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mam taki pomysł żeby była możliwość właczenia podświetlenia w tej kawiaturze na stałe, znaczy włączam jakiś przycisk i ona świeci, obojętnie co by się nie działo, cały czas na zadanym poziomie jasności. Niesamowite jest że w XXI wieku, w produkcie klasy bądź co bądź premium takiej opcji - nie ma. To najgłupsza rzecz z jaką się spotkałem ostatnimi czasy. Pozdrawiam. Wojtek
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Fonctionnalité manquante
Jusqu'a présent, sur LogiOptions sur mon mac avec ma Mx Master 3, j'avais la possibilité de configurer le bouton de la molette pour faire un zoom. En effet, sur certaines applications, comme Apercu ou Acrobat (lorsque j'ouvre des fichiers pdf), ou sur un navigateur (style Safari), j'avais configuré ma Mx Master de telle sorte que lorsque je clique sur la molette du milieu en la faisant défiler, je puisse zoomer sur mon document (ou sur ma page web). Je préfère utiliser la molette du pouce pour faire un défilement horizontal (plutôt que pour zoomer).
Je suis assez déçu de constater que cette option n'est plus disponible dans LogiOption+ et cela me gêne dans mon utilisation quotidienne...
Je ne comprend pas l’intérêt de proposer un nouveau logiciel qui propose moins d'options de personnalisation que son prédécesseur.
J'espère que ce commentaire ne restera pas sans suite et qu'une mise à jour sera bientôt disponible pour remédier à mon problème.
Bien Cordialement,
Kevin ZUMSTEEGBonjour,
Jusqu'a présent, sur LogiOptions sur mon mac avec ma Mx Master 3, j'avais la possibilité de configurer le bouton de la molette pour faire un zoom. En effet, sur certaines applications, comme Apercu ou Acrobat (lorsque j'ouvre des fichiers pdf), ou sur un navigateur (style Safari), j'avais configuré ma Mx Master de telle sorte que lorsque je clique sur la molette du milieu en la faisant défiler, je puisse zoomer sur mon document (ou sur ma page web). Je préfère utiliser la molette du pouce pour faire…1 vote -
Gesture Volume Speed, + Software & Bolt Dongles
The way my MX Mouse 3 controls the volume with the gesture button has changed and now feels cheap and slow.
The speed of the volume change is inconsistent and takes a much longer stroke to go from 0 to 100 when compared to the same mouse using the old software. I will be returning to the old software because of this.One issue that has been present from day 1 but seems to be getting worse with this new software is the gesture button not doing what I have programmed it to do. I use my gesture button exclusively as media controls however more frequently the gesture button brings up Windows multitasking instead, which I have to esc out of and try my media command again. This is incredibly disappointing for the price and prestige this hardware commands.
Furthermore, I see absolutely no need to change the software from what it currently is. There is no issue with it, and it works fine. Personally, I am not a fan of the visual layout of the new app. It feels empty and quite confusing.
On the upside, I like the visual battery and connection status for each device on the main page and the fact I no longer have to sign in. I threw out all my Razor peripherals because of their insistence of account-based software and I am glad Logitech is going the opposite direction. It’s a keyboard and mouse for god’s sake!Finally, although not specifically about this software, I would like to address the new Bolt dongles.
I appreciate the need to upgrade to a more secure wireless transmission method, but why was this not provided to your existing customers that have already spent a premium on these devices? Surely this could have been a firmware update to all MX devices rather than a complete replacement scenario.Thanks for your time and kind regards,
Mike MunroThe way my MX Mouse 3 controls the volume with the gesture button has changed and now feels cheap and slow.
The speed of the volume change is inconsistent and takes a much longer stroke to go from 0 to 100 when compared to the same mouse using the old software. I will be returning to the old software because of this.One issue that has been present from day 1 but seems to be getting worse with this new software is the gesture button not doing what I have programmed it to do. I use my gesture button exclusively…
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Smooth scrolling not working in new software
Smoth scrolling is enabled but it's not smooth for my MX Master 3 mouse. I run this new Logi Options + software. In the old software it worked fine.
I'm running windows 10.1 vote -
Amélioration logiciel
La représentation du clavier dans Logi option + ne correspond pas à mon clavier en Français
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Reverse vertical scrolling feature request
Request feature: reverse vertical scrolling. I currently have to use an additional utility called 'Scroll Reverser' by Pilotmoon https://pilotmoon.com/scrollreverser/
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Индивидуальная настройка колеса для браузера Опера
В браузере Опера, если выбрать настройку бокового колеса для навигации между вкладками, то это не работает, к сожалению
https://yadi.sk/i/oF0o-9torM0O6g1 vote -
미지원되는 디바이스 표시 삭제기능
osx용 option+ 사용시 현재 미지원되는 2s 항목이 표시되어 불편함. 삭제할수 있는 기능이 있었으면 좋겠습니다.
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Ctrl, Alt, Shift
No se transfiere la pulsación de las teclas Ctrl, Alt o Shift configuradas en los botones de gestos con la opción "Método abreviado de teclado" cuando se utiliza el ratón en un equipo remoto a través de Escritorio Remoto de Microsoft.
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どうしてでしょうか?1 vote -
1 vote
Retroiluminación teclado MX
Tras la última actualización me falla muchísimo la retroalimentación del teclado. Ni teniendo conectado continuamente el cable de carga, ni desactivando y volviendóla a activar en la configuración funciona...
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Gestures windows navigation BrOkEN
Are y'all just ignoring the fact that the Gesture feature is BrOkEN???? You can't "swipe" the mouse left and right to change desktops!
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Previous Logi Options not removed
Logi Options+ does not remove the previous Logi Options. At this moment I'm unsure if I should keep the old one or it's safe to remove.
It'd be awesome to have this automated check for previous version and have it removed in case it cannot be done automatically.
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More functions for Davinci Revolve
Dear team,
Pls study more to maximize the power of MX3 Master on Davinci Revolve. By now, I cannot zoom in/out the timeline. Pls let the user assign more buttons of the mouse for their job on Dacinci Revolve.
Many thanks1 vote -
flow issues
flow is not working between my optiplex and my precision. IDK if its bc the VPN bein a ho r what but it was working b4 doe
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会社PCにインストールしており、ショートカットの削除に管理者権限が必要なため非常に不便です。1 vote -
Color theme system sync
The color themes are nice, but I'm missing the option to automatically adjust it to the system's current theme. In Windows 11 and MacOS we have the option for timed dark/light mode. I think it would be a welcomed addition to adjust it to the system's. Thanks.
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Scroll not works
The scroll not working in some apps when the focus is IN the app, only works when the focus is outside the app.
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?