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Download failed Check network
I can't use the app, when I open it it says "Download failed Check network".
Of course I don't have any network problems at the moment. App just stopped working :(1 vote -
Bravo Bravo Bravo ! Je viens d'acheter la MX3 pour Mac et j'ai commencé par Logi Option "standard" et j'ai été frustré de ne pas tout avoir comme option, mais surtout je ne l'ai pas trouvé facile à utiliser. Alors que là, option+ est top !! Hyper convivial et facile à paramétrer puisque tout est resumé clairement. Bravo
1 vote -
smart wheel button assign error
mx master 3, 휠 아래쪽 버튼의 기본 동작이 smart wheel on, off 인데, 다른 기능으로 할당하여 쓰고 있으나, 매우 자주 smart wheel on off 로 작동함. 기존 options 에서는 발생하지 않음.
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battry percentage
The new app is nice and beautiful.
It would be great if you could show the percentage of battery.1 vote -
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no complex movement swaps
movement 02 : it's even worse than i thought,
you change the direction of movement on the first screen (home). on the other pages it's ok. does the brain work like that with other people, not with me1 vote -
Update the K380 to be like a compact version of the MX Keyboard
I wish the K380 keyboard was backlit and had buttons to support it. Also I would adjust the feel of the material of keys to match the MX keyboard. Also to make it rechargeable with the same cord as my MX 3 mouse.
1 vote -
Failes to download somethign.
Download failed Check network error twice on the screen, Retry button will always fail, NEtwork is working tough. so not internet problem in the computer
1 vote -
无法发现Microsoft Store中安装的软件并定制摁扭功能
Microsoft Store中下载的软件,无法在“添加应用程序”中被发现,从而客制化鼠标摁扭。Store中下载的软件,找不到.exe文件,所以也没办法手动添加。
比如:我在Microsoft Store中下载了”PDF Reader Xodo“,我想设置侧滚轮为放大/缩小,但由于找不到这个.exe文件,而无法定制这个功能,希望改进,谢谢!1 vote -
ダウンロード中の表示のまま進まない。1 vote -
Añadir función
Quiero poder abirir una página web pulsando un boton.
Esta opcion si esta en el options estandar.
1 vote -
Cant connect mouse
Cant connect my mouse MX master 2 over BT
2 votes -
App looks really good in options plus beta mode right now. Customization and adding new applications work on the fly. Cons that I have experienced is with the master mx3 is the scroll speed is slow for a ultrawide monitor and sometimes my horizontal scroll stops working in general not only for certain apps.
1 vote -
MX Keyboard transfer delayed (2nd device)
Delayed keyboard installation
After installing beta program, only the MX3 mouse appeared. Even though it stated transferred from options software. About 5 minutes later my MX keyboard appeared.
Thank you for adding me to the Beta team .
1 vote -
Переключение между рабочими столами
Здравствуйте! Предлагаю добавить следующий функционал: создание личных клавиш для переключения рабочих столов на macOS. Например: я использую внешний монитор и хочу на кнопки F1 и F2 назначить действия переключения между рабочими столами вперёд и назад. Сейчас это можно настроить только на мышке MX Master 3, но я хочу на клавиатуре. Спасибо!
1 vote -
Falha download
Como pode ser visto no print anexo, clico em download e essa mensagem de falha se repete.
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Premiere Pro rueda lateral zoom
Buenos días. en la version vieja de logi options en Premiere Pro, la rueda lateral la usaba como zoom. ahora en la version nueva si lo pongo en zoom no hace zoom en la barra del tiempo si no hace un zoom a las categorias de mis videos. me gustaria que lo arreglen, o dejen poner la opcion
1 vote -
Missing the ability to quickly change pointer speed, and the Smooth Scrolling is still unreliable as usual
The ability to quickly change DPI (pointer speed) seems to missing. It is a fundamental and crucial function in creativity and productivity workflows, which the MX Master 3 is intended for. I hope this will be added soon and I would like to thank you all for your endless efforts to improve your products.
P/s: The Smooth Scrolling function is still unreliable and inconsistent, especially when switching directions as described and complained all over the internet. I have been leaving it off for years and will continue to do so.
1 vote -
Download failed
I opend the app and it says Download failed Check network, but the MX Keys and MX Master 3 are functioning alright
1 vote -
Problem funkcją zrzutu ekranu
Klawisz zrzutu ekranu nie działa poprawnie - co prawda robi zrzut, ale niestety pustego okna pulpitu (w załączeniu plik ze zrzutem).
Kombinacja klawiszy: command + shift + 3 działa poprawnie zrzucając całą zawartość ekranu (łącznie z zawartością otwartych okien na ekranie)
Proszę o pomoc w rozwiązaniu problemu.
1 vote
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