31670 results found
Ergo 5 - Links-Rechts-Tasten Tausch lässt sich nicht rückgängig machen
IGuten Tag,
ich habe eine Logitech Ergo 5. Heute habe ich die Rechts-links Tasten vertauscht, dann die neue App (Logi Options) geladen. nun möchte ich die Rechts-links-Tasten wieder wie vorher haben, aber die Option ist in der neuen Logi Options App nicht auswählbar. Was kann getan werden. Resetten ist auch nicht auswählbar.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Harald Wohlfeld1 vote -
MX Master 3S Left-Click
After updating my software to the latest version (14-10-2024), I encountered a significant issue with the left-click button on my MX Master 3S mouse.
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Connecting MX Master 3S takes a way too much time
It takes a way too much time before the MX Master 3X mouse connects with my Mac after login. I have too start the Logi Options+ manually and have to wait for about a minute before the mouse is found and connected.
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我的k380鍵盤是黑色的, 可是app上卻是顯示很粉紅色, 這很困擾我, 請讓系統能正確判斷鍵盤的實際顏色
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window navigation
its very annoying when it auto click in window navigation. before I think which window switch to it auto click its to next window.
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mx master 3s鼠标改进,以及其他功能设计建议
我是一名事影视技术工作人员,平时会使用win_pc电脑和mac电脑切换工作,对于罗技键盘的使用深有体会,现在提出几个建议,1.建议推出 MX mechanical for mac 全键位苹果版。2.强烈建议将mx master 3s 鼠标出一个小号版本,适合手小或者女生使用的,大小接近m590(或稍微大一点点也行别超过m720),然后将所有二模或者三模的鼠标的设备切换按键重新放回到鼠标上面,类似m590系列鼠标切换键在上面,侧面也行,不要放在底部,切换不方便。另外对于使用罗技键鼠套装的在跨屏flow功能设置中增加以鼠标切换设备按钮能同时切换键盘的选项,这样使用跨屏切换的时候会更方便,原来的模式也保留,因为有些人使用习惯的不同。3.键盘mx keys mini无论是苹果版合适win版建议都将左下角(ctrl+opt+cmd)改成三键的布局,类似mx mechanical mini的mac版布局。相信我这是20多年从业者总结出来,fn放右侧省左侧的地方。不然在操作快捷键的时候很容易误触,左侧的三键使用的次数更多,三键布局,每个键位所占的面积更大些,操作上会更舒服。
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Profiles made of a set of Smart Actions buttons
Able to create profiles made of a set of several custom Smart Actions where each smart action is already assigned to a button without the need to be constantly assigning.
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No battery status with unifying receiver
I have a Logitech 2S Anywhere mouse and a K780 keyboard. I am using the unifying receiver - which is fantastic. Due the unifying receiver, I cannot get the battery status of my mouse or keyboard. If don't use the unifying receiver, and see the battery status of each device. How about enhancing your software to shows the battery status when using the unifying receiver ?
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我是一名事影视技术工作人员,平时会使用win_pc电脑和mac电脑切换工作,对于罗技键盘的使用深有体会,现在提出几个建议,1.建议推出 MX mechanical for mac 全键位苹果版。2.强烈建议将mx master 3s 鼠标出一个小号版本,适合手小或者女生使用的,然后将所有二模或者三模的鼠标的设备切换按键重新放回到鼠标上面,类似m590系列鼠标切换键在上面,侧面也行,不要放在底部,切换不方便。另外对于使用罗技键鼠套装的在跨屏flow功能设置中增加以鼠标切换设备按钮能同时切换键盘的选项,这样使用跨屏切换的时候会更方便,原来的模式也保留,因为有些人使用习惯的不同。3.键盘mx keys mini无论是苹果版合适win版建议都将左下角(ctrl+opt+cmd)改成三键的布局,类似mx mechanical mini的mac版布局。相信我这是20多年从业者总结出来,fn放右侧省左侧的地方。不然在操作快捷键的时候很容易误触,左侧的三键使用的次数更多,三键布局,每个键位所占的面积更大些,操作上会更舒服。
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我是一名事影视技术工作人员,平时会使用win_pc电脑和mac电脑切换工作,对于罗技键盘的使用深有体会,现在提出几个建议,1.建议推出 MX mechanical for mac 全键位苹果版。2.强烈建议将mx master 3s 鼠标出一个小号版本,适合手小或者女生使用的,然后将所有二模或者三模的鼠标的设备切换按键重新放回到鼠标上面,类似m590系列鼠标切换键在上面,侧面也行,不要放在底部,切换不方便。另外对于使用罗技键鼠套装的在跨屏flow功能设置中增加以鼠标切换设备按钮能同时切换键盘的选项,这样使用跨屏切换的时候会更方便,原来的模式也保留,因为有些人使用习惯的不同。3.键盘mx keys mini无论是苹果版合适win版建议都将左下角(ctrl+opt+cmd)改成三键的布局,类似mx mechanical mini的mac版布局。相信我这是20多年从业者总结出来,fn放右侧省左侧的地方。
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give MX Craft Keyboard support in Options +
add support for MX Craft keyboard please!
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무선마우스가 두번눌러야 클릭하는둥 왜이러는거죠>? 해결방법좀
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Logi Options+ & MX-3s funktionsproblem
Detta kanske inte direkt är feedback men;
Efter en uppdatering i Logi Options+ har knapparna vid tummen på min MX-mus slutat fungera i windows/utforskaren. Kan inte använda dessa längre (framåt/bakåt) men knapparna fungerar i alla andra applikationer. Efter lite sökningar har jag hittat en fix, jag måste avinstallera och återinstallera programmet. Inte nog med det jag måste ta bort alla spår av programmet innan ominstallation. Om man sitter på sin privata dator är detta inga problem. Sitter man vid sin arbetsdator blir detta helt plötsligt ett projekt. Jag måste skapa ett ärende oss IT, få en tid, låta IT avinstallera…
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Add the ability to set the backlight time on the mx keys mini.
Add the ability to set the backlight time on the mx keys mini.
If always on is not possible, at least a reasonable one minute.
it's a request made by thousands of users; a quick search on the internet and on this "user unheard voice" is enough to realize it.
Logitech's failure to do so is ridiculous.1 vote -
Updated app can't find my keyboard
Why can't the updated app find my keyboard??????????????????????
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I am continuously having issues with the mouse and keyboard hotkeys/shortcuts not staying loaded. If I make adjustments to the hotkeys on the mouse, for shortcuts, if I close the Logi Options+ program the mouse will "forget" what settings I set up and will continuously default back to what I believe are the default settings. How can I combat this or prevent having to reopen and set up my preferred settings?
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?