
Hello. I have a duplicate MX Keys showing up in Logi Options+ as inactive. How do I remove it?
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Mice Ratchet Scrolling Issue
When I open Logi Options+ app to check my mice's battery, the ratchet scrolling is suddenly gone and whenever I scroll it's smooth and I despite the feeling. I couldn't find any solution to my problem online and please add a ratchet scrolling option because I don't know whether my mice (weeks old) is has issue or not.
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Cierre inesperado de app
se cierra inesperadamente luego de un rato
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Fix your dumb program
Your idiot Logi Options+ beta doesn't recognize that my MX Master 3 (a great product) is connected to my 2020 MacBook Pro (running the latest version of Big Sur, 11.6).
1 vote
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