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Mouse scroll speed missing
My MX Master 3 does not have scrolling speed feature. See attachment. This is also happening on the older options software. Can only adjust in Windows 10. I have checked for firmware updates on my mouse using Logitech firmware updater but it says my mouse firmware is up to date. This may be a bug with this mouse. I was hoping the software update would fix this but doesn't seem to be the case... please help?
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to gówno nie działa
Czy do kurwy nędzy nie potraficie zrobić działającego sterownika. Ta myszka to gówno do kwadraatu. Nie ma godziny , żeby się coś nie wyjebało. Logi option nie nadaje się do użytku a wersja beta jest jeszcze gorsza, Będę musiał wrócić do oryginalnej myszki apple bo od roku nie potraficie napisac działającego sterownika
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Thumbwheel functionality in MATLAB
Hi, I have set up the thumb wheel to navigate between tabs in my software called MATLAB, but the software is non-responsive. I have added this same functionality to other apps before, so I believe that I am using it properly. Thought that you'd like to know. I'm liking the new software. Cheers :]
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0.51 Backend Connection Problem
I was running on version 0.51 with auto active, but for the last few weeks I could not open the app - it would only display a blank purple screen with 'backend connection problem'. I uninstalled the app manually and reinstalled it, at which point i got version 0.60 of the app and it now works correctly. It seems like there is a bug with upgrading from the previous version
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Custom Shortcut not working
on mac, disconnects frequently and all my custom shortcuts stop working.
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Issues since Monterey
Losing connection sporadically since Monterey update. Connected through dongle. I am also using the Logi Options+ app.
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Pointer sensitivity
Please add pointer sensitivity to the app. Somehow it is very hard to move positions in text.
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Restore old behavior of Print screen key
Please restore the default option for capturing screenshots in Windows 10 (print screen + win key takes and saves screenshot immediately) or at least provide an option for us to choose what the behavior of the button will be!
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O botao do dedao do Max 3 no qual está para o mission control, para de pegar do nada no Macbook pro 2020. Só resolve reiniciando o computador. Com a recente atualizacao do option melhorou muito, mas ainda acontece.
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Caps Lock ne s'éclaire plus !
La "led" du verrouillage MAJ ne fonctionne plus !
Lié à la dernière mise à jour ? Je ne pense pas, mais je tenais à le signaler (...)1 vote -
Logi Options+ puts devices into Inactive state
Using Logi Options+ on MacOS on several occasions my devices have lost my key and mouse bindings due to the app putting them into an Inactive state. I've not been able to get out of that state without rebooting my system, which is NOT an acceptable solution. This is a pervasive problem based on internet feedback, little of which is from you folks particularly. Not Good.
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Scroll wheel inconsistent responsiveness
Hi all,
Starting today, I'm getting inconsistencies while scrolling. The scroll is very unresponsive - I get a reaction on the second/third attempt. Sometimes, I try fast-scroll but the page barely moves a couple of rows. That's on Win 11 Pro 22000.282.0 64 bit.1 vote -
Mouse and keyboard not recognized
Mouse and keyboard are often not recognized as active when starting up and i have to power cycle them and unplug the dongle before they work. Then the mouse cursor jumps all over the place. When I first got these devices over a year ago, they worked flawlessly. Now I'm getting read to stop using them. Every software update you have put out has made them work WORSE not better.
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selection cells Excel 2021 Pro Plus LTSC
Je ne sais pas si le problème viens de la souris ou de Microsoft Excel 2021.
De façon aléatoire et indépendamment du fichier ouvert impossible de sélectionner
une cellule les clicks sont désordonnés.
Personnellement je ne l'ai rencontrés que sur la version 2021 Pro Plus LTSC d'excel. auparavant j'avais la version 2019 Pro Plus.
J'utilise toutes la suite Pro d'office 2021 et c'est le seul de la suite qui pose ce problème.
De nombreuses personnes se plaignent de ce problème qui a également été signalé au devs de microsoft.
Cheers.1 vote -
Macros please
The ability to remap a button to a macro like with ghub would be amazing!
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App showing twice on Launchpad (MacOS)
The app is showing twice in my lauchpad.
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option+기 제대로 실행되지 않으면서 저장했던 기능들이 올바르게 작동하지 않네요
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As an avid user of both an MxKeys (recently MxKeys Mini) and an MxMaster 2s mouse, and owner of three computers, logitech flow is very important to me. It's disappointing that none of my devices are currently compatible with LogiOptions+ but I'm glad you're re-imagining your software to match your best-in-class hardware. I would really love to be able to use keyboard-link with the new MxKeys but what I would love to see even more is a feature that doesn't seem to have been considered: the opposite! E.g. mouse-link, or the ability to have my mouse follow the connection of the keyboard. To manually change computers with my mouse I need to pick it up and press a small button once or twice. However, on MxKeys I can change computers with a single keypress. If I could press a key and have both keyboard AND mouse switch to the new computer, i would find that even more useful than flow (which i find often gets triggered by accident). Please make it happen! :-)
As an avid user of both an MxKeys (recently MxKeys Mini) and an MxMaster 2s mouse, and owner of three computers, logitech flow is very important to me. It's disappointing that none of my devices are currently compatible with LogiOptions+ but I'm glad you're re-imagining your software to match your best-in-class hardware. I would really love to be able to use keyboard-link with the new MxKeys but what I would love to see even more is a feature that doesn't seem to have been considered: the opposite! E.g. mouse-link, or the ability to have my mouse follow the connection of…
1 vote
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