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Sync cahnges to default settings to application-specific profiles
When changing a button for all programs, it should also update on all application profiles.
If an application profile is altered and ends up having the same action as the unaltered default profile, then this alteration should be ignored and overwritten when the default action changes.2 votes -
Background CPU Usage
Uses too much background processes, an ability to turn of or limit these process is kindly requested.
1 vote -
Desktop Left and Right never work
Hello, ever since I got the MX Master 3 I never get the switch Desktop Left and Right reliably working. A year ago it worked for an hour or so after restarting or even re-installing the Options app. But now since Options + it never works. I really need it at the thumb button gesture to work.
My Trackpad switches the desktops just fine and my Mac Preferences Keyboard shortcuts are reset to default.
Please help. Thanks so much and all best, MarkMacOS Big Sur 11.4, M1 MacBook Pro
1 vote -
Custom gestures get overwritten with SmartShift on off
SmartShift gets disabled and enabled on gesture right/left movements even though it set to Custom action - switch desktop left/right
1 vote -
Two device shows up after connecting to flow
I had the mouse connected to my laptop with logiPlus software.
Then I moved to my desktop computer and wanted to add the laptop into the follow. So I tried to add the laptop into follow ( which worked fine ) but when I opned up the logiplus software on the laptop - it displayed two mouse ( one is inactive )Definitely a bug.
1 vote -
Bug zoom souris
Il m'est impossible de faire marcher le raccourci "zoom in / zoom out" sur la suite adobe. Est-il possible d'avoir une assistance pour ce problème? Merci1 vote -
Non parte all'avvio!
Logi option+ non parte all'avvio su Mac!
Devo ogni volta killare le attività di Logi+ e Aprirlo da capo. Non ce la faccio più1 vote -
Problema con Illustrator 2021
Me da problemas illustrator 2021. No para de salir una ventana con un mensaje diciendo que se va a ejecutar un perfil. Me aparece desde que tengo instalado Logitech Options.
1 vote -
Dicas para Upgrade
Acredito que vocês poderiam possibilitar ao usuário a opção de utilizar o aplicativo (online) sem a necessidade de download, de tal maneira que fosse possível configurar os botões do mouse ao nosso gosto. EU, e acredito que milhares de pessoas que trabalham home office com o computador do trabalho ficamos impedidos de fazer downloads de software, com isto não conseguimos personalizar os nossos produtos da maneira que queríamos. Pensem bem, acredito que será muito bem aceito pela comunidade logitech, a qual sua fã e possuo inúmeros produtos da logi. Saudações, Jorge Reis.
1 vote -
Notifications are twitchy, statuses are too small.
Overall i think this is a very nice redesign. The app looks pretty, light/dark mode is welcome addition, and the logo is way better than before.
Couple of things I wish were imporved:
Notifications (such as Caps Lock on and Low battery) look worse in comparasion (is that shadow really necessary?). The animation on them is currently twitchy.
In-app statuses, such as battery and connection. These are too small, and not very informative. I think it would be nice to enlarge them somewhat and provide more information to the user ("67% battery, 3 days of use left" instead of "Battery level is low")
Other than that, great update, looking forward to release verison!
Overall i think this is a very nice redesign. The app looks pretty, light/dark mode is welcome addition, and the logo is way better than before.
Couple of things I wish were imporved:
Notifications (such as Caps Lock on and Low battery) look worse in comparasion (is that shadow really necessary?). The animation on them is currently twitchy.
In-app statuses, such as battery and connection. These are too small, and not very informative. I think it would be nice to enlarge them somewhat and provide more information to the user ("67% battery, 3 days of use left" instead of "Battery…
1 vote -
Connection Screen Lacks interface
I get to the attached screen but regardless of what I click there is no reaction. Even when I redirect the devices directly from "Logi Options" I get stuck here.
1 vote -
Souris sur 1/2 seul écran
Bonjour je ne peux plus utiliser la souris sur mes 2 écrans depuis la MAJ Macos12 béta 10?
1 vote -
選択して確認のボタンを押すと成功!のメッセージが出てきますが、パワーポイントのアプリは追加されていないため、設定することができません。1 vote -
Much better than the live version. Fixed all of the connections bugs.
Great job logitech!1 vote -
Interesting find about custom settings bug
I've found something interesting about the bug of the mouse "forgetting" custom settings. When the Logi Options+ is in first plane, on top of all other windows, it works flawlessly. but as soon as it goes to the background or is minimized, the random settings changes return.
1 vote -
1 vote -
Ability to disable Caps Lock key
Ability to block CapsLock from working. This option was under the old Logitech Options. It should be brought up with the new Logitech Options+. Thanks.
I tend to accidentally hit the key, and would like to disable it.4 votes -
High CPU usage after machine resuming from sleep
After putting my Mac to sleep for a while by closing the lid, now i've started using it again the Logi Options+ process is running at 100% CPU with 120 threads
2 votes -
MX Keys and MX Master 3 inactive
I have both the MX Keys and the MX Master 3 connected to a single USB receiver in my iMac 2019. More often than not one or both devices show as inactive for a few seconds resulting in lags. Always with the latest updates.
2 votes -
Monitor arrangement
I have two monitors on system A and one on system B.
There does not appear to be a way to tell Flow where each monitor resides relative to the others.
2 votes
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