32776 results found
Logi Options+ software over-complicated
The Logi Options+ software greatly over-complicates what should be a simple mouse. Sure there can be a few unique features. But, if an engineer with nearly 35 years of technical experience has cannot easily set up the device, something needs attention.
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MX key and Mouse loose its features frequently
I frequently loose the capabilities of the MX mouse/keboard features like Forward/Back button smart actions etc. when I oppen Logitech application it then starts to work. but still no change for MX keys smart actions. Actions that I created are there but they are not working
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新しいMicrosoft Teamsへのボタン機能の割当で、カメラのOn/Off、マイクのOn/Offを使いたい。(古いMicrosoft Teamsでは使えていた。)
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Customizations not always honored. Especially after restarting computer
Seems like this app isn't that stable. If I restart my computer there is a chance that the commands I've programmed to the thumb button don't work anymore until I restart all the logitech services.
I would appreciate the thumb button coming with default of doing nothing. It's so easy to press, and when I'm in a game it minimizes my game and takes me to the desktop
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Tradingview support
When i set thump wheel zoom in/out as defualt it works fine to zoom in &out on Tradingivew web ( chrome & windows edge). But when i set zoom in&out for apps (chrome & windows edge) it works on all the page not the chart. I just want to zoom in&out the charts not the whole page. It works as defualt but when we set for the apps via logi+ it does not work. Can you please fix it?
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unable to pair mx master 2S mouse
I am trying to connect/Pair my mx master 2S mouse to windows 10Laptop. with latest drives and logi version. But I am getting error message saying "Try connecting device again"
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之前版本在應用程式『相片』自訂快速鍵設定「page up」、「page down」都會正常往前跟往後瀏覽相片,最新版則無動作
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네이버웨일 새탭추가
네이버웨일도 새탭 열기 만들어주세요!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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FLOW nicht immer zuverlässig
Guten Tag. Ich besitze die MX MASTER 3S erst seit wenigen Tagen. Ich bin grundsätzlich sehr begeistert von diesem Produkt. Die Funktion FLOW ist wegweisend; Gratulation hierzu. Nur: Es ist für mich sehr schwierig, per FLOW zwischen den beiden Bildschirmen bzw. Computern hin und her zu wechseln. Mir scheint es reagiert nicht immer zuverlässig. Zudem ist der Mauszeiger nur schwer zu erkennen wenn man hin und her wechselt auf den Bildschirmen. Aber dennoch: Für mich gab und gibt es nur LOGITECH wenn es um Mäuse geht :-). Beste Grüsse, Boris Leuenberger, Schweiz
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Fehler nach Update
SCHLECHT ist ... das nach jeden Update, die MX Keys Tastatur vergisst, was ich bei der selbst belegbaren Tasten programmiert habe!! Beispiel das "Schloss"-Symbol (rechts über der Nummernblock) ist "Energie sparen". Nach dem Update ... geht der PC nur auf Sperrbildschirm.
Bitte verbessern, sodass ALLE EINSTELLUNGEN bestehen bleiben.
DANKE & Merry Christmas0 votes -
прошу помощи
Добрый день! Замечательная клавиатура, но несколько необычная раскладка и я нигде не могу найти описание горячих клавиш и сочетания клавиш и некоторых значков на клавишах. подскажите, где можно найт и или при шлите мне полную таблицу значений и сочетаний. заранее благодарю. Евгений
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改善を要望します。0 votes -
我弄丟了左方向鍵的鍵盤蓋(請看附件),如果想補購該如何去做? 請以email (tinepun@gmail.com)聯絡。THX
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devices arent showing ing the Logitech + application
The mouse does not appear in the logitech options + application. I can use it normally, but I cannot customize it because it is not visible in the Logitech Options+ application. Also, the smart wheel feature is simpler than the L size one. Could my product be fake?
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noit working
Unable to get a picture or audio working
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im losing respect for the quality of your products.
my idea would be a mouse that still works and is still connected from the last time you shut down a pc. instead ive had to reconfigure it 3 times since buying it last month. i think if youre going to have an app, what would be really cool, is if it didnt have a blue circle of death when you open it, forcing it needing a full uninstallation, deletion, and full reinstallation. for the amount i just spent on a mouse, i couldve purchased 5 mice and thrown them out when they stopped working and still been better off…
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Ograniczona możliwość konfiguracji rolki w myszce
W aplikacji Logi Options nie ma możliwości skonfigurowania myszki tak, aby po kliknięciu rolką w prawo lub w lewo (w przypadku myszki posiadającej taką funkcję) myszka działała tak, jak przyciski strzałek na klawiaturze. W przypadku długiego kliknięcia rolką w prawo/lewo (kliknij i przytrzymaj) efekt jest taki jak pojedyncze, krótkie kliknięcie strzałki na klawiaturze :-(
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Mejoras de configuración y funcionamiento
El teclado me parece fabuloso. Tres sugerencias: (1) Que los niveles de iluminación puedan tener un nivel mayor que el que se alcanza, para lugares con menor iluminación, iluminación escaza y/o para dificultades visuales. (2) Que el teclado memorice el nivel último de iluminación para no tener que configurarlo cada vez y (3) Que pueda tener una alternativa de teclado prendido (iluminado) sin apagones aún cuando no se teclee nada y aunque esto haga durar menos la batería.
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- Don't see your idea?