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MXAnywhere 2 がサポートされず、結局古いバージョンにもどった。
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Flow does not flow
Options Plus is worse than without it. Now mouse and MX keys say inactive on both Macs. I have restarted a number of times. Second mac uses Logictech dongle and Light flashes on keyboard and mouse when trying to switch it manually so it must of lost its pair
Sorry I wasted time and money on this as it is useless1 vote -
Duda/ question
Why k380 and M535 can not be modified inside the apps? / Por que en el k380 y el M535 no se pueden personalizar las funciones dentro de las apps?
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mx anywhere3 좌우스크롤
mx anywhere3 사용자입니다.
좌우스크롤이 장점인 마우스인데 좌우스크롤이 작동이 안되네요. logi option+ 에서도 설정할 수 있는 옵션 자체가 사라진 것 같습니다.빠른 업데이트가 필요해보입니다.
2 votes -
Mac OS 12 Support
On Mac OS 12, the application only ever shows either my MX Keys or my MX Master 3 never both and they always say they are connected via USB even thought I'm using them over bluetooth
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Add side scrolling when holding the forward button to MX Master as well
I would love the 'thumbwheel scrolls left/right while holding the forward button' functionality on the MX Master as well, I use the thumb wheel to move between desktops and would love a side to side scroll option.
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Upgrade Fails and Just Sits Spinning
On one computer, installed without fuss. On this current computer... it just sits spinning when trying to upgrade.
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LogitTech Flow
ich benutze die MX Master 3 sowohl auf einem Windows, als auch auf einem MacOS Rechner. Der Wechsel zwischen den Rechner, durch mit der Maus an die Kante fahren funktionier aber leider gar nicht gut.
Ich hatte gehofft, dass das vielleicht in der BetaSoftware vielleicht verbessert worden wäre, aber leider muss ich sagen, dass ies vielleicht sogar schlimmer geworden. ist.Viele Grüße,
Markus Ortel1 vote -
Keyboard Shortcut function doesn't work well/persistently on Mac
mapping keyboard shortcuts doesn't work persistently on mac.
specifically, I am trying to enable easy sizing/moving of windows with the mouse. Currently I have buttons set to cmd+opt+ctrl+x to trigger bettertouchtool to enable windows resizing and moving. I can get it to work, but it eventually stops working and will only show as "x" being pressed. I have also tried using a different tool (easy move+resize) and just mapping a button to a modifier key, but that does not work at all. This did not work on regular options either. It works without problem on PC.This is with the mouse connected via bluetooth - via usb dongle it never works at all.
As a separate suggestion, natively enabling "move the window under the mouse when holding down this button" or "resize from the nearest corner while holding down this button" would be an excellent feature, especially in the era of teams/zoom calls and laptop shuffling windows around to see people and display content.
mapping keyboard shortcuts doesn't work persistently on mac.
specifically, I am trying to enable easy sizing/moving of windows with the mouse. Currently I have buttons set to cmd+opt+ctrl+x to trigger bettertouchtool to enable windows resizing and moving. I can get it to work, but it eventually stops working and will only show as "x" being pressed. I have also tried using a different tool (easy move+resize) and just mapping a button to a modifier key, but that does not work at all. This did not work on regular options either. It works without problem on PC.This is with the…
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Show battery percentage while charging
It would be very nice if I could see the exact battery percentage of my devices, especially while charging.
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This is turning into a rubbish piece of software. Upon opening it, it shows "download not possible, please retry"...?!?
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Bouton agrandir fenêtre
Ajouter un bouton "agrandir/restaurer" en plus du bouton "réduire" et "fermer".
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Notification thème sombre/clair
Afficher les notifications (batterie, majuscules, ...) en adéquation avec le thème de couleur sélectionné. S'il s'agit du thème sombre : notification blanche sur fond noir. Au contraire, avec le thème clair, notification noir sur fond blanc.
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Kindly add the click-and-scroll ability back to the scroll button.
Hello. I love the new Zoom and Rotate customization options for the clickable vertical scroll wheel. I have set it to: Click the scroll wheel for Smart Zoom, Click and move the mouse up for Zoom in, click and move down for zoom out, click and move right for rotate right, click and move left for rotate left. Perfect so far! However, I'm sad to see one more customization option gone and that is the ability to click the scroll wheel and scroll while it's clicked. Before using the Options+ beta, that was my go-to for zooming in and out. But in Options+ beta, the ability to click the scroll wheel and and scroll it while it's clicked seems to be gone. Can you kindly add that feature back? And this time, make it customizable instead of permanently assigning it to zoom in and out. That way, it would be a great shortcut for something else and will greatly improve the capabilities of the MX Master 3. Thank you. :-)
Hello. I love the new Zoom and Rotate customization options for the clickable vertical scroll wheel. I have set it to: Click the scroll wheel for Smart Zoom, Click and move the mouse up for Zoom in, click and move down for zoom out, click and move right for rotate right, click and move left for rotate left. Perfect so far! However, I'm sad to see one more customization option gone and that is the ability to click the scroll wheel and scroll while it's clicked. Before using the Options+ beta, that was my go-to for zooming in and out.…
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M1 Macbbok issues with Flow - App crashes
The LogiOptions+ application keeps crashing and working on Macbook with M1 chip, causing Flow to not work.
Also, it repeatedly fails to connect with relevant and compatible bluetooth devices.1 vote -
Mouse scrolling setting changes
When using Adobe Illustrator the mouse scrolling changes after a bit of use. If I open Options+ then go back to the Illustrator window, the settings go back to normal. It's as if it 'forgets' and opening Options+ 'reminds' it.
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logitech options+ need mpre settings like the old ones
bring back all the setting i can get at logitech options, so it can be better and more setting i can customize at my device
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Multiple screens (stacked)
Flow Suggestions:
I have macOS and Win10...flow works about 98%...I love it. The Flow portion seems to get lost when I have two monitors stacked (see screenshot). It gets difficult when trying to move the cursor from Windows to the Mac...it looks like it wants to align up with my bottom screen so I have to go diagonal. Is it possible down the road to show all of the monitor in flow?1 vote -
Screen cropping and skype
Screen cropping gesture doesn't work, and button shortcuts don't work for skype either. With the old version of the softwere everything worked at 100%
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Una interfaz mucho mas limpia y bonita, prefiero esta aplicacion a la anterior
Deberian hacer lo mismo con logitech G HUB o bien que se pudiesen integrar ambas en una misma
1 vote
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