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mx maste 3 (Option +) (Excel config) side button not working
mx master 3 Option + (Excel config) side button not working
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Default Shift Invert for Keys - Key Mapping
I cannot find the disable Caps Lock function. I will need to switch back to the original version for this feature. I think more customizations like this would be great. For example Disable keys like Insert, Home, End, Page Up Page Down. Key mapping would be great. This could be a Per Key Shift invert for Keys so if I always want the "~" or "?" characters I can make them the default through a per key shift invert. Overall great products. I appreciate the ability to give feedback too.
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switching pointer speed
Does the option to switch between pointer speed still exist? I can't find it anymore and it was nice to be able to quickly switch between speeds
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Active and Inactive the same MX3 Mouse
The new app shows my mouse two times, one being inactive. How do I remove the inactive version?
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Mouse is inactive in Options+ even though it's connected
The mouse has the status as inactive, but it is connected to the computer. Though without the correct settings (slow pointer speed etc.)
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Good Morning screen stuck
My mouse is connected with bluetooth, but I'm not able to go to the next step. The screen of connecting just keeps showing and there's nothing else I can do (which is quite annoying, since the former Logi Options app isn't working anymore either)
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Mouse lag on MacOS and Apple M1 devices
I see a big improving regarding bluetooth connection and mouse lag after installing the new Logi Options+ app, but it's still not ideal. The MX Master 3 still has lag when connecting directly to bluetooth (not using the unifying receiver), which I think is not good for a premium device like the MX Master 3 mouse.
Please check and improve the software so the MX Master 3 can work without lag on the last MacOS versions on Apple M1 chip devices.
Otherwise, I appreciate your devices (have couple of them) and I trust you can make them even better.
Best regards. Thank you.
I see a big improving regarding bluetooth connection and mouse lag after installing the new Logi Options+ app, but it's still not ideal. The MX Master 3 still has lag when connecting directly to bluetooth (not using the unifying receiver), which I think is not good for a premium device like the MX Master 3 mouse.
Please check and improve the software so the MX Master 3 can work without lag on the last MacOS versions on Apple M1 chip devices.
Otherwise, I appreciate your devices (have couple of them) and I trust you can make them even better.…2 votes -
Thumb wheel doesn't navigate between tabs on Opera
Hi, I just wanted to report eventually an Issue. I have customized thumb wheel on Opera browser to navigate between tabs, as it works on Chrome. It doesn't navigate between tabs- just nothing happens. That's it ! I hope Im helping for better quality.
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Probleme mit Tastenkürzel-Belegung
Das Belegen der Seitentaster & Daumentaste funktioniert in Teils Programmen nicht. (In meinem Architekturprogramm hat es vor dem Wechsel auf Options+ funktioniert.) Ich habe diese 3 Taster mit Tastenkürzeln belegt welche ich sehr häufig brauche (Messen, etc.) .. nun funktioniert es aber leider nicht mehr - es werden immer die globalen Einstellungen "ausgeführt" bei Tastendruck..
Andere Frage: Wann kommt die Unterstützung für die MX Craft?
2 votes -
Back button behavior incorrect
Back Button on MX Master 3 acts as double-click (back action occurs twice). I am using Logi Options+ v0.42.692 on Windows 11 22000.160. When navigating web pages and selecting the back button, the browser will go back two pages. If I manually click the left arrow in the browser, it will go back one page. The behavior is the same if I am using File Explorer. This does not occur on a different PC using the same hardware and OS (linked with Flow). If I reboot, the behavior will return to normal briefly.
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Tasten wie Capslock deaktivieren
Aktuell gibt es in Logitech Options+ leider noch keine Möglichkeit, bestimmte Tasten meiner MX Keys zu deaktivieren, wie etwa Capslock.
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Add action to flow between computers
I would really like to see swapping between computers via Flow as a mappable action. Moving the mouse to the edge to swap between computers is cool but not very consistent. I'd like to see both an action to toggle between computers and an action that can be set to a specific computer. I actually specifically downloaded Options+ to see if this would be an option.
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Reducing the size of the app
Why Logioptions+ is taking nearly 1 GB of my space? Is there anyway to reduce it?
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제스처 오류 잦음
제스처 버튼 오류가 많습니다.
특히 누른 상태에서 상하좌우로 움직이는 제스처가 오류가 잦습니다.1 vote -
Support for Marathon 705 Mouse Please
Awesome software to compliment MX Keys Keyboard. Super easy to use!
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missing function
Hey, can I somehow map the delete key / function on any of the buttons below the middle scrolling wheel (right above my thumb)? Thanks
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VCV Rack 1.1.6 - can't assign Scroll Wheel to Cmd Scroll
In VCV Rack 1.1.6 - can not assign Scroll while or Shift wheel mode to Cmd+scroll wheel for zoom in and out.
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VCV Rack 1.1.6 - can't assign Cmd+Click to button
In VCV Rack 1.1.6 - Cmd+Click assignment to "back" button doesn't work. I just get Click.
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Thumbscroll should support vertical scrolling
It would be great to be able to set the thumbscroll to do vertical scroll, I know many people that want that because of muscular issues and its not available.
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Have to reset Logi Options Multiple Times a Day on Mac
At least every morning but sometimes twice or three times a day I have to go back into Logi Options, disable all my customizations and reanable them to get them to work on my MacOS Monterey Mac. It's incredible frustrating and annoying not know if any of the buttons, scrolls, or settings will work when I need them to work.
1 vote
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