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画面の一部分だけを切り取るような機能です。フリーソフト「Rapture」をバックグラウンド処理する機能があれば便利です。1 vote -
Love the easy-switch new feature
I love the 'easy-switch' listing of the actual device configured for each of the buttons.
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Macで非アクティブになる場合、スクロールも効かなくなる。セキュリティとプライバシーから、アクセシビリティを選択し、Logi Options+のチェックを一度外して、もう一度有効にすると直る。再起動では直らなかった。
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mx anywhere3 没找到鼠标手势设置
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i need help + some broken issues
i initially got the logitech options which kinda worked but wasnt effective towrads the end use. the scroll speed was too high and wouldnt actually change when toggled with.so i got the beta, however the app wont recognise my mx master 3. now my mouse is stock and a scoll speeed which isnt realistic please help
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Mejoras de diseño para interfaz de teclados
Las teclas editables en el teclado quizás deberían ser algo más visibles de forma rápida. Yo lo veo bien pero otras personas pueden tener dificultades :D
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Add a % based system for the battery level please
Battery level indicator could use a % based system. The prompt battery level good means absolutely nothing. The 3 bars system that was used before was better than this but I am sure we, the customers know how to use a 0-100% system
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MX master 3 not showing up in Options+
When clicking use in Options+ on my MX master 3 for Mac, nothing happens. Only my unsupported Anywhere 2 shows up.
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its pretty but there are too many extra clicks
first of all hello there.
the the new interface seems sleeker at firs but in all fairness its 1 extra click to show the side panel for everything you want to do. i would prefer top be able to keep the right sidepanel visible all the time and just use the labels on the mouse image as bookmarks1 vote -
Funktion fehlt
Maus- Empfindlichkeit einstellen fehlt
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More function
Please add specific function in more applications likes adobe, voov meeting, and futhermore in each tab of browser
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Function Suggestion: Syncing easy switch / easy switch key light always on
Hi. I want to suggest some functions for mx keys and mx master 3.
easy switch following - I really need the function that when I switch my keyboard with the easy switch button, mouse also follows to the another device. As my office laptop is secured, I am not able to use flow.
Easy key light always on: I sometimes confused that which device I am using the keyboard for. but MX keys key light on easy switch just become off after few seconds I change the device. I wish I can know which device i am using with the keyboard always.
Hi. I want to suggest some functions for mx keys and mx master 3.
easy switch following - I really need the function that when I switch my keyboard with the easy switch button, mouse also follows to the another device. As my office laptop is secured, I am not able to use flow.
Easy key light always on: I sometimes confused that which device I am using the keyboard for. but MX keys key light on easy switch just become off after few seconds I change the device. I wish I can know which device i am using with…
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Unterstützung Advanced Craft Keyboard
Wann kommt die Unterstützung von Craft Advanced Keyboard, ich kann so nicht mit meinen beiden PCs arbeiten
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Usunięcie nieaktywnych urządzeń
Dzień dobry.
W przypadku posiadania wielu urządzeń logitech w biurze, aplikacja wykazuje je w liście moich urządzeń jako nieaktywne. Jest to dosyć uciążliwe, gdyż w przypadku wielu takich urządzeń, które nigdy wcześniej nie były do tego komputera podłączane powodują zamieszanie i bezcelowe utrudnienie w znalezieniu aktualnie podłączonych urządzeń. Czy można zatem dodać możliwość usunięcia z listy urządzeń, które są nieaktywne?
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Close chrome tab not working MX Master 3
On MX Master 3, thumb gesture botton hold + movement down doesn't work as "close tab" on Google Chrome
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k380 键盘连键
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Предустановки не работают
Предустановка Adobe premiere перестала работать, увеличение и уменьшение масштаба не функционирует
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MX Keysの不調
ケーブルにつないでもMX keysの充電ができていません。またバッテリー残量の関係なのかFLOWにも反応しません。故障なのではないかと思います。保証期間内なので交換をお願いいたします。
1 vote
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