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Collision? with Karabiner Element
I installed and used Karabiner-Element 13.7.8 to swap some right keys for environment of Korean key adjustment in Window 10 RDP. But when I open Logi-Option+, it shows my mx keys currently deactivated. So I didn't change some function keys such as screen capture in the Logi-Option+. (When I close Karabiner Element, Logi-Option+ shows mx keys with activated status) Is there any solution?
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missing option to delete unused/unsupported device
i had tried a not supported yet mouse for the unified usb receiver - the problem is that it is now always showing in the main screen without an option to remove the grayed out mouse picture that i am not using at all.....
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MX Keys Backlight as Low Battery Warning
I want to be notified that it's time to charge my MX Keys via the backlight blinking. Not blinking all the time, but maybe when the backlight goes to sleep it could blink a few times before it turns off.
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MX Master3
同時に、水平スクロールもおかしくなる場合が多く、ローラーを回すとHA列あたりまで表示が飛んでしまう。1 vote -
Battery Percantage
Battery Percantage Shown
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Select Logitech USB Transceiver or Bluetooth
i have an MX Master 3 keyboard for Max and a MX master 3 mouse. The keyboard is connected to the Logitech USB transciever and the mouse is connected to bluetooth. I would to be able to specify that the mouse use the logitech usb transciever as well.
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błąd w pobieraniu ustawień dla mx master 3
Nie działają funkcje dodatkowe dla mx master 3 z powodu błędu ciągłego pobierania funkcji dla myszy
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i have lagging and lack of smoothness and its bugging me
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Bug gestos MacBook Air M1
Hace unos minutos, deje un reporte positivo respecto al correcto funcionamiento del Anywhere 3 en mi MacBook m1.
Lamento informar que el problema de los gestos a vuelto, solo para detallar, los gestos los tengo configurados en mi boton central.
Funciona bien todo durante un tiempo/minutos, sin embargo, luego de ese tiempo, los gestos no responden bien y al presionar el boton central, no se abre mision control...
Este problema es demasiado molesto, ya que como programador, debeo de desplazarme por muchas ventanas al mismo tiempo, sin este gesto 100% funcional, es imposible trabajar.
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Desconexão MX Master 3
Meu mouse MX Master 3 sumiu da lista dos mouses no Logioptions+, do nada, eu só percebi quando a rolagem horizontal parou de funcionar. E não encontro a opção de adicionar dispositivo. Uso o Windows 10.
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Caps/num lock appearing between screens
The caps lock and num lock pop up animations is currently popping up split between my screens. I am using my laptop + 2 external monitors.
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Skulle gärna vilja ändra musens hastighet via ngn knapp. Känns som en grundläggande funktion som är ett måste.
Tack på förhand
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H & V scroll wheels don't work on excel
Very often when I am working on an Excel sheet, the scroll wheel simply doesn't work. This happens specially after I use the horizontal scroll, which makes it totally useless. Besides, after that happens, when trying to click on a cell, it selects a different one, like if the mouse pointer had an invisible offset. I have to use navbars to reset that offset. Totally disappointed with integration, it doesn't help with productivity at all, worse yet, this mouse has worsening it.
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Functions do whatever they please and not what are programmed to do
This is becoming more of a hassle and a nightmare than anything. I downloaded logi options+ because I wanted to have further button and gesture customisation, but it's become impossible. Sometimes the functions only work if the app is open, others even that doesn't work. Additionally, my K780 is not supported yet, so all my mixed devices shortcuts are useless now. I can't make them interact with each other and it fails progressively. Please fix this, I always make do with something or fix it myself, but this is beyond me at this point.
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Czujnik podświetlenia klawiatury
Automatyczne podswietlenie.
Czujnik oswietlenia jest blednie ustawiony w tryb oszczedzania baterii gdy swiatlo otoczenia jest zbyt jasne.
Powinno sie dac wlaczac i wylaczac oswietlenie niezaleznie od warunkow oswietleniowych.
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Atajos en aplicaciones
Recomiendo agregar atajos propios para aplicaciones comunes como Excel. Tengo la versión beta del programa Logi Options+ y no puedo añadir atajos como navegar entre hojas de excel.
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Mision Control Anywhere 3
En las pruebas realizadas, esta nueva version de Logi Options, va muy bien en mi MacBook Air con chip M1.
Con la version anterior de Logi Options, tenia muchos problemas con mi mouse MX Anywhere 3.
Habia un error en el boton central del mouse, en mi caso lo tengo configurado para pasar entre las pantallas por medio de los gestos, y al presionar el boton, se debe de abrir Mision Control, esto no estaba funcionando del todo bien, aveces hacia lo que le pedia, a veces no....
Tanto asi que habia puesto en venta el mouse por la mala compatibilidad, ya que me afectaba al momento de laborar, ya que soy programador.
Ahora por fin puedo disfrutar de mi mouse, de momento todo funciona como deberia de funcionar, espero ya no de mas problemas el software, este seria mi reporte, muchas gracias!
En las pruebas realizadas, esta nueva version de Logi Options, va muy bien en mi MacBook Air con chip M1.
Con la version anterior de Logi Options, tenia muchos problemas con mi mouse MX Anywhere 3.
Habia un error en el boton central del mouse, en mi caso lo tengo configurado para pasar entre las pantallas por medio de los gestos, y al presionar el boton, se debe de abrir Mision Control, esto no estaba funcionando del todo bien, aveces hacia lo que le pedia, a veces no....
Tanto asi que habia puesto en venta el mouse por la…
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Using Ctrl as Keyboard Shortcut for Flow
I'm glad this beta allowed ctrl to be added as a keyboard shortcut. I have a Windows 10 PC and a Macbook Pro with macOS Big Sur v11.5.2. My end goal is to use flow between the two with the "ctrl move to edge" setting. I wanted to have ctrl be assigned as the "Keyboard Shortcut" so that when I hold the gesture button and move to the edge it will switch. It seems to be working when I go from PC to Mac, but it is not working when moving from Mac to PC. It does, however, work when I hold the Mac's ctrl on the keyboard and move from Mac to PC (this shows that the functionality works). This may be an issue with the way ctrl is held with the gesture button but hoping this can be fixed.
I'm glad this beta allowed ctrl to be added as a keyboard shortcut. I have a Windows 10 PC and a Macbook Pro with macOS Big Sur v11.5.2. My end goal is to use flow between the two with the "ctrl move to edge" setting. I wanted to have ctrl be assigned as the "Keyboard Shortcut" so that when I hold the gesture button and move to the edge it will switch. It seems to be working when I go from PC to Mac, but it is not working when moving from Mac to PC. It does, however, work when…
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Sauvegarde configuration
Bonjour. Pourriez-vous ajouter une option pour pouvoir sauvegarder et restaurer une configuration de dispositif. Merci
1 vote
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