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확대 축소나 좌우스크롤 이요1 vote -
Please PHOTOSHOP PROFILE!! Brush Thickness on 2nd MOUSE WEEL
3 votes -
1 vote -
Add support for every app in Adobe Suite 2021
Add support for latest Premiere Pro.
1 vote -
Added customizable option
It would really help if there was an option to rename a manually added app.
1 vote -
Make Flow Options dynamic, rather than Static
I love the option to use Flow without the mouse linked, thank you! I think it'd be even better with dynamic options... ctrl+screen edge allows the mouse and keyboard to move. ctrl+shift+screen edge only moves the mouse. Sometimes I only want the mouse to move. Other times, I'd prefer the mouse and keyboard move over.
Great redesign in the "Plus" release as well, kudos!1 vote -
1 vote -
Make F-Keys available only in certain apps
I have the K780 and the MX Keys. The K780 has an option to make the multimedia keys become F-keys only in specific apps. Making the MX Keys have the same feature would be awesome
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Falta opción de dezplazamiento
Falta opcion dentro de las acciones de dezplazamiento Horizontal y vertical
1 vote -
Unifi Dongle in App konfigurierbar machen
Das Programm funktioniert tadellos und problemfrei.
1 vote -
Battery e connection icons - Usability
[PT-BR] 1º) Achei que a forma como é apresentada a carga da bateria dificulta a visualização. Prefiro a versão anterior. 2º) Talvez tenha relação com o item 1 também, mas achei ambos os ícones pequenos (bateria e "modo de conexão"). Acho que os ícones poderiam ser maiores ou apresentar sempre um texto ao lado para ficar mais claro (exatamente os mesmos textos que aparecem quando o mouse fica sobre os ícones, mas de forma permanente, sem precisar colocar o mouse sobre os ícones para aparecerem os textos).
1 vote -
Clicking outside of textbox and nothing happens
When you open a internal screen (like this little feedback screen) and you click outside the border of this screen, by default should close, but nothing happens. The same for when you are in Flow monitor options (three dots) and click outside. Nothing happens
1 vote -
What's the feedback language should be?
The first thing that I want to point is that I'm not sure if this feedback should be only in English or in Portuguese (my native and configured language). This could be a nice thing to insert in this feedback section
1 vote -
Funcion incompleta
Funcion Cambiar aplicacion o el equivalente a tecla windows + tab se desactiva y o cambia de aplicacion solo despues de algunos segundos, en la version anterior esta vista permanecia hasta que manualmente seleccionabas la app deseada
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screenshot shortcut does not work
screenshot shortcut does not work
1 vote -
Great look. Improved a lot from the previous version. but some minor drawbacks which could be rectified
Great experience compared to older options version. It looks great and feels much better!
I would like these tweaks:
1. Colors of the respective devices are not accurate. I used a dark grey Logitech K380 to test this out. But the app displayed pink color instead of dark grey.
2. Animation for how much battery if left, instead of a button.1 vote -
Correctly title MS apps
Word and Excel show up in the Applications list as Wordico and Xlico (or something like that) rather than "Word" and "Excel"
1 vote -
Positive first impression
I like the new layout on this beta. Much easier to find what you are looking for. Interface is way better that the original Logitech Options.
1 vote -
MX Master + K780
Sarebbe carino farlo funzionare anche con i vecchi modelli come il primo MX Master e la K780
1 vote
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