33484 results found
Unify Receiver keeps disconnecting
My MX Keys is disconnecting when connected using the Unify Receiver on M1 Pro.
Also, my MX Master 3 mouse is lagging a lot when connected using the Bluetooth connection or directly using the Unify Receiver.
What should I do to fix the problem?
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Battery icon
I would like the battery usage icon larger and to show more info.
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Swap Ctrl-and-Fn
Hi, please add a feature to swap the Ctrl and Fn keys on this keyboard. That's really the only issue with this otherwise excellent keyboard, thanks!
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Add older keyboards to Options+
I would like you guys to add support for older keyboards like Logitech K230 and unify software. SetPoint looks dated and difficult to use compared to Options+. A single app to control all Logitech devices would be ideal.
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layout and lights
publish page with key identifications, ie. top right keys on MX kEYS KEYBOARD.
Make a single key so that lighting can be kept on for a set time, ie. max 5 minutes, 10 minutes, etc.0 votes -
options+在macos ventura beta中无法使用
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Make MX mouse customizations compatible with Universal Control.
Customizations do not carry over to other mac when using universal control. I already read article: https://support.logi.com/hc/en-us/articles/5113757817879
which says that you have to connect the mouse directly to other computer or use FLOW to use customizations. However, I have been using a paid third party app - Sharemouse for the last couple of years with my Logitech devices and it always successfully carries over the customized settings so I know settings can be carried over wirelessly without FLOW. I tried FLOW multiple times and it is super clunky. ShareMouse is way smoother and you can drag and drop files from…0 votes -
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Counter-productive default settings
I only have your app installed for my mouse. Do not enable a feature that is specific to keyboards, like on-screen display if modifier keys have been pushed. You are conflicting with other applications. Stay in your realm.
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Ich besitze eine Logitech Tastatur K800 und diese ist nicht über Logitech Options+ erreichbar. Schade das die Software nicht abwärs kompatibel ist!
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Function Skype
Funcões para o Skype não funcionam.
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마우스 프리스핀 설정 오류
마우스의 프리스핀,라쳇 설정이 계속 초기화됩니다
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skifte mellom enheter
Ikke sikker på om dette er mulig, men det hadde vært supert med en funksjon som gjordet det mulig å sette musa til å følge tastaturet når man skifte fra en enhet til en annen. Slik at man slipper å snu musa å trykke på knappen.
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Bring back the tray icon!
PLEASE bring back the tray icon so I can quickly disable/enable flow, on both Windows and Mac.
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Cursor Freezes
my cursor has stopped moving smoothly, now from time to time it freezes and then jumps
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No detecta dispositivos
No me detecta ni el teclado ni el ratón
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트레이 아이콘 생성
프로그램 종료 시 트레이에 남아 있도록 해주세요.
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Power Save mode?
As a longtime user of the MX Master 3 mouse (connected using the USB Unifying Receiver) and Logi Options software on Windows 10, I have been very pleased with the productivity the combo provides. I have set up many specific apps with programed keys. The Global Setting includes programming the Middle button as “Start” to open the Start Menu. It is important to note that this setting worked without ever changing the scroll wheel mode.
I tried the beta software for Logi Options+ with my MX Master 3 and all the same settings with the exception “Start” which is now…
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G 915 TKL Problem !
Klawiatury G915 TKL nie można dodać do urządzeń w programie Logi Options+ a tym samym jej skonfigurować, wcześniej w LG hub nie było problemów ! System Windows wykrył i można z niej korzystać ale to tyle albo aż tyle.
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Maus Verbindung bricht ab
Verbindung zu Options+ wird ab und zu abgebrochen (Maus wird als Inaktiv angezeigt). Schließen aller Prozesse im Task Manager und erneutes öffnen von Options+ verbindet es wieder.
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