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Inactive devices also they are actively used
Hey team,
I can now see both my devices, but they appear inactive. Is there anything I can do so they appear active?
Fanny1 vote -
Borderlands 3 button assignment
When using this mouse with the game Borderlands 3, it is not possible to map the secondary scroll wheel or the two buttons under it or the thumb button to specific keyboard functions. It is possible to assign the primary scroll wheel and it's button along with the primary and secondary mouse buttons..
1 vote -
Can't remove inactive device
There is no way to remove an old keyboard. I had the mx keys registered here, but it was returned for a replacement. Now I added the new one, but I have two keyboards showing. No way to remove the inactive keyboard.
1 vote -
App stating mouse inactive, when connected to bluetooth
Mouse on app is shown as inactive even though I am connected via bluetooth
1 vote -
Finished charging notification
Adding some sort of subtle reminder that the mouse is done charging would be nice. Whether that be a quick notification on windows or a flash of the light.
1 vote -
It could be great to be able to have more than 3. For me I use 4 screens and 3 cumputers. So I have 2 screen up and 2 screen down. It could be nice to be able to make more connexion to any screen of my computer. Thanks !
1 vote -
Options+ feedback
I would love to have the mousepointer working during MacOS logon. Mac has got Filevault enabled. Had high hopes for the Options+ software, but not yet. Is this on the roadmap for Options+ ? Without it, it cannot be used on iMac, in a normal manner.
1 vote -
Die Maus verliert öfter den Kontakt und dann kann nicht weitergearbeitet werden.
Der unify Empfänger steckt im USB Port an der Fronseite des Rechners und der steht unter dem Schreibtisch. Entfernung 70 - 80 cm. Das sollte eigentlich kein Problem darstellen, oder?
Jetzt habe ich das Update aufgespielt und ich hoffe es läuft besser.Viele Grüße
Nicolas1 vote -
Return a previous feature
Can you bring back the caps lock disable ability?
1 vote -
Flexibility of Key Shorcut
I'd like to affect an action in a key.Windows + Shift + S
This is a combine to get a partial screenshot with the OneNote' option
in the app We can choose only f.e. Click + Win +Shift ....
Do you have an advice ?
1 vote -
impossibile ripristinare da backup
come posso ripristinare il backup della configurazione del mouse MX3?
1 vote -
The mouse sometimes experiences delays when moving and the delay disappears when it's restarted
1 vote -
really need to develop
previously i bought M590 and very impressive both for silent mode and multi device with button that only click and can change device fastly. now i know mx anywhere 3 and pair more than 2 devices and im not impressive for the click sound. and very hard to change device among 3 devices. if possible and u help to develop the button which develop in to switch device only just click the botton in mx3.
1 vote -
포토샵 가로스크롤 작동상의 오류(?)
포토샵에서 가로휠에다가 화면 확대축소를 할당시켜놓았는데
민감도를 0으로 맞춰도 가장 작아지고 가장 커지고 하네요
적당히가 없이 최소확대 최소축소가 된다 이말입니다.
답이 없어요1 vote -
Bildlaufrichtung verkehrt nach Wechsel Mausrad-Modus
Nach dem Wechsel des Mausrad-Modus per Tastendruck ändert sich die Bildlaufrichtung
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J'ai un souci avec ma MX MASTER 3 FOR MAC
j'ai parametrer une touche pour la capture d ecran par region et quand j utilise cette fonction il capture le fond d d ecran de mon bureau jamais la page internet ou le logiciel sur le quel je suis.
C’est vraiment embêtent.
merci de m'aider a resoudre le probleme.
cordialement1 vote -
flow and alt-gr
Flow not working, same network, same logitech + versione, between windows 10 pcs and also with mac os x.
On mx key ALT-GR doesn't work, i can't type @ with italian layout1 vote -
MX master 3 is not functioning with Microsoft Office
Hi there
I am using MX master 3 and while I use it with Microsoft Office it is not functioning properly. The Undo bottom and Redo Button are not working as the previous version of the Options application.
I mean if there is any way to configure the mouse with the software it will be better.1 vote -
Problem with Multi-layer modification keystroke assignment
Custom Key Shortcut assignment does not work properly. For example, when I assign (Cmd + Shift + M) to a button, it works as (Cmd + M). It seems to ignore Shift modifier in general, despite the fact it being properly recognized during the assignment.
1 vote -
기기 추가
기기 추가는 어떻게 하나요?
1 vote
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