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Logi Options+

Logi Options+



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  1. Support your trackballs properly!

    Also it would be nice if your team were to catch up with keyboard innovation to have hot-swappable keyswitches and maybe even consider "thock". Because you're getting killed out here! I'm about to return this $150 keyboard because Flow doesn't work on locked-down work PCs that refuse to install Options and this keyboard feels terrible compared to my Epomaker EP84, which was cheaper even after I bought new keyswitches for it.

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  2. The MX Keys keyboard disconnects randomly, which is very annoying. Any solution to this problem?

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  3. Instead of triggering PAUSE it triggers NUMLOCK.

    As one can see it is configured as PPASUSE.

    Same happens when one assign PAUSE for kay on kayboard.

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  4. 希望在google chrome自定義按鍵扭,可以加上「關閉標籤」的功能。原本opition是有的!

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  5. Es ist sehr traurig: bis vor kurzem konnte ich meine MX-Maus und -Tastatur einfach auch mit meinem Android Tablet verbinden und nutzen. hatte prima funktionier.
    JETZT verweigert die Tastatur ihren Dienst und trennt die Verbindung! Es kommt ein Hinweis auf eine App die man benötigt. Es gibt jedoch keine App von Logitec, lediglich von dubiosen 3-Anbietern.
    Klasse Leistung! Ich bin absolut enttäuscht

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  6. Is there an estimated timeframe for when the MX Ergo will be supported in Logitech+/Logi Bolt? Is there a new MX Ergo device coming out soon (preferably with a USB-C connection)?

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  7. Dzień dobry! Dotyczy klawiatury MX Keys.
    Proszę w kolejnej aktualizacji dodać możliwość konfigurowania klawisza przy lewym Shift (tylda, apostrof), tak aby móc go wyłączyć lub przypisać mu również lewy Shift (przy pisaniu bezwzrokowym ten klawisz bardziej przeszkadza niż pomaga...)

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  8. Having a lot of problems lately where my mouse's scroll wheel or other buttons will not function so I open the Logi Options app and have to wait for it to finish "downloading" before it starts working again. This basically happens almost every time my computer goes to sleep. Super annoying.

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  9. Would be nice if the app told me what the light on top of the mouse if for. You show it on in your diagram but never describe what it is for.

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  10. ** 이전 피드백의 추가사항입니다.

    마우스 dpi를 global만 수정하지 않고 브라우저별 dpi 설정값도 함께 수정하면 정상 작동합니다.
    브라우저별 설정을 건들지 않고 global만 변경시 dpi 변경사항이 적용되지 않았습니다.

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  11. How about making this app useful? Giving me the ability to program and tell me about the 10 buttons on this mouse would be really nice.

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  12. Est-ce que le Trackball M 570 a une chance d’apparaitre dans la liste des dispositifs compatible avec l’application Logi Option+ ?

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  13. sdfg

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  14. sdfsdf

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  15. 123

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  16. ボタンカスタマイズから「ロック」が消えてしまったのが残念です。
    Logicool Options ではできていたので復活してほしいです

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  17. In Logi Options+, the notification icon of CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK status change looks extremely small under 200% DPI scaling of a 4K resolution monitor. However, in Logitech Options this icon looks normal. Please fix it.

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  18. m1 맥북에서 마우스가 상당히 부자연스럽게 구동됩니다. 다른 마우스들은 괜찮습니다.

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  19. Hi, I am a graphic designer on a daily basis. I love your Logitech MX Master 3 mouse. I have updated your new application. Option + logs I like the new look. It is not possible to add a shortcut description.
    As long time as I don't use the program, then I forget what shortcut I attached to it.
    Could you add a description in the future? I am enclosing a proposal.


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  20. test

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