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No Excel Option
I downloaded the LogiOptions+ Beta but I am uninstalling it because it's not possible to add customisations to Microsoft Excel which is why I have the MX Master 3 mouse in the first place. I'm going to roll back to LogiOptions accordingly.
Kind regards
Krystle Jones
1 vote -
Irregular spaces between the devices
The spaces between the shown devices are irregular.
1 vote -
Collors suggestion
I think it's a good idea to change your device's collors to match the ones you're using.
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Still needs battery status on menubar option.
really needs option to have battery level icon on the menu bar for MacOS
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weitere Funktionen und MX Geräte gleichzeitiger Switch
Ich würde es sehr gut finden, wenn es die Option gäbe beim Wechsel zwischen mehreren PCs nur die Tasten auf der Tastatur zu verwenden und die Maus wechselt ebenfalls mit, somit muss man nicht immer beide anpassen. Ebenso wundert es mich, dass die MX Master öfter mal die Verbindung zum Dongle verliert.
Nachts ist mein PC vom Strom getrennt, die Tastaturbeleuchtung aktiviert sich ca. alle 2 Minuten und blinkt mehrfach auf. Sehr nervig.
Wenn ich die Tastaturbeleuchtung manuell änder, ist nach kurzer Zeit jedoch wieder die automatische/abgedunkelte Beleuchtung eingestellt. Es wäre schön, wenn man diese punkte frei über Logitech Options einstellen könnte.Ebenso noch weitere Individualisierungsmöglichkeiten wie Beleuchtungsdauer usw.
Grundsätzlich hat sich von den Einstellmöglichkeiten was die reine Funktion der Produkte betrifft nicht viel geändert, die neue Logitech Options+ ist übersichtlich und schön gestaltet. Mehr Funktionen sind aber absolut fällig meiner Meinung nach.Ich würde es sehr gut finden, wenn es die Option gäbe beim Wechsel zwischen mehreren PCs nur die Tasten auf der Tastatur zu verwenden und die Maus wechselt ebenfalls mit, somit muss man nicht immer beide anpassen. Ebenso wundert es mich, dass die MX Master öfter mal die Verbindung zum Dongle verliert.
Nachts ist mein PC vom Strom getrennt, die Tastaturbeleuchtung aktiviert sich ca. alle 2 Minuten und blinkt mehrfach auf. Sehr nervig.
Wenn ich die Tastaturbeleuchtung manuell änder, ist nach kurzer Zeit jedoch wieder die automatische/abgedunkelte Beleuchtung eingestellt. Es wäre schön, wenn man diese punkte frei über Logitech Options…1 vote -
Sensibilidade do gesto diminuiu. Agora precisa pressionar e segurar os comandos por mais tempo.
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Windows 11 wird als WIndows 10 erkannt
Windows 11 wird als Windows 10 erkannt.
1 vote -
Forcing users into BETA version app with missing features, which takes tremendous amount of disk space
I have writted about some serious issue you guys have with this app on reddit in the reply to one of your's associate.
Here is the link to the comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/logitech/comments/ol7vej/logi_options_on_m1_mac/h7ubgx4?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
I think, that it's pretty self explanatory.
Muzosh.1 vote -
Button off in Dark Mode
In dark mode is difficult to see the button switched off.
1 vote -
Great improvements but mouse should follow keyboard
I like the improvements. Much easier and intuitive to navigate.
Why, oh why can't the mouse follow the keyboard connection? That is, pressing the easy connect button for 2 should also change the mouse to 2. Vice-versa would be good too but at least mouse follows keyboard. Thanks team.1 vote -
App identification missing
The Options+ windows have no identification of the App they belong to. Asking to send usage data without specifying who is asking caused me concern.
"Good Morning" on the main window does not identify Logitech Options+
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Nelze najít aplikaci
Dobrý den, nelze najít a nastavit aplikace Whatsapp, Tradingviewer...
Vracím se ke staré app.
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it would be nice to be able to configure the F1, F2 etc keys to switch to their usual effect on set applications
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Constant crashing
The program opens and then crashes after about 15-20 seconds and re-starts
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MX Master 3 Mac Not Connecting At All
Logi Options+ does not recognize my MX Master 3. I've restarted my computer, uninstalled the original Logi Options, killed the tasks in the activity monitor, and I can't get it to connect.
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Unterstützung MX Vertical
Wann wird MX Vertikal unterstützt? Tastatur alleine hilft leider nicht.....
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Inactive Device appears on the program.
I've recently installed the beta version of Logi Options and when the set up finished, I got 3 devices recognized: 1 Mx Master 3, 1 Mx Keys and another Mx Master 3 which I don't have and it's shown as "inactive" on the program. This may be a bug. You can see it on the screenshot I'm attaching on this form.
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Onscreen watermark
would like some continual feedback/watermark on the screen indicating which device I'm connected to. Sometimes I start typing, and I'm not on the device I intended.
Use case: Worse still is if I start typing incorrectly on a device that when I hit enter it sends a message to the wrong audience in some communication app on the wrong device. While true, the fact that I'm not seeing my typing in the device I thought I was on should be an indicator.... that is usually realized after typing is done. There should be an onscreen indicator I can glance at and then feel confident to start typing.
would like some continual feedback/watermark on the screen indicating which device I'm connected to. Sometimes I start typing, and I'm not on the device I intended.
Use case: Worse still is if I start typing incorrectly on a device that when I hit enter it sends a message to the wrong audience in some communication app on the wrong device. While true, the fact that I'm not seeing my typing in the device I thought I was on should be an indicator.... that is usually realized after typing is done. There should be an onscreen indicator I can glance at…
1 vote -
Hotspot for FLOW
I use FLOW a lot, i prefer the option without using CTRL on the MX KEYS but then it's painful when I'm maximizing or trying to grab an app from the corner and then get automatically switched to the other computer, so then I go back to using CTRL but it doesn't works every time. My suggestion is that can there be a third option, to create a box, like a hot spot, that will allow you to pass the mouse from one computer to another, i.e. I will set my box (50px by 50px) to the far right of my monitor and only if i pass my mouse through it, it will appear on the other 50px by 50px box on the other computer, this way I can use FLOW w/o CTRL and still can manipulate application windows without having the trouble of switching (screenshot)
I use FLOW a lot, i prefer the option without using CTRL on the MX KEYS but then it's painful when I'm maximizing or trying to grab an app from the corner and then get automatically switched to the other computer, so then I go back to using CTRL but it doesn't works every time. My suggestion is that can there be a third option, to create a box, like a hot spot, that will allow you to pass the mouse from one computer to another, i.e. I will set my box (50px by 50px) to the far…
1 vote -
Multiple monitors (top/bottom)
- IDEA: Can the Color Theme be set automatic by the OS settings? (macbook)
2.BUG: I have a macbook on my left side and my pc on my right side, mi pc has 3 monitors, the arrangement (screenshot) is two on top and one on the bottom. When I use FLOW from my macbook to the PC, sometimes the mouse appears on the left montor on top and sometimes on the bottom monitor (this happened also on the previous version)
1 vote
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