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Logi Options+

Logi Options+



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  1. Bonjour,
    Il est malheureusement impossible de joindre un technicien.
    Je possède une une souris MX Master 3 S achetée récemment. Il s'avère que ce matériel se déconnecte souvent lors de l'extinction de mon pc. Je suis obligé de la désinstaller et la réinstaller car le protocole de dépannage ne la reconnecte pas!
    Pour prix de la souris je souhaiterai que l'on m'apporte une solution.
    Merci par avance.

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  2. 키보드 단축키
    앞 : ctrl + w
    뒤 : ctrl + shift + t 설정했는데 되지도 않고 다시 설정하려고 하니 흰 화면만 나옵니다.

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  3. 请问你们的mac软件为什么需要占用1.几g 甚至2g的内存? 作为一个鼠标辅助app, 这个内存占用比office都还高. 请尽快解决一下.

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  4. logi bolt 어플을 통해 키보드 마우스 둘다 페어링 되었다고 나오는데 logi options+ 에서는 키보드가 연결이 안되었다고 나옵니다. 키보드 설정해놓은거 하나도 안돼요

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  5. Horizonal scroll not working on windows 11, but working fantastic on macOS

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  6. I downloaded this program as I'm having issues with my (SECOND) G915 keyboard. But, the program doesn't even see/recognize my G915 Keyboard via wired or Bluetooth. I'm not really happy with this keyboard. First of all, this is my Second one (purchased at Best Buy) as the first one failed due to a sticking Shift Key (I keep my Keyboards/mice/all hardware EXTREMELY CLEAN). And this keyboard keeps repeating the "3" multiple times with a single keypress. I have not been able to find any settings for timing for a repeat, but all other keys function properly so it seems to…

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  7. no puedo configurar mi teclado, no existe esa función ni en logi options ni options+, seria bueno aprovechar lo botones "FN"

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  8. Mx Keys charge percentage is not visible

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  9. Hello, I am using the MX Master 3 mouse. It has a side scroll wheel, of course you can assign tools and other things to it, but could you add a function for it - carousel with keys/hotkeys.
    In detail: Possibility to assign several buttons to this wheel, which can be switched between using this wheel. In my opinion - it is convenient for people who work with professional software. In my case - it is Adobe Illustrator, and I would like to use this wheel to switch between frequently used tools. Below, in the file, I have attached -…

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  10. I can't replicate Figma's shortcut for pan on the back button. In Figma, the shortcut is to press "space + drag". I know that Option+ has a "pan" function, but its behavior is confusing in Figma, the direction is inverted and I don't have the feedback of the pointer on the screen, swapping the arrow icon for the hand icon.

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  11. The Logi K855 keyboard should have supported Flow. It has Bolt receiver and Bluetooth connectivity just like those keyboards that support Flow. Please add Flow support to K855

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  12. I have mapped my home button to 'task view' instead of opening the home page on a browser. When turning off my keyboard and back on, the first time I press the home button, it ignores my remapping and the home page opens on the browser. This happens with my other remapped buttons. Please fix.

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  13. Olá. Gostei muito do teclado MX Mechanical Mini e tudo o mais, mas tem uma coisa que é muito incômoda: quando o desligo, ele não salva a intensidade da luz, ou seja, toda vez que o religo, tenho que ficar alterando a intensidade da luz (seja desligada com no mais fraco). O teclado sempre reinicia com a intensidade média. Seria muito bom se corrigissem isso. Ah, outra coisa, não consegui atualizar o firmware do mouse (logi M650L) ou teclado. Tentei via Logi Bolt e via Bluetooth. O software simplesmente não consegue identificar os dispositivos. Utilizo Windows 11.

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  14. I own a keyboard and a mouse that both use logi options+ app. I wish that when I switch between bluetooth devices on my keyboard, my mouse also automatically switch to that device so I don't need to do it in both keyboard and mouse.

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  15. Il serait bien de pouvoir utiiser le clavier Apple avec Flow ou d'avoir TouchID sur un clavier Logi

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  16. Nas configurações do dispositivo não é possível verificar se há atualizações de firmware. Ao clicar em "Verifique atualizações" é exibida uma página que não foi traduzida do inglês e, ao clicar em "Continue", aparece o erro "Unable to communicate" dizendo que o mouse pode estar desligado, mas foi ele mesmo que usei para clicar em "Continue". Depois disso, ainda é necessário clicar várias vezes no botão "Skip this device", como se fosse um bug do software, para que eu possa sair da página.

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  17. My Smart Actions get unlinked all the time and it goes back to default settings.

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  18. 拇指按键使用自定义手势的模式,单机拇指按键的功能设置为自己录制的三个步骤的smart action则无法正确执行。

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  19. Mi ratón tiene problemas con el clic izquierdo, y con el botón lateral (en el que se apoya el pulgar). Quería arreglarlo, pero he contactado con vosotros y NO ofrecéis este servicio posventa, es decir, que si se estropea fuera de garantía, cómprate otro, y tenéis la desfachatez de hablar de fabricar con plástico reutilizado y demás parafernalia greenwash que no es más que marketing (mentira). Muy insatisfecho.

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  20. Gostaria que tivesse a opção de colocar uma Smart Action no botão de Gestos e nas 4 direções de gestos do mouse MX Masters 3S. Atualmente, ao inserir uma smart action no botao de gesto, nao consigo colocar nenhum gesto a mais, assim inutilizando a função do mouse. Se eu conseguir criar 5 smart action, e colocar 1 pra cada função do botão de gesto, seria excelente.

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