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Logicool Optionsではできていたように記憶しています。1 vote -
The new software is amazing!
Well done Logitech, I just updated to Logitech Options+ for about an hour already after I had been using the old software for months. The new interface is a lot cleaner and doesn't seem to look hard at all, it's pretty user friendly. Another thing I notice is that this new software take a considerable less amount of resource on my personal laptop, which is a 5 years old model, before on the old software it took my RAM about 400MB where I experience a lot of lags, delays, and app freezing, but now on the new software it's not just that the startup time is much quicker and the response time is faster by a lot while using less resources ( it takes up my RAM about 70MB), I think you guys really did a great job optimizing the new software. Keep it up, I know that everyone in your team works very ******* this. However it would be nice if there is a better tips or tutorials on how to become a power user of the devices we have.
- The resource information (RAM) I refer to is provided by Windows 10's task manager.
Well done Logitech, I just updated to Logitech Options+ for about an hour already after I had been using the old software for months. The new interface is a lot cleaner and doesn't seem to look hard at all, it's pretty user friendly. Another thing I notice is that this new software take a considerable less amount of resource on my personal laptop, which is a 5 years old model, before on the old software it took my RAM about 400MB where I experience a lot of lags, delays, and app freezing, but now on the new software it's not…
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Emparejamiento dinamico
se podria configurar el teclado con el mouse para que al cambiar cualquiera de los dos en un computador el otro lo haga automáticamente.
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Tastatur soll bei "Flow" mitwechseln
Ich nutze "Flow" über zwei Laptops hinweg und finde die Funktion super. Gerade das Kopieren ist toll. Leider ändert zwar die Maus die Verbindung automatisch, aber leider die Tastatur nicht.
Ist es daher möglich, dass die bei Flow die Tastatur bei einem Gerätewechsel durch die Maus "mit wechselt", sodass die Tastatur dort aktiv ist, wo die Maus genutzt wird.
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Lightroom as Photoshop
would be great to add similar customizable buttons, already present for Photoshop, applied to Lightroom as well
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k380 drops bluetooth connection in Mac OS BigSur
Teclado k380 derrubando conexão bluetooth e desconectando sozinho com frequência no Mac OS Big Sur - 11.5.2
Problema ocorre quase que diariamente1 vote -
Inconsistent Scroll Issue
I got inconsistent scroll issue like this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrTx6DmRZ5o
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建议 【快捷键分配】 界面逻辑 ,可以参考 better and better 、better touch tool
建议 【快捷键分配】 界面逻辑 ,可以参考 better and better 、better touch tool 此类专业快捷键软件,条理非常清晰 ,目前options + 软件 非常凌乱 ,很容易把人搞混乱
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Horizontal scroll in WPS Spreadsheets
The latest update broke the ability to invert horizontal scroll for WPS Spreadsheets. Previously I could set it up so that scrolling up=right; unfortunately this is not the case anymore. At the same time I cannot revert back to older software version as upon installing I get the latest version.
Your advice or help would be much appreciated!
Best regards,
Kristijonas1 vote -
screen capture is not working on mouse
some features are not working on the global such as the scree capture
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Config k380 langue other the default system language
I’m using a built-in pt-pt keyboard config on my mac along with the K380 UK config.
The problem is that’s the writing language is in Portuguese, and I do not have the possibility to config my K380 so it recognizes it-self as a UK keyboard. When I use my K380 I need to change in-put language for it to work as expected. It would be nice that the Logitech app authorizes to force the language in-put of the K380 so that when I’m typing with my K380 all keys are recognized and at the right place without changing the system language in-put itself. For the moment some symbols of the k380 keyboard does not correspond with the out-put. thanksI’m using a built-in pt-pt keyboard config on my mac along with the K380 UK config.
The problem is that’s the writing language is in Portuguese, and I do not have the possibility to config my K380 so it recognizes it-self as a UK keyboard. When I use my K380 I need to change in-put language for it to work as expected. It would be nice that the Logitech app authorizes to force the language in-put of the K380 so that when I’m typing with my K380 all keys are recognized and at the right place without changing the system…1 vote -
1 vote
Rivedere UX Easy-Switch
nel tab "easy-switch" secondo me invece che far apparire quella finestra per modificare l'assegnazione dei tasti, bisognerebbe fare come si è fatto con il tab "tasti" cioè evidenziare i 3 pulsanti per lo switch e permetterti di cliccarci sopra per avere informazioni ed eventualmente fare delle modifiche
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Wrong Download Speed Label
Wrong Download Speed indicator. It show me like I have 200MB/s, actually my limit is 70 megabytes or 7 megabyte per second/
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Flowing quickly between mac & pc rarely works
If you accidentally flow between computers (mac & pc) you can't immediately move back but have to wiggle the mouse around and keep slamming it into the edge before it jumps back, this happens almost every time
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Sulla schermata principale vedo anche un vecchio mouse inattivo. Come posso eliminarlo in quando non più usato?
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BackLighting error...
Backlighting can not turn on.
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logioptinons 无恢复默认设置选项
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numlock key inoperable
Can't seem to turn off numlock on keyboard. Not able to find anything in your literature or on youtube either.
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마우스 버튼 기능 추가 요청 (휠 관련)
마우스 버튼 설정 중, 특정 버튼을 누르고 있는 동안 휠이 위 또는 아래로 일정한 속도로 움직이는 기능 추가가 가능할까요? (하드웨어 휠이 아니라 화면이 상하로 움직이는 것을 말함)
타사인 RAZER의 마우스에서 가능한 기능인데 버튼을 누르고 있을 때만 화면이 움직이고 버튼을 떼면 바로 멈추는 기능입니다.1 vote
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