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Mice not sensed after waking up laptop
When my computer wakes from sleep, my mouse curser is gone. No mice work, not even gaming mice
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Logitech Flow
Logitech Flow mit Options+ funktioniert leider nach wie vor nicht, wenn sich der Arbeits-PC in einem VPN befindet, bzw. wenn die lokale Firewall durch den Admin abgeriegelt ist. Schade. Ich schätze, dass viele Nutzer gern mittels Flow zwischen privaten PC und Arbeits-PC wechseln wollen würden, es aber nicht können. Schön wäre, wenn hier eine andere Technik verwendet werden könnte (Bluetooth statt LAN).
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Toggle behaviour of side scroll wheel.
An option to assign a key to toggle behaviour of side scroll wheel would be useful. Example, toggling between horizontal scroll and navigating between tabs.
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Flow not working for MX Keys Mac
Reset flow x 3 and no luck. MX Keys for Mac still doesn't follow the mouse to the other computer. Ugh.
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버튼으로 포인터 속도 선택
제스처 버튼으로 포인터 속도를 조절할 수 없게 되었습니다. 다시 포인터 속도 조절을 할 수 있게 해주세요
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App-Specific Seetings for Microsoft Store apps
How can I set app-specific seetings for Microsoft Store apps? I wanna set something for Drawboard!
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Sauvegarde Cloud
Pourquoi les profils ne sont plus sauvegardés dans Logi+ ?
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Adobe Audition 관련 에러
Adobe Audition 이라는 음향 편집 프로그램을 쓰고 있습니다. 헌데 휠을 한칸만 돌려도 줌이 끝까지 확대가 되서 옆에있는 휠을 줌으로 바꿔서 사용하고 있습니다. 혹시 이 버그를 확인해 주실 수 있을까요?
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flow issues
i am having issues w flow working consistently. i am using both dongles and i do have 3 PCs and one M1 in between, however the Apple machine is powered off and usually it performs better w two PCs but its giving me issues this morning w flow. my mouse will almost just barely get to the border of the other PC. u can see the mouse pickup on the side of the screen where it should be picking up at but its like it cant get any further than right at the edge and it stays stuck on the PC screen i am on no matter how much i try to get the mouse to move to w flow. chmon logi
i am having issues w flow working consistently. i am using both dongles and i do have 3 PCs and one M1 in between, however the Apple machine is powered off and usually it performs better w two PCs but its giving me issues this morning w flow. my mouse will almost just barely get to the border of the other PC. u can see the mouse pickup on the side of the screen where it should be picking up at but its like it cant get any further than right at the edge and it stays stuck on the…
1 vote -
Duplicate Inactive Device
There appears to be a duplicate of my MX Keys keyboard on the dashboard that is labelled "inactive". There is no option to remove it as of now. Just a minor annoyance.
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light indicator mouse and fixed mouse movement
I sometimes have fixed mouse during use with bluetooth, then if i close the website movement sometimes returns. Then i like to know if my battery is almost empty or not. If the mouse had a yellow light, then i would know, it is almost empty.
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Improvements Logitech options+
- Introduce finally usb-c dongle receiver
- Make new logic bolt app optinal to autostart or not
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Håper det kommer på Norsk språk. Egil
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Latest release DOES not work, and doubled the device
LogiOptions+ now has 2 MxMaster3, some how gained 1 on my home computer?
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Gutes Programm, aber die Aufmachung...
- Die Default Fenstergröße ist nach meinem Geschmack einfach zu gewaltig mit seiner teilweise "schreiend" großen Schrift. Eine Fenstergröße wie bei "Einstellungen/Hinweise zur Version lesen" wäre angemessen.
- Jeder spricht heute über "dunkles Design", aber nur schwarz ist kein Design. Ein paar Schattierungen wären schon ein wenig auflockernd. Und warum nicht gleich den ganzen Sprung wagen mit der Einführung eines fliederfarbenen Designs ganz so, wie das neue Icon für "Logi Options+"
- Vom Operationellen her habe ich zur Zeit keine Ungereimtheiten oder Snags gefunden. Das Programm erscheint mir aufgeräumt und durchdacht.
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Rimuovere dispositivi vecchi
Non c'è un modo per rimuovere dal software i dispositivi registrati.
Es.: avevo un Mouse Mx2 e lo trovo nell'applicazione come "non ancora supportato", vorrei rimuoverlo, ma non posso.1 vote -
Dark mode is too dark. I want mid gray color
I want mid gray theme. Dark mode is too dark
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Options+ Icon design plz change...old
Options+ icon design is old... plz change...Now design is like twich...I want Logitech's color and design....as same as G CORE
1 vote
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