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MX3 Mouse annoyances
I recently switched to the MX 3 from the G600 and do find myself missing the "shift" function that provided a complete set of alternate mappings for any button to nearly function.
I would love to find more ways to utilize the side scroll wheel based on context like moving the text cursor or precision selection, or speed sensitive actions like a nudge taking you back a page while a fast spin takes you back to home page/ top level. Also, navigation of sideways sliders such as within Logi's own Options app to change pointer speed- how are neither scroll wheels valid when trying to adjust??
I wish that when customizing the left side gesture button you could mix-and-match from the included pre-sets to a custom layout ("snap" is only available under the window management layout).
Lastly - why is my most expensive mouse the one with the loudest, most "plasticky" click?? Hopefully use will quiet it down but I have already found quieter switches, lol.
I recently switched to the MX 3 from the G600 and do find myself missing the "shift" function that provided a complete set of alternate mappings for any button to nearly function.
I would love to find more ways to utilize the side scroll wheel based on context like moving the text cursor or precision selection, or speed sensitive actions like a nudge taking you back a page while a fast spin takes you back to home page/ top level. Also, navigation of sideways sliders such as within Logi's own Options app to change pointer speed- how are neither scroll…
1 vote -
Cannot find spotlight for mouse option
I have a M330 mouse and got the link to beta test the spotlight for mouse. I cannot find the option when configuring the scroll button on Options+ software. How can I set it up?
1 vote -
Пожелания. Интерфейс и версия для Apple Silicon
Добрый день.
1. Сделайте область для перетаскивания окна шире (верхняя часть). Сложно попасть в нужное место. В вашей программе она крайне узкая, что отличается от всех других программ.
2. Сделайте версию для Apple Silicon (M1).
Программа постоянно висит в фоне, соответственно совсем не радует что она работает через Rosetta 21 vote -
flow não consegue habilitar
Não consigo habilitar o Flow entre 2 máquinas rodando o Windows. Fiz diversas tentativas de habilitar e nunca encontra a outra máquina, mesmo ambas estando conectadas na mesma rede.
2 votes -
Zeigergeschwindigkeit durch Taste unter Rad ändern nicht mehr möglich.
Für präzisere Bewegungen mit der Maus habe ich bisher immer die Taste unterhalb des Mausrads der MX Master 3 benutzt, um zwischen zwei Zeigergeschwindigkeiten zu wechseln. In Options + fehlt diese Option jedoch...?
2 votes -
MX Keys for Mac
My MX Keys for Mac keyboard does not show in Options+
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Restore previous options
In previous devices, I was able to program the RMB and middle mouse click. This was particularly useful for certain applications. I've been disappointed with this loss of functionality. Why can't this no longer be an option? If so, then I'd suggest adding a third button on the right side that can be actuated by the third finger or middle finger. I'd be keenly interested in giving any feedback on this feature
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conmutar función de rueda lateral
El botón de "Avanzar" casi no lo ocupo, en cambio constantemente estoy cambiando la función de la rueda lateral entre "desplazamiento horizontal" y "subir-bajar volumen".
Me ayudaría que con oprimir ese botón, se conmutara automáticamente la función de la rueda lateral.2 votes -
Override key mappings
It would be useful to override certain key mapping (e.g. Keypad ',' to a '.'). I currently use Karabiner to achieve this, but it would be great if Logi Options could do it as well.
2 votes -
mxkeys flow
mx3 mouse works with flow and everything says connected but keyboard will not work when switching to second device.
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Copy Serial Number
Under mouse > settings, show my mouse serial number. When I click it, show a little "copied" indicator. This would allow me to easily paste it into support.logi.com
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Excelente equipo, el mejor de los que he tenido, muy amigable y fácil de utilizar, muy intuitivo; excelente calidad. Vale la pena tenerlo.
2 votes -
Allow combination of modifier keys with mouse buttons/gestures
Key modifiers (ctrl, command, shift, alt/option) to change which action is performed would be an amazing addition to the app. Ex: [on Windows] if I press the thumb button and drag it to the right, go to the window/workspace to the right, but if I hold shift while doing that, snap current app window to right; if I hold ctrl while using the horizontal scroll, increase/decrease volume
2 votes -
Не работают сочетания с Pause/Break
Назначил правой верхней клавише (lock) значения клавиши Pause/Breack с экранной клавиатуры
Программы реагирующие на нажатие клавиши pasuse не реагируют на нее
В старой версии это работало2 votes -
Color Theme should use System default.
The color theme system should respect the windows/macOS theme configuration by default instead of forcing the Light theme.
This will prevent users using the darkmode being blown away by the light theme while preferring the darkmode.
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Restablecer dispositivos
No encuentro una opción para restablecer los ajustes de mis dispositivos.
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Icon dans la zone de notification W10
Bonjour, Un icon accès "raccourcis" dans la zone de notification de la barre des taches W10 serait vraiment parfait, afin d'accéder facilement au paramétrage des fonctions de la MX master 3 sans passer par le menu démarrer. Merci
2 votes -
This is great, thanks!
This is not an issue actually, I just want to say that I am so glad there's a new version of LogiOptions!! Thanks team!
2 votes -
Inactive in app no scroll wheel. pointer still moving
Scroll wheel stopped working. still able to move pointer. Logi beta app said MX master 3 was inactive.
Mouse battery full. Reboot of macbook resolved issue.
big sur 11.5.1
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Automatic Theme Switching on MAc
On Mac there needs to be a colour scheme option to match system - automatically switching from light to dark.
2 votes
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