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Logi Options+

Logi Options+



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  1. mac 掉帧是什么鬼?

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  2. Dzień dobry, w poprzedniej jak i nowej aplikacji brakuje mi skrótu między do zmiany klawiszy funkcyjnych na f1, f2, f3 i na odwrót. Podczas pracy w profesjonalnych programach ciągłe przerzucanie się pomiędzy nimi jest uciążliwe. Fn nie jest dla mnie rozwiązaniem bo kiedy kończę pracę chce na stałe przywrócić te klawisze. Konfigurowalny skrót byłby idealny bo mógłbym to podpiąć do streamdeck'a. Pozdrawiam.

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  3. 不知道是不是贵软件自动升级时强制重启系统,反正系统重启完就看到贵软件在升级,就当是了,没保存的文档任务全没了,真的谢谢你。

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  4. Please add the switch scroll left-right from MX Ergo on the scroll wheel in MX master 4 and keep the thumb scroll for zoom in-out.

    It's will be the perfect useful mouse for creator.

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  5. The Play/Pause buttons should work globally, without needing the media application to be focused. This is how Logitech G Hub's media hotkeys work.

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  6. Hello I would like to suggest
    a zoom functionality like ctrl+scroll just with the gesture button instead

    Just an idea

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  7. add feature for double-click with side key

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  8. usually it won't show uppercase numbers. 3 that show be the hashtag symbol.0 that show be bracket. ' that should be quote sign.



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  9. je ne peux plus me servir du logiciel options il faut que j'aille sur option+ qui a beaucoup moins de possibilité de réglage je trouve cela déplorable et regrette d'avoir installé ce option +

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  10. Es wäre sehr schön, wenn die MX Vertical Advanced Ergonomic Mouse auch von Logi Options+ unterstützt würde. Ich nutze die Maus zusammen mit MX Keys. Leider stehen die Schnittstellenfunktionen der beiden Geräte nicht mehr zur Verfügung (insb. Fn + Maustaste), seit MX Keys von Logi Options+ und die MX Vertical weiterhin nur durch Logitech Options gesteuert wird.

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  11. Under the settings of my MX Keys, the Easy-Switch tab allows me to see the 3 devices that my MX Keys is paired to, and which button corresponds to which device. However, the MX Master 3 does not have this Easy-Switch tab, so I cannot identify the 3 devices that it is connected to. Would it be possible to add this functionality to the MX Master 3 so that it shows the Easy-Switch information similar to the MX Keys?

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  12. Mouse settings reset everyday and overwrite backup. Older backups useless since it has no option to restore to an older restore point

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  13. Avoir la possibilité que l'éclairement des touches dure plus longtemps, par exemple 30 secondes ou une minute. Merci Ça serait utile pour ceux qui n'écrivent pas en continu et aiment bien l'obscurité quand ils travaillent.

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  14. My keyboard and mouse (MX KEYS) is constantly disconnecting and my computer loses its bluetooth driver. It can take hours to get it back some days. What up with this stuff? PLEASE HELP!!

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  15. My MX master 3 keeps losing bluetooth conction at random times. nomater the program open. it seems go get fixed by going to the bluetooth page in windows.
    im gessing this is a bug with the logitech software.

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  16. Facing bug with chrome and mx master 3s on mac. It's not changing tabs with the allocated button. It does it sometimes and sometimes not. Also missing option is the fact to open a direct link as a new page in chrome (like a bookmark)

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  17. mouse click assigned to side button cannot be held, so please fix this issue and I hope this function will be available in the future.

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  18. on Safari and Viber...I sometimes have problem typing space bar...I only notice that, when typing other words and I cannot insert space by space bar.....instead of space it jumps at the end of the word. This sucks!

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  19. mxmaster3鼠标并不好用,虽然按钮丰富,自定义功能强,但是他的指针信号回报速率太低了,手感飘忽,再家上它很重,就更难用了。电磁滚轮段落感越来越弱。希望你们好好参考你们游戏鼠标的性能,办公鼠标的性能也不能太垃了。

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  20. bonjour, le logiciel Option + est joli, agréable à utiliser. Bravo pour la réalisation.
    Mais il est aussi plus gourmand en mémoire que l'ancien, et l'un de mes claviers (Logitech K760 n'est pas pris en charge, et a un comportement bizarre depuis quelques temps (touches qui se répètent, comme si je gardais le doigt appuyé dessus).
    Je vais désinstaller et repasser sur l'ancien en attendant la prise en charge de ce clavier.

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