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devices are reconized twice
Since the last update I see (most) of my devices twice. I suspect this has to do with 2 unify recievers being connected (one in my laptop and one in my docking station) since only devices that I use at office and at home appear twice.
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Inactive and scrolling not working
It says the mouse is "inactive" while I am using it. wheel mode for scrolling is not functioning anymore... https://cln.sh/bZbw59
Best :)
Anthony1 vote -
Moving between devices
I think you should make the option for switching between bluetooth devices an option for buttons on the front of the mouse. For example the button below the verticle scroll wheel
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Zoom in and out
Hei, jeg lurte på om det er mulig å legge inn en snarvei for zoom inn og ut. Ved å holde inne funskjonsknappen som er nederst på musen og bruke scrollehjulet for å zoome inn og ut.
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MX Master 3 Screen Capture on Middle Button
RE: MX Master 3 / Options+
FYI, I just tried setting the Middle Button to do a Screen Capture, but it would not work. I was going to uninstall the Options+ software and then reinstall it. But, I discovered that the old LogiOptions was still installed. I thought the install of Options+ would have uninstalled the old stuff - but it did not.Anyway, I uninstalled the old LogiOptions software and the Screen Capture on the Middle Button began to work!
I just thought I'd pass this info on to you.
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CPU beaucoup trop chargé par cette nouvelle version.
J'espérai plutôt une optimisation qu'une dégradation :( Il y a toujours beaucoup beaucoup de processus actif pour une seule application...
Obligé de désinstaller en attendant une version moins impactante sur les performances de mon PC.
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Backup function - include it in Option+
Please include the backup feature in Option+
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Single key switch between hosts for Mx Keys + Mx Master 3 combo
Dear Support,
It would be really appreciated by the entire community using Mx Master and Mx Keys if you would add the feature supporting a single-key switch for both mouse and keyboard between all connected hosts. The current solution - Flow - is not reliable and furthermore, does not work while using VPN at all, which is a common scenario, especially within the users being a target of your products (as you address it to different kinds of profesionalists).
I understand, there is a page with information about the lack of this functionality on your website, however, there are about 10 pages of comments on the forum where the community asks to add this feature.(Not mentioning lack of support for Linux which is advertised in marketing materials).
Kind regards,
CezaryDear Support,
It would be really appreciated by the entire community using Mx Master and Mx Keys if you would add the feature supporting a single-key switch for both mouse and keyboard between all connected hosts. The current solution - Flow - is not reliable and furthermore, does not work while using VPN at all, which is a common scenario, especially within the users being a target of your products (as you address it to different kinds of profesionalists).
I understand, there is a page with information about the lack of this functionality on your website, however, there are about…1 vote -
Perhaps support your products in the app
How is it possible that Logi Options+ does not support what I would consider your flagship mouse?
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Driver til bluetooth
Har problemer med at bluetooth forbindelsen falder ud. Tænder og slukker kanalen , banker musen ned i måtten, så kan den lidt igen.
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Exposé genvej virker ikke hver gang
Jeg oplever at tommel-knappen, som er sat til Exposé på min mac, ikke reagere hver gang efter den nye app er kommet ud. Før virkede det uden problemer.
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Thank you for not including a clear way to uninstall. Most import feature is for the mice / keyboards to work and now they don't. With no way to restore to previous because somehow logitech options + infects logitech options even when unistalled.
애플리케이션 목록에 윈도우 앱 추가
키보드나 마우스 단축키를 통해 실행할 수 있는 프로그램 목록에 마이크로소프트를 통해 설치한 윈도우 애플리케이션도 포함되었으면 좋겠습니다.
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make it more opensource with extensions
maybe its an idea to make it opensource like such as visualstudio code where people can develop there own extensions or functions.
that people can write a python script en call that script when button is prest.1 vote -
bugs and missing features
De screencapture function does not work.
in logitech options there was an function so yo can easy change de mouse sensitivity while holding that button.1 vote -
Yaptığım ayarları gmail hesabıma kaydetme ekleyebilir misiniz?
Teşekkür ederim. :)1 vote -
Option zum ändern der Dongelzuordnung der Geräte
ich möchte gerne die Reihenfolge meiner Geräte ändern (mein Laptop ist von rechts nach links auf den Tisch gewandert) daher bleiben die Geräte und Dongel gleich aber eben die Reihenfolge möchte ich anpassen können.
1 vote
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