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Logi Options+

Logi Options+



33786 results found

  1. MX Master3を使用しています。
    M1 Mac上で使用する際、Unifyingで繋げるとカクカクしてマウスとして使えない状態になります。Bluetoothで繋げるとスムーズに動くようになるのですがOption上では「非アクティブ」となり、複数PCでのスイッチができなくなります。どちらか(できれば両方)改善してもらえると助かります。

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  2. 舊版軟體中,滑鼠側邊按鍵可指定"對齊左邊或右邊視窗"的選項,新版已找不到,是否能夠復原該功能

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  3. On the new Logitech Options the "Caps Lock" popup on the display is so tiny it is almost unreadable and seems to be no way to enlarge it.

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    intermittent and very annoying problem.

    please solve it. it has been like that for 1yea r+. never worked properly

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  5. con il nuovo aggiornamento adesso si deve trascinare più a lungo il mouse per attivare l'azione collegata al pulsante gesti. non c'è modo di regolare la sensibilità e tornare a quella precedente?

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  6. Sometimes (10-15 times by month) my shortcuts configured on my devices are not working. I need to swith off my devices to try to recover them or to launch the Logitech Options Apps.
    And something which could be really great because I do it everyday! Is to be able to disable light by default when you switch on your keyboard. Every time I used my keyboard I do it and it's boring.

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  7. Can you please make the on screen notifications larger

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  8. Seriously frustrating that I have to use 2 apps to support my MX Master and Vert separately. Stop adding NEW devices if there are still old devices to be added.

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  9. horizontal scroll doesnt work in visual studio code

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  10. Cannot find a feature to remove an old device from 'switch settings'.

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  11. Allow toggling smooth scrolling idependently for mag speed scrolling and normal scrolling.
    It doesn't really work well for normal scrolling and kind of drifts.

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  12. Pointer movement and scrolling on iPad is terrible. Movement is erratic and scrolling works only sometimes and is now really slow. MX Master 3 connected via unifying receiver. I'm submitting this way because opening a support ticket is useless. They just leave you hanging. I would not say you support Universal Control from my experience. Options + no longer carries the beta moniker, so I'm expecting a better experience that what you are currently providing.

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  13. 1) When setting an application specific button (specifically the "forward" button under the horizontal scroll wheel) to the keyboard shortcut the "type to enter key" input field does not allow any keys other than modifiers. I.e. When trying to type Cmd + C the input field only picks up the Cmd key.
    2) When using application specific settings (specifically for Microsoft Teams) the mute/unmute button (mapped to the "back" button under the horizontal scroll wheel) does not work.

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  14. Bonjour
    Depuis la nouvelle version de logi option +, les raccourcis que j'avais avec l'option duo link et la touche fn ne fonctionnent plus. Et pour cause, je ne vois plus l'option ! Je me sers régulièrement des ces raccourcis supplémentaires, est ce que ça va revenir ?

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  15. Currently the flow option works, but it can be annoying. Especially during gaming. I request that the "hold contrl" option is remappable to any key I would like since the conrol key is a much used key in games and it can be frustrating switching devices when not wanting to.

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  16. Gesture feature not available on side buttons in predefined apps (Microsoft Excel and Word)

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  17. Add the ability to place the devices for flow like Displays, instead of just entire deivces.I have 3 Monitors attached on one device, but only one on the other. One of the Monitors is above, and one next to the device, so moving the cursor is kind of unintuitive.

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  18. Mouse buttons not working
    - logi option + disabled button mapping edit option. Cannot access device profiles

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  19. Some programs require me to hold control to zoom. It would be nice if the scrollwheel could be reconfigured to press control while scrolling.

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  20. Hi, the smooth scrolling is not working. I've read countless pages and posts about it for no success. I used the plain logi app and now the beta, but nothing has changed. What could be the solution?

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