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Re-enable ability to remap macro keys to open webpages.
Macro keys with no options to remap to open webpages.
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LaunchPad Duplication
Despite there only being on instance of the new Logi Options+ app installed on my Mac, it appears twice in the LaunchPad. The second instance does nothing when I click on it. The first one opens up the app.
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mx3 lag
recently my mouse MX 3 is lag when use with USB receiver, I dont know why
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软件版本 Logi Options+ 0.42.692
系统环境 Win10 21H1
硬件 键鼠 MXkeys MX3
问题 1 无法删除已经停用的鼠标?
2 插拔接收器后显示MXkeys已停用 但是仍可以使用2 votes -
melding opladen(bliksemschicht) wijzigen in vol (groene batterij)
als batterij vol is van toetsenbord blijft toch de melding opladen branden. En niet de melding vol of opgeladen. nadat ik de stekker verwijderd had was de melding Batterij is vol. Verwarrend
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Pb de sauvegarde du paramètre de la molette principale
Bonjour, le paramètre choisi de la molette est perdu au cours de la journée, pourtant la souris est bien chargée et un seul pc est utilisé. Auriez vous une idée. Merci d'avance. Cordialement,
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Windows functionality lost with PrintScr
Traditionally, in Windows, the PRINTSCR key will take a screenshot of the entire screen to clipboard. When pressing ALT-PRINTSCR it would capture the active window only. That is how the "camera key" works if I don't remap it.
If I remap the functionality of the PRINTSCR key to start a program, I have to give up on the ALT-PRINTSCR functionality as it is no longer distinct from just pressing the PRINTSCR button.
Allow for modifier keys here and elsewhere at the most possible extent please. Even when starting programs.
The side-effect right now is that a Windows feature (the ability to capture current window) gets taken away from me if I want a program to start when pressing PRINTSCR/CAMERA without modifier.
Traditionally, in Windows, the PRINTSCR key will take a screenshot of the entire screen to clipboard. When pressing ALT-PRINTSCR it would capture the active window only. That is how the "camera key" works if I don't remap it.
If I remap the functionality of the PRINTSCR key to start a program, I have to give up on the ALT-PRINTSCR functionality as it is no longer distinct from just pressing the PRINTSCR button.
Allow for modifier keys here and elsewhere at the most possible extent please. Even when starting programs.
The side-effect right now is that a Windows feature (the ability…
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El puntero se congela cada poco tiempo, por unos segundos
Mi ratón "MX Anywhere 3 for Mac" falla con mucha frecuencia, dejando "congelado" el puntero, y volviendo a funcionar después de unos segundos y agitar el ratón sobre la superficie de la mesa. Esto ocurre desde hace unas semanas, creo que coincidiendo con actualizaciones de Mac OS (Estoy en Big Sur 11.6) y de su aplicación LogiOptions. Pasé a la Beta para ver si se solucionaba. He probado a suprimir el ratón de la lista de dispositivos Bluetooth varias veces y a resetear el módulo de preferencias Bluetooth pero sigue igual. Utilizo el ratón para trabajar, y no puedo usarlo estando así. Lo desinstalo por lo tanto. Si tienen una solución a este tema, se lo agradecería (por amortizar el coste de su dispositivo). Era estupendo cuando funcionaba.
Mi ratón "MX Anywhere 3 for Mac" falla con mucha frecuencia, dejando "congelado" el puntero, y volviendo a funcionar después de unos segundos y agitar el ratón sobre la superficie de la mesa. Esto ocurre desde hace unas semanas, creo que coincidiendo con actualizaciones de Mac OS (Estoy en Big Sur 11.6) y de su aplicación LogiOptions. Pasé a la Beta para ver si se solucionaba. He probado a suprimir el ratón de la lista de dispositivos Bluetooth varias veces y a resetear el módulo de preferencias Bluetooth pero sigue igual. Utilizo el ratón para trabajar, y no puedo usarlo…
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MX Keys Belysning
Der er ikke en indstilling for at bibeholde lyset i det nye MX Keys tastatur, så efter omkring 5 sekunder uden berøring går lyset ud. Der skal man kunne slå fra.
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Horizontal scrolling support for draw.io
I would like to have horizontal scrolling support for draw.io
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weet niet dat ik verbonden ben
geeft niet weer of ik verbonden ben via bluetooth
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Horizontal scrolling support for OnlyOffice
I would like to have horizontal scrolling support for OnlyOffice
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我是mx master 3 for mac 在电脑上使用的时候,会有滑动的过程中光标静止,然后突然有跟上的断链情况,然后觉得鼠标是不是反馈率有点低,我也不知道在哪里调整,就觉得不跟手,特别是有方向的变化的时候。
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Positive Feedback (mouse flow)
Mouse flows from one laptop to another with much less delay then with the previous non Beta+ version (using USB).
The lag on the previous version was very noticeable and was affecting the user experience.1 vote -
Slow working on Mac Mini M1
Po ostatniej aktualizacji, strasznie zaczęła mi spowalniać klawiatura MX Keys na Mac Mini M1. Momentami zawiesza się nawet na dwie sekundy... przecież to jest tragedia....
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The Thumb Wheel didn't work smoothly
Hi, I just bought the MX3 1 week ago, I don't know if it's the mouse or the software is not optimized well, it's not stable at all, even though I tried the latest version - Logitech Option+ 0.51. 7474, I can't scroll the scroll wheel smoothly, it happens often, the problem is on Thump Wheel, it's not responding, it even throws an Excel spreadsheet error, it makes me close the table Excel only fixed the problem, I tried uninstalling and reinstalling both versions, but it still can't fix it, this is causing my performance to decrease more than the time I have using silent Logi mouse, can you help me to solve this problem? Thanks~
Hi, I just bought the MX3 1 week ago, I don't know if it's the mouse or the software is not optimized well, it's not stable at all, even though I tried the latest version - Logitech Option+ 0.51. 7474, I can't scroll the scroll wheel smoothly, it happens often, the problem is on Thump Wheel, it's not responding, it even throws an Excel spreadsheet error, it makes me close the table Excel only fixed the problem, I tried uninstalling and reinstalling both versions, but it still can't fix it, this is causing my performance to decrease more than the…
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Zoom molette du milieu
Merci de rajouter l'action zoom avant/arrière avec la molette du milieu (clic + défilement) comme dans l'ancienne application
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personnalisation boutons hs
les paramêtres personnalisés pour Lr & Ps ne fonctionnent pas bien qu'ils apparaissent sur le menu boutons ?
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Read/Unread in Outlook
Awesome job with the + interface, it looks and feels much better than the original. Commands are easier to be updated and faster to perform the changes. Overall, more snappy UI, I love it.
One suggestion for Outlook, can you add a Read/Unread email command? This would be a very productive feature.Many thanks and keep the spirits up!
Andrei1 vote
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