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33413 results found
Support your main (& expensive) product line before release!
You've only got a few "top-shelf" HID devices...your MX Ergo line has been it (I thought). So, why is this in Beta if you don't even support this $100 trackball (my MX Ergo that's I've bought twice now)? You should probably only release to beta when you've got your main devices accounted for... this is not good. Your last Options software was so bloated that I'm not installing it again. I hope you get an update for this soon (the beta).
1 vote -
ability to change devices position
Возможность менять расположение устройств на главном экране приложения для соответствии физического расположения устройств на столе
The ability to change position of devices on the main screen of the application to match the physical position of devices on the table1 vote -
Unable to delete inactive device
Как удалить неактивное устройство с главного экрана приложения?
How do I remove an inactive device from the app home screen?1 vote -
Flow broken in 0.51.7474
Logi Options+ 0.51.7474 broke Flow. It says it's enabled, and both systems are identified, but it just doesn't work.
1 vote -
Asignación de botones por grupos además de individualmente
Idea para la configuración de botones por aplicación:
Estaría bien que en la asignación de botones se pudieran crear grupos personalizados para asignar los mismos controles en aplicaciones similares (un grupo para aplicaciones ofimáticas, otro para juegos, otro para navegadores, etc.)
Yo, por ejemplo, tengo dos botones asignados para deshacer y rehacer en aplicaciones como Word, Excel, Photoshop, etc. Si se pudiera hacer un grupo con todas esas aplicaciones podría asignar los controles al grupo en vez de tener que hacerlo para cada aplicación individualmente.
Gracias por su atención.
Andrés Expósito.
1 vote -
Mode Jour-Nuit
Le mode jour/nuit automatique ne marche pas sur la version beta de Logi Options+ (il reste en nuit). Big Sur à jour
1 vote -
Flow is only working one way
Flow is only working one way, from PC to mac not vice versa
1 vote -
défilement vertical / molette centrale?
Pourquoi , pour EXCEL , la molette du milieu ne peut etre configuré en DEFILEMENT VERTICAL?
1 vote -
Acaba de entrar en la aplicación
1 vote -
Scrolling not working on keyboard after logi+ install
since installing the logi+ i cannot use the arrow keys to scroll through excel AFTER i have used the scroll wheel.. help?
1 vote -
但在使用过程中经常出现卡顿,显示为停用。1 vote -
Impossible de détecter un nouveau dispositif
Je n'ai pas trouvé comment ajouter un dispositif sur cette version de Logi Option+, il a fallu que je réinstalle logi Option classic.1 vote -
Acrobat reader平移
Acrobat reader的中键平移效果和通常软件的方向是反的,需要经常切换到手形工具来拖动。建议增加相关设置,例如(空格+鼠标左键)这种组合按键,实现切换。
1 vote -
Increase focus on speed of switching
Please continue to work on the connecting speed during the switching. For instance you can install Barrier and move between devices without the same delay experienced using flow. I'm not sure if there is any other tricks that can be deployed to make this a seamless experience, so the end user doesn't see any hitch.
1 vote -
No mouse in the app
I have lost the mouse settings in the app. Which also makes the buttons not work properly. I can only see the keyboard in the app
1 vote -
Change Pointer Speed missing
There is a feature missing from the Previous versions of Options. Its the "Change Pointer Speed".
1 vote -
1 vote -
<lack of support of M590> <Cannot add device in OLD Logi Options> <Cannot Lock Screen>
1) lack of support for M590
2) MX Master 3, Custom Gesture - Key (Win+L)<Lock PC> does not work3) <VERY IMPORTANT> If you install BETA first and assign (MX Mouse & MX Key).
Then, install OLD version logi options, cannot add these devices in OLD logi options.4) MX keys keyboard backlight does not turn on, but the software recognise the key (Fn+F7)
1 vote -
MX keys 显示停用
在 Option+ 上,MX keys 显示停用
1 vote -
Ver.0.51 マウス:M3311 vote
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