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Screen capture for multiple displays Problem
Screen capture for multiple displays at the same time save in same file name and just add different number after extension “.png” . It's unable to preview screenshot immediately. [Mac user]
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Horizontale Bildlauf
Der horizontale Bildlauf funktioniert nicht. Wenn ich beispielsweise auf Chrome bin und den horizontalen Bildlauf verwende - dann switcht die Maus nur zwischen den einzelnen Tabs, anstelle im Bild den Horizontalen Verlauf zu ändern. Auf dem anderen Laptop, wo kein Logi+ installiert ist, funktioniert dieser horizontale Bildlauf problemlos...
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Wünsche an Logi Options+
Schön wären:
Unterstützung der MX Master 2S: Der Wechsel zwischen zwei Tools ist lästig, besonders dann, wenn man die MX Keys in Kombination mit einer MX Master 2S nutzen möchte!
"Maximieren" des "Logi Options+"-Fensters: Aktuell fehlen wenige Pixel zur Darstellung von drei Geräten; der Bildschirm wäre groß genug!
Alternative zur "fn"-Taste für Mehrfachbelegung von Mausgesten: Die "fn"-Taste ist auf der MX Keys auf der rechten Seite - wenig ergonomisch, wenn man die Maus ebenfalls mit der rechten Hand bedient!
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Logi Options+ ei enää näytä MX Master 3 -hiirtä.
LOgi Options+ näyttää version 0.51.7474 myötä vain näppäimistön MX Keys. Hiirtä MX Master 3 se ei näytä. Aikaisempi versio näytti näppäimistön lisäksi myös hiiren. Tietokone tunnistaa hiiren, ja sitä voi käyttää normaalisti.
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Tastenbelegung mit Lösch-Funktion
Bitte bei Tastenbelegung bitte nicht nur das "ausschneiden" sondern auch das "löschen" einfügen. Die Funktion ist sehr nützlich. Das hatte meine Microsoft-Mouse auch.
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Why does it say "inactive" for both devices. They are both connected to the computer and fully operational.
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MX master 3,將滾輪模式鍵設為CTRL+P已啟動Snagit,若在Options+視窗上則一切正常,若將Options+關掉,則會變回預設之滾輪模式鍵,令人痛苦。
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Sleep not working when Hibernate disabled
Sleep command not working when Hibernate is disabled.
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Disable Keys
I've just started using Logi Options+ beta. It seems much more responsive than standard Options, including download and install.
It is missing the option to disable keys, though. Please include the option to disable Caps Lock and Insert. Thank you.
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Keyboard not Flowing from Mac to PC
I am having issues with the connect keyboard in Flow. It will frequently not switch they keyboard (MX Keys) over when I move from my Mac to my PC. The sync works sometimes, but not always. It is extremely annoying. I'd be happy to send log files or whatever if it helps you fix this issue.
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Ability to Delete Computers From Easy-Switch List
Please add the function to remove Easy-Switch computers from the list. I see no way to do this currently in the software and when I look online others are complaining about the lack of this option as well.
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Good Morning sign should go
I love everything here, but I dislike "Good Morning" sign at the top. Does it imply that I have to emotionally connect with this tool? It's not adequate in my opinion.
If other users say it's a great sign, let me know
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I used to be able to take screenshots, but now it's not working.
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network problems ?
netwerk volledig in orde, maar via options+ altijd melding check netwerk
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need help on solution (ignore command)
I can't set up botton for screenshot, It is not working. It is working fine on Logi app (green color) That I use previously.
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Missing actions in Logi Option Plus for ALL App
I can't setup "Thumb Wheel" for Photoshop App, because it haven't enough option buttons same "Logi Option App", for example: " Brush size".
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mouse connectivity
The mouse suddenly became inactive. When I reconnect, It appears that the app view it as a separate mouse.
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good feedback
finally works with macos and mx master 3 connected through bluetooth. Thank you! saved me a lot of work
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Stop putting an icon to Options+ on my desktop when the software updates.
Stop putting an icon to Options+ on my desktop when the software updates.
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?