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Excel 水平スクロールができない(サムホイールが応答しない)
・「ウィンドウ枠の固定」ON 及び「ウィンドウ枠の固定」OFFが混在するファイルで発生
全てのシートで、ウィンドウ枠の固定(又は解除)の設定を統一する1 vote -
1 vote -
An sich finde ich die Möglichkeiten der Maus sehr gut, nur frage ich mich ob bei meiner Maus ein Defekt besteht. Es ist mir nicht möglich beim Bewegen des Scrollrades ein flüssiges Bewegen ohne Sprung zu navigieren. Die Ansicht springt immer um den kompletten Ansichtsbereich weiter. Ich habe sämtliche Einstellungsmöglichkeiten ausprobiert und konnte das Problem nicht lösen. Können sie mir bitte weiterhelfen.
MfG1 vote -
Poor installation experience
Very poor app install experience with Logi Options+. First, it restarted my computer without prompting me, I thought it was windows updates doing it but it was the Logi app. Then , there were several attempts to install from the installer and it looked like the app just aborted the install. After 4 tries, I gave up and about 4-5 minutes later, the Options+ just opens and is ready. It was clearly installing in the background but gave no updates to the user (the installer window just disappeared after it was expanding the files from the download...)
1 vote -
Restoration of Personal Profile Backup is NEEDED!
I lost my personal setting with every Logi update, which is extremely SAD!! 😔 Please bring back the Profile backup function ASAP. Thank you!
1 vote -
MX Keys - Periodically loses connection
MX Keys loses connection periodically with Options+. With the normal Options version all works normal.
4 votes -
Primeras impresiones
Recién descargue la beta y tengo algunos comentarios.
1. Al iniciar el programa de instalación se detuvo y reinicio el sistema operativo sin dar ningún anuncio.- Se instalo correctamente y no veo como iniciar sesión para descargar los pre ajustes de las aplicaciones que tengo en mi cuenta.
Lo que me gusto:
1. El diseño es simple y bonito- Ahora con la opción Easy-Switch puedo ver el nombre de los otros dispositivos con los que esta emparejado el teclado, me ayuda mucho eso.
Esto es lo que he visto y si veo mas cosas las comentare!
2 votes -
Add Gesture Control direction, independent from Scroll Wheel
Below I describe an issue, with a possible solution.
I am someone who:
* primarily uses MacOS (MX Master 3) during the day
* and Windows 10 (Logitech G502 Lightspeed Wireless) for gaming during the nightMy main problem:
I would like for my scrolling experience to be consistent, between Windows and MacOSSolution 1 (could be solved by new G502 feature):
Logitech G502 does not have "Natural" scrolling, option. If it did, I would immediately set and that would solve my confusion.Because the "Logitech G502" Software does not have natural scrolling, if I want to match scrolling on both mice, I have to set the MX Master 3 scrolling to "Standard".
The problem with Setting "Standard" on the MX Master 3 Option+ is that it also effects the gesture direction.
Solution 2 (could be solved by new Option+ feature):
It would be helpful if the scroll wheel direction did not effect the gesture direction. In other words, I want to the gesture direction to be set to "Natural", but the Scroll Wheel to be set to "Standard".P.S: I really like the new UX. Very simple and intuitive!
Below I describe an issue, with a possible solution.
I am someone who:
* primarily uses MacOS (MX Master 3) during the day
* and Windows 10 (Logitech G502 Lightspeed Wireless) for gaming during the nightMy main problem:
I would like for my scrolling experience to be consistent, between Windows and MacOSSolution 1 (could be solved by new G502 feature):
Logitech G502 does not have "Natural" scrolling, option. If it did, I would immediately set and that would solve my confusion.Because the "Logitech G502" Software does not have natural scrolling, if I want to match…
2 votes -
ぜひ対応をお願いいたします。2 votes -
Inactive MX Master 3
I'm trying to use my MX Master 3, and it just says "Inactive" in Logi Options+, and that I'm unable to use it in the regular Logi Options. None of my custom buttons/gestures work.
2 votes -
Missing app-specific options for Excel
When I add excel to app-specific settings, no "app-specific" options show up when I go to customize. See attached screenshot. For my other applications, there is an app-specific drop down for functions related to that application. For excel, I would like to see ones such as Next/Previous sheet.
2 votes -
Mx master 3 lags with logi+
since the installation of logi+, my mouse mx master 3 keeps lagging. it doesn't disconnect, but connection lags sometimes.
Most of the time it works normally, but lag appears every 4-5 minutes or less, freezing the pointer for 1-2 seconds.2 votes -
la tastiera non segue il mouse con flow
Salve, riscontro problemi con la funzione "flow" tra il macbook air ed il notebook windows, il mouse si trasferisce in maniera corretta tra i due computer, finalmente in maniera fluida ed adeguata, mentre la tastiera non segue il mouse nonostante abbia attivato la funzione. Saluti
2 votes -
sincornia entre dispositivos
seria interesante que si contamos con el combo: mouse mx3 y teclado mxkeys al realizar el switch entre equipos controlados a traves del teclado , se realiza el cambio en el mouse tambien , es decir ; que se emparejen los dos dispositivos al mismo equipo
2 votes -
Cannot remove inactive device
Cannot remove a inactive device paired with unify.
2 votes -
Backlight on at all times
There needs to be a feature to toggle backlight on at all times.
2 votes -
Caps Lock PopUp on toggle
Thank you for removing the annoying overlay whenever I pressed the caps lock key (where it would show a big icon on screen informing me if the caps lock is on or off). That was a huge thing that annoyed me with logiOptions. And when I reached to support that mentioned a button to disable that feature but it simply wasn't there.
2 votes -
DPI Setting
Please give dpi number option for sensitivity
2 votes -
Backup and Restore
There doesn't seem to be an option for backup and restore.
2 votes -
MX3 Horizontal Scroll Whell
Hi Logitech ... I'm using Logictech MX3 on a M1 Mac Mini OS 11.5.2. I'm finding the horizontal scroll wheel is not working very well. It is not fluid and smooth while scrolling. I use it in Logic Pro X and it does not function very well even after changing the settings in your MX3 software. Maybe you can help ? Apart from that the mouse is very good. Thank you .. Malcolm Holmes
2 votes
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