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Problemas de desplazamiento horizontal
En varias ocasiones me han dejado de funcionar las teclas de desplazamiento horizontal (izquierda y derecha)
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stuck downloaded
downloading never finishes
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Naming devices would be good
I have identical setups at home and work (MX Keys and MX Master 3). It would be nice if the Logi Options+ could associate a name with the mice/keyboards
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Login to Logitech account
I'd like to login to my logitech account and have settings synced across my devices, which was possible in the regular version. Can I expect to see the feature in Options+?
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Problème connexion périphériques
Tout juste installé mais impossible de voir mon clavier et ma souris qui sont pourtant connectés en bluetooth. J'ai essayé de les reconnecter mais ça ne change rien.
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Bluetooth and BIOS update
I like to update BIOS, but i can not use the keyboard until windows is starting because of bluetooth.
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Keyboard commands stop working on mouse and keyboard customisation
Keyboard commands stop working randomly. The button press only sends the "letter" and not the "modifier" keys. CMD+D sends only "D" . When I attempt to re-record the keyboard command the app only records the "modifier" keys. So if I press CMD+D the app then only records "CMD". Only rebooting the macbook fixes this. tried denying and re-granting permissions for input monitoring and killing the logitech options+ and the logitech daemons (I believe duplicates anyway) to no avail
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Flüssige Bildläufe
MX Anywhere 3, "flüssige Bildläufe" funktioniert nicht.
Das Bild springt nach wie vor in Stufen!1 vote -
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Aplicación Finder
Hola, buenos días. Falta una aplicación básica en la versión para mac que es la de finder. La configuración inicial sirve para todas las aplicaciones però para la de finder no hay posibilidad de cambiarla ya que no existe en la caja de agregar aplicación. En la versión oficial antigua sí que existe dicha aplicación y sería interesante que se puediese volver a utilizar. Muchas gracias por la atención y a seguir mejorando.
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「デバイス接続」の不具合(MacBook Air 2020 M1)
2021年10月14日(ver 0.51.7474)
MX Keys mini (UK版)をMacBook Air (2021, M1)使用時、Bluetoothで接続して使用可能であるものの、旧Logi options共にアプリ内のデバイス接続が不可能。キーマッピングや操作設定がほぼできないが、文字入力は問題ない状態。一方、Max標準設定とキーマッピングソフトウェア(Kanabiner-Elements)を介して「fnキー」が変更不可能。1 vote -
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App restarting itself
The app keeps shutting and reopening it self on repeat. Does it about 3 times then it fine for a few mins then starts again
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Keystroke Assignment takes raw input
When using the keyboard assignment it now takes raw keyboard input. This means I cannot use software to input keystokes such as F13-F24 that are useful for keybinding since they don't exist on my physical keyboard.
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Mac wakes up from sleep
When my MX Master 3 is connected to my Mac and I put it to sleep, it wakes up the mac after sometime even without any activity. This never happened before with the previous version of the software.
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Falla configuración de botón de gestos
Cuando configuro el botón de gestos con captura de pantalla, lanza la selección de escritorios y al segundo click recién lanza la captura de pantalla, tengo que entrar a configurar en la aplicación para que lance la captura de pantalla al primer click
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UI gives good feel
UI looks good in Dark mode and give the feel as light weight application.
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