Add Gesture Control direction, independent from Scroll Wheel
Below I describe an issue, with a possible solution.
I am someone who:
* primarily uses MacOS (MX Master 3) during the day
* and Windows 10 (Logitech G502 Lightspeed Wireless) for gaming during the night
My main problem:
I would like for my scrolling experience to be consistent, between Windows and MacOS
Solution 1 (could be solved by new G502 feature):
Logitech G502 does not have "Natural" scrolling, option. If it did, I would immediately set and that would solve my confusion.
Because the "Logitech G502" Software does not have natural scrolling, if I want to match scrolling on both mice, I have to set the MX Master 3 scrolling to "Standard".
The problem with Setting "Standard" on the MX Master 3 Option+ is that it also effects the gesture direction.
Solution 2 (could be solved by new Option+ feature):
It would be helpful if the scroll wheel direction did not effect the gesture direction. In other words, I want to the gesture direction to be set to "Natural", but the Scroll Wheel to be set to "Standard".
P.S: I really like the new UX. Very simple and intuitive!