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Bring back flow for keyboard
The Keyboard does not support flow now ? When I get into the keyboard settings flow is not an option. Why would you disable flow?
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ok good
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Мышка "неактивна" на mac
У меня через раз отваливается мышка, а вернее по блутузу она подключена и я могу ей пользоваться, но никакие горячие клавиши не работают, а в приложении logi написано "неактивно". Как побороть проблему? Помогает только перезагрузка, но это совершенно неудобно1 vote -
Non funziona con macOS Monterey
La personalizzazione dei tasti in base alle app ha smesso di funzionare con l'upgrade a macOS Monterey
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décalage en mode loupe écran pour le scroll
Alors toujours les mêmes soucis avec le scroll vertical majoritairement, horizontal aussi dans une moindre mesure.
Souris MX Master 3, macOS toutes versions
En mode loupe écran le scroll vertical se décale et donc ne marche pas au bon droit, en horizontal aussi, déjà signalé le problème avec vidéo, toutes les applications sont concernées, les divers mises à jours ne changent rien.
Merci pour votre attention.
Mis à part la souris MX Master est la meilleure1 vote -
I can't find my mouse on mac ( MX Master 3 For Mac)
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Le layout du clavier ne correspond pas à mon clavier : mon arobase est sous ma touche echap et non sur le chiffre 2.
Il serait bien de pouvoir couper le micro depuis son clavier également.1 vote -
Drucken-Taste auf Windows-Default Einstellung
Seit dem letzten Update kommt beim drücken der Taste "Druck" immer ihre Bildschirmfoto-Funktion. Ich möchte mein eigenes Screenshot-Tool hierfür verwenden, kann diese Taste aber nicht auf die Standard-Druck-Funktion umstellen :-( !!!!
1 vote -
very frustrating
mx mini doesnt show
1 vote -
Too slow to keep up with apple update
doesn't recongnize keyboard mx mini
1 vote -
MX Master 3 should follow MX Keys during device switch
Hello logitech Team,
I use the MX Keys and MX Master 3 combo on my 2 Laptops (Work and Develop machine). Due to corporate security restrictions I cannot install Flow on my Work-laptop, so I've to switch mouse and keyboard manually.It would be nice if I could switch between my devices (for mouse and keyboard and keyboard at the same time) using only the switch buttons on keyboard (instead pressing keyboard key and them pressing mouse button at the botton).
Kind regards,
Alex1 vote -
Lag en puntero
Desde la ultima actualizacion de octubre 2021, en un MX MASTER 3, en el puntero del raton en ciertos momentos de desplazamiento se producen micropausas, como cuando ves un video en internet y hay intermitencia de señal y se producen saltos en la imagen, eso le pasa al puntero.
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맥 윈도우간 FLOW 기능을 사용하고 있는데 윈도우에서 맥으로 넘어올 때 마우스 커서는 넘어오는데 MX Keys 는 넘어오지 않아요. 그리고 가끔 맥에서 윈도우로 마우스 커서 이동했는데 커서가 움직이지않고 멈춰버리는 현상이 일어납니다.
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MX Master3 Inactive after relogin
I have MX Master 3 and I use it on Macbook pro 16 2019 with MacOS Big Sur installed. The gestures stop working whenever the account is locked and again wakeup from sleep. When I open Options+ after waking from sleep, it shows the mouse as INACTIVE and gestures stop working.
3 votes -
Cannot disable smartshift
Disabling the smartshift feature doesn't have the effect it is supposed to, if I selected ratchet mode and turn off smartshift the scroll wheel still goes into free spin if you scroll quickly.
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Permitir la configuración para MS 365
Instalé el programa y me decepciona no tener configuración para Excel, ese programa los uso todo el dia, es mi principal herramienta de trabajo.
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Master MX 3 not working properly
Hi there, I got Master MX 3 and I can't believe how bad it work, need to restart my Mac 3 times and still no working properly, the scroll will stop working, all my buttons pre setting are not working….. terrible, at this point I really regret buying this mouse…. hope you work on it and fix all this problems
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Craft Keyboard support (duo link)
Any idea when the craft keyboard will be supported? Looking forward to use duo link with the MX master 3
2 votes
- Don't see your idea?