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Battery percentage
Percent battery
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Unusable in Excel
it is basically unusable in excel
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Rueda del Pulgar
Muy buena tarde, justo estaba pensando en escribirles para solicitar una mejora en el software.
Actualmente tengo un Mouse MX Master 3 que es por sí sola una belleza de herramienta. Este dispositivo tiene un solo inconveniente a mi parecer, la rueda del pulgar no se podía controlar la sensibilidad. De modo que al navegar entre pestañas, que es como empleo esta rueda; pues era un poco inestable la sensación de desplazamiento, muy rápida a mi parecer.
Espero que con las mejoras al software pueda controlarse mejor, que sea un poco más lenta a modo que cada deslizamiento de dedo pueda ser un cambio de pestaña en Chrome.
Por otro lado, en Premiere Pro, After Effects o Software de precisión, pueda ser igual de lento y preciso el dial de pulgar, pues aquí nosotros los editores de video editamos cuadro a cuadro, cuando es necesario. Encantado de que vengan más mejoras, que esto el lo único malo que le veía a este Mouse.Saludos.
Jorge Edwin Banda López
IG @RonnieCoffee
Ronnieroncoffee@gmail.comMuy buena tarde, justo estaba pensando en escribirles para solicitar una mejora en el software.
Actualmente tengo un Mouse MX Master 3 que es por sí sola una belleza de herramienta. Este dispositivo tiene un solo inconveniente a mi parecer, la rueda del pulgar no se podía controlar la sensibilidad. De modo que al navegar entre pestañas, que es como empleo esta rueda; pues era un poco inestable la sensación de desplazamiento, muy rápida a mi parecer.
Espero que con las mejoras al software pueda controlarse mejor, que sea un poco más lenta a modo que cada deslizamiento de dedo…1 vote -
Notification center key
With this new Logi Options+ I can't set up a key of my K385 to open notification center on my Mac. It was possible in Logi Option. Please add this feature, it's very useful
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Gusture Button
The gusture button is configured with screen capture and not working
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Wireless charging
Option to keep back-light ALWAYS ON!
I keep my MX keyboard plugged in at all times and the black-light turning off is annoying and unnecessary.
I've seen many forum requests for this. I know I'm not alone!
Thanks!1 vote -
button customization
when setting up a button for custom action, the toggle between two mouse speeds should be an action, like in the release version. it is currently missing in options+.
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better user experience of easy switch
idea: since i am using both keys and mouse always together on same device i want to press the device easy switch once from keyboard and that will "apply" to the mouse as well (without the need to press the easy switch also there underneath the mouse)
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Not detecting mouse + request for craft support
When will you have Craft keyboard support and when will you provide the functionality to add a device. For some reason it detects 2 Logitech Craft keyboards but it doesn't detect my mouse at all.
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Spotify incompatível com MX Master 3 no logi options+
Não consigo fazer configurações específicas dos botões do MX Master 3 para o Spotify, acontece uma falha catastrófica ao selecionar o app. SO: Windows 10.
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Slow smooth scroll (in Firefox?)
The smooth scrolling speed is weirdly capped in Firefox, limiting the maximum speed one could scroll through pages.
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Conservar ajustes de gestos
Al momento de agregar aplicaciones nuevas, los gestos actuales en dicha aplicacion nueva se borran totalmente, quiero conservar mis gestos actuales y modificar manualmente los que yo desee en cada app
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Problems with buttons
Hi, my mouse MX MASTER 3 works corretly with Chrome, but uncorrectly with Microsoft Word. For example Forward and back button. The same in Photoshop... Thanks for help.
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Fue complicada la instalación y se abrió la ventana cmd, lo cual hace parecer que algo esta mal con la computadora
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Rollback this version. It's too bad.
This is your very worse software to date. Buttons won't be programmed, devices are not supported, it's impossible to get rid of. Really bad.
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建议可以通过MX Keys的Easy-Switch来实现键盘和鼠标的同时切换。
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battery level of my mouse has been inaccurate.
battery level of my mouse has been inaccurate. My battery level showed it was "critically low", whilst I full charged it a couple of days prior, now it is showing the status "low" (in the app) without me even charging it.
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Issues with devices on Options +
When I received the invite to install and use Options +, it worked great and immediately saw my MX Keys and MX Anywhere 3, however now when I open the program on my Windows 10 Pro laptop, the app says to connect devices. When I open the old Options program they show there but say I need to open Options + to do anything with them. This has been happening for the last couple of weeks. I have tried "forgetting" both devices on the computer and reconnecting them but this has not done anything.
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not finding mx master 3 mouse
Doesn not find my device mx master 3
1 vote
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