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logi options+卸载问题
logi options+什么时候支持pop键盘?现在我的问题是鼠标被options+控制,但是pop键盘被option控制,flow功能长时间不能用!或者给出options+的卸载方法。
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支持MX全系和MX anywhere全系
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Mac电脑在在连接使用Anywhere 3后,关闭电脑放包里,鼠标也放包里面,然后鼠标会激活Mac并发热和大量耗电,也就是在Mac盒盖关闭后,鼠标并不能处于和Mac断开隔离的,而是鼠标有移动后变会激活Mac,发热耗电,每次都能耗电5%以上
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options+ 設定備份
請問 如何備份及更換帳號?
options 可以選擇
但options +我找不到選項謝謝
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Flow falla con el puntero del ratón
Flow falla constantemente con el ratón. Es muy habitual que al intentar pasar el puntero del ratón de un PC a otro (en mi caso de windws a Mac), el puntero se queda bloqueado en windows
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Middle Click + Shift doesn't work in SketchUp
Disregard my previous report.
This is a bug, I configures "Advanced Click" with Middle button and Shift, but it doesn't work in SketchUp. Only selecting "Middle click" without modifiers doesn't work either.2 votes -
Allow all of the keyboard to be remapped
Can we please get the option to remap all the keys on the keyboard? My other PC uses a corsair keyboard, and their software allows full control to remap key, create macros, and anything the user wants. This software is very limiting.
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canot conect to other PC via FLOW
I tried to connect to another machine via flow, options+ does not detect my PC but the other PC with regular options finds OK.
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More mappable keys.
Let us map more keys. Some of them are useless, such like the "clear" key under the calculator.
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2 votes
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Not working on M1
Options+ is not working on my M1 . Please help.
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MX Mouse Range - Button/Wheel Modifiers
The update to MX Anywhere's ability to hold down a side button and use the scroll wheel for horizontal scrolling gave me a cool idea for extra features to the MX Mouse range.
That is to hold down a side button (or any button for that matter) which creates an 'alternative' option for other buttons. Kind of like the 'fn' key function to change mouse button behaviour.
An example of this would be: Vertical scroll on the MX Master, then hold down 'Forward' or 'Gesture' button, now when scrolling it can adjust the volume up/down. Obviously this is just an example that I would 100% use (right now the 'Horizontal Scrool Wheel' is being used for volume, which prevents actual scrolling).
This would unlock soooo many more features to the MX Mouse range since it's kind of like holding down a keyboard modifier key (Shift, Command, Control, Alt, etc) then adding alternative functions to each button/wheel
The update to MX Anywhere's ability to hold down a side button and use the scroll wheel for horizontal scrolling gave me a cool idea for extra features to the MX Mouse range.
That is to hold down a side button (or any button for that matter) which creates an 'alternative' option for other buttons. Kind of like the 'fn' key function to change mouse button behaviour.
An example of this would be: Vertical scroll on the MX Master, then hold down 'Forward' or 'Gesture' button, now when scrolling it can adjust the volume up/down. Obviously this is just an…
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Battery Strength idicaator
There is no battery % indicator for the keyboard. And the battery indicator never turns green when charging to indicate full battery strength.
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Secure Input prevents Gesture button switch desktop right/left action on Mac (Possibly)
It's possible that Desktop Left and Desktop Right movements sometimes don't work when I use with Gesture button because of some other app didn't turn off secure input.
Today I noticed again that left and right desktop switch actions didn't work. But then I noticed that my other app (Dash.app) couldn't expand shortcuts and it notified me about that some app didn't turn off a secure input.
I locked my screen and unlocked it right away. Gesture action was fixed.
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Delete Paired Devices
Have the ability to delete paired devices from easy-switch list.
(I have MX Keys and MX Master 3)
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Options+ feedback (MX Master 3, M1 MacBook Pro)
I really like the look and feel of the Options+, however, for me it was the only option to try with the Beta, since the official version is a piece of **** (sorry but it's true). The issues I had with it are the follwing:
- My mouse (MX Master 3) stutter when connected to the MacBook via Bluetooth, or if using the USB dongle with USB port 3.1. It works fine with USB port 3.0 for some reason.
- Mission control (thumb button) sometimes works, sometimes doesn't with no logical reason for that, just randomly stops registering the button pressI really hope those issues will be addressed with the new Beta software, and I also really hope you will bring us with native ARMv8 (Apple M1) version very soon!
Stanislav DabovI really like the look and feel of the Options+, however, for me it was the only option to try with the Beta, since the official version is a piece of **** (sorry but it's true). The issues I had with it are the follwing:
- My mouse (MX Master 3) stutter when connected to the MacBook via Bluetooth, or if using the USB dongle with USB port 3.1. It works fine with USB port 3.0 for some reason.
- Mission control (thumb button) sometimes works, sometimes doesn't with no logical reason for that, just randomly stops registering the button…5 votes -
另外請問 原先安裝的軟體是否需要移除,改為使用這個版本就好?5 votes -
Caps Lock notification not working
Caps Lock notification is not working with my computer.
5 votes
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