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Illustrator - Forward and Back
Forward and Back doesn't work.
I have put the keys for it like a custom keys.
I have a Hungarian keyboard so maybe it's a potential bug.1 vote -
Flow between MacOS and Chrome OS
Is it possible to use Flow between MacOS and Chrome OS? I tried to set up Flow between the two devices but it was not able to find the Chrome OS device on the network.
1 vote -
More option for Illustrator and LR
No Illustrator and Lightroom Classic support.
1 vote -
Not English keyboard and Photoshop brush size
Problem 1: The Photoshop brush size doesn't work. Instead it I use the Photoshop zoom. Works well but after the zoom/dezoom for a short moment the brush changes to eyedropper tool and changes my selected color.
Problem 2:
The brush size doesn't work but manually i added the [ and ] brackets. If I use English keyboard no problem but my Keyboard is Hungarian and I try to use like a Hungarian keyboard for the special characters.1 vote -
Support More Devices
Only one of my devices is support by the beta? Mx Keys? Vs my two other mice and two other keyboards? Any info on expanded device support on your roadmap?
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Support Page
Is there a support page for Options+
1 vote -
Uninstall Options+
The latest Logitech Options broke connectivity via BlueTooth to my MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013). The penultimate release (LogiMgr Installer 9.20.265.app) worked with Flow between my two macs fine, but now no longer works. I'd also like to opt out of the beta Options+ program as this is not working.
1 vote -
thumb gestures not working
I made some custom thumb gesture shortcuts for firefox and they don't work (worked in classic logi options)Cheers,
Rob1 vote -
Set keyboard layout on MacOS.
I'd like to have the ability to change the layout of the keyboard. I've got the tilde on two locations (above the tab and to the right of the left shift). I would like the to behave the opposite way. I can't find a way to change the settings for it on MacOS.
1 vote -
Issue with Mouse software features
Hi! I hope you're great!
I don't know where else to ask this, so here goes:
Since a couple of weeks I've had issues with my MX Master 3 mouse. I can't use the gestures (the button only triggers "navigation between apps"), and the pointer is not capable of reaching the top bar when on full screen, or accessing tooltips when hovering over Lint Code.
I've tried reinstalling Logi Options, reset factory settings, reconfigure Accessibility settings, but nothing seems to work.
I've already checked if it was my Mac's issue, but I tried with a Razer mouse and everything works as it should.
Is there any place where I can ask support for this?Thanks!
Hi! I hope you're great!
I don't know where else to ask this, so here goes:
Since a couple of weeks I've had issues with my MX Master 3 mouse. I can't use the gestures (the button only triggers "navigation between apps"), and the pointer is not capable of reaching the top bar when on full screen, or accessing tooltips when hovering over Lint Code.
I've tried reinstalling Logi Options, reset factory settings, reconfigure Accessibility settings, but nothing seems to work.
I've already checked if it was my Mac's issue, but I tried with a Razer mouse and everything works…1 vote -
Problem z klawiaturą
Posiadam klawiaturę od pół roku. Niestety, co jakiś czas klawiatura laguje i przy pisaniu jest to uciążliwe (np. powiela wciśnięty znak "kkkkkk"). Klawiatura jest dla mnie bardzo wygodna przy pracy na trzech urządzeniach jednocześnie. Nie chcę jej wymieniać ale te lagi. Mam aktualne oprogramowanie, nie ma problemu z połączeniem a sprzęt jest naładowany w 100%.
1 vote -
Eliminar dispositivo inactivo de la aplicación
Buenos días.
Creo que sería conveniente que la aplicación tuviese la opción de eliminar un dispositivo que no usas.
Vinculé un teclado mx master keys que tuve que sustituir por defecto, y ahora me aparecen dos, uno inactivo y otro que es el que uso actualmente.Si hay alguna manera de eliminarlo, por favor, díganmelo.
Si por el contrario no la hay, creo que sería una buena opción para añadir a la aplicación.Un saludo!
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Inactive devices
If you can please consider adding option to remove inactive devices.
1 vote -
Lag on MX products after connect Airpods
The system (MX MAster 3 and MX Keys) works nice individually. With the Flow works but needs get better.
However, when I connect my Airpods on my macbook, all system works with a BIGGG lag. I cant work this way.
1 vote -
Missing DPI cycling!
Trying out LogiOptions+ in beta. Seems pretty good, but you really need to get DPI cycling in place! Right now, my MX Master 3 works better on my Linux laptop (with third party, open source driver software) than it does on my Macbook Pro, mostly due to the the fact that I am not able to switch between low/high DPI settings with my mouse buttons. Please?
1 vote -
Duplication on Launchpad
This continues to drive me nuts. The app is only installed once and only shows once in the application folder. But after two attempts to fully uninstall and reinstall, each reinstall puts two icons on the launchpad. The second one doesn't do anything when you click on it. I can't delete it.
1 vote -
마우스 멈춤현상
mx master 블루투스 사용중 멈춤 현상 3초 정도 멈춤(절전모드 미사용)
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1 vote
Color theme sync OS
I will be nice in windows 10 to have option of color theme to sync with Windows settings
3 votes
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