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MX 3 Doesn't work on Macs
MX Master 3 just flat out does not work right on OSX Mac systems no matter what and you don't seem to care. First it was just the button programing not working most of the time, now I get bizarre behaviovour when clicking that can only be remedied by disconnecting and using either my touchpad or a wired mouse. You guys should REALLY test the product on Macs and make the necessary fixes. You obviously aren't taking Mac users seriously.
1 vote -
Logi Options + suggestions
It would be cool if the keyboard could be the actual color you have. Also, for battery levels of the keyboard and mouse to show in the Bluetooth menu (macOS Big Sur) like all my other devices
1 vote -
Feature de Backlight Aways On
Não tem como não ter uma featuring de o backlight não ficar aceso o tempo inteiro.. o intuito da retro iluminação é eu enxergar a tecla que estou para clicar, da forma que é hoje eu preciso caçar a tecla, pressionar uma ou mais teclas, para que a luz possa acender e isso atrita comigo, ou seja a principal função do teclado iluminado não consegue ser atendida.
1 vote -
Wheel modifier not working
MX Anywhere 3 ->> switch will mode assigned to side button, but button acts only as horisontal scrolling modifier.
1 vote -
Indication batterie et rappel de charge
Toujours de pourcentage concernant le niveau de batterie, et pourquoi pas une option qui nous avertirais qu'il ne reste que 20% où moins et un popup qui dirait 'Pensé à recharger votre clavier/souris...'
1 vote -
Mouse Gesture and Function Key Suggestions
Like the Open Folder option using gestures. I wonder if this could be extended to have multiple folders i.e. a dropdown box appears when you use the open folder gesture if more than one folder is configured.
One thing I really miss on the MX Keys keyboard is the ability to program functions to any key like I was able to on my previous keyboard. I used this alot to fill in email addresses etc. Please add.1 vote -
Global gesture setting
I want to have app specific settings for all buttons except for the "gesture settings" but I can't seem to do it easily.
I have to set the gesture setting for all apps one by one even if they're identical which is very tiring.
1 vote -
Problème raccourci CMD + M sur Mac
Je vous contacte car j'ai un soucis, lorsque je veux programmer le raccourci CMD + M sur mac sur la molette au pouce vers le bas. Ce raccourci réduit la fenêtre dans le dock en bas mais lorsque je souhaite réduire une fenêtre chrome, safari ou tout autre fenêtre comme le finder et bien cela me fait le raccourci "CMD + ," a la place de "CMD + M", cela ouvre donc les paramètres au lieu réduire la fenêtre. Pourriez-vous corriger ce problème technique ? Merci par avance, j'utilise la version beta de Logi Option+
1 vote -
Remote desktop + translate
Mnohem lepší. Hezké, jednoduché prostředí.
1. Pokud pracuji z domu přes vzdálený přístup tak je možné nastavit nějak MX Master3 z domu?
2. Kopírovat document doma na Mac + vložit ho na plochu přes Microsoft Remote Desktop v práci?
3. Není možné přidat výběr jazyků (česky) ?
Děkuji za vaši práci, je to super.
Michal Lukac1 vote -
horizantal scroll doesnt work properly
My problem is, the horizantal scroll doesnt work for nearly all app. How can I make it work? does it require an extra configuration?1 vote -
flow wont switch from PC (windows 11) to Mac(11.6)
i have a windows 11 PC and a macbook pro running mac OS 11.6 big Sur.
I have options+ and cannot swith from the Mac to the PC . I can successfully switch from PC to MAC . when i try to switch to the PC the cursor on the PC moves to the same height as the MAC but the control does not switch over. I am suspecting that the control switches over to the PC and right back.
moving flow from PC to Mac works perfectly . ANy ideas?
1 vote -
- Can we have the ability to customize the horizontal scroll direction for specific apps? e.g. Inverted (Figma, Sketch, Photoshop etc)
- up = scroll right
- down = scroll left
Natural (Teams, Slack etc)
- up = volume up
- down = volume down- Also, can Slack please also have the same functions as Teams to start/stop video and mute/unmute microphone?
1 vote -
App specific gestures
You used to have app specific gestures, now you dont. What happened?
1 vote -
Initial malfunction of the Logi options
Everytime I open or wake my mac up, mouse cursor moves really slow at the beginning and then turns back to normal. My resolution is set to highest in Logi Options+.
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MX Master 3のメニューにEasy-Switchの設定画面がありません。不便です。
1 vote -
업데이트 이후 제스처 실행되는 범위 요건이 너무 넓어짐
업데이트 이후 제스처가 이상해졌습니다. 좌우는 문제 없는데 상하 제스처가 원활히 이루어지지 않고 주춤합니다. 원래는 살짝만 위로 해줘도 됐는데 이제는 쭉 올리지 않는 한 제스처가 나오다 맙니다.
1 vote -
Customize mouse movements for more than simply the Fn key.
I noticed that the option to use the FN key for gestures on the mouse was removed. This does not bother me much because I never used it as it was too far out of the way. If you are going to add it back, please add an option to allow the choice of key to activate this function. For example, using the left alt instead of the FN key.
All the best.2 votes -
mx master is pretty new. should be supported. light should not leak under the keys only the symbol should be illuminated.
im not happy with "not supported yet" under my mx master.
and light leakes under the keyboard keys.2 votes -
MX 3 Mouse via bloetooth not recognized on MacOS 11.4
The beta app does not even see the mouse Master MX 3 on my macbook pro!
MacOS Big Sur V.11.4
All I see is "connect your device" message2 votes -
MX Master 3 / Custom buttons not working
Master MX3 ...Custom buttons not working... I have updated Logi Options, downloaded the firmware update software, try to update the Mouse MX3 firmware, it says no need to update.... I don't know what else I can do...
2 votes
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