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ZOOM scrolling is missing!
ZOOM scrolling is missing!
2 votes -
Craft support
hope the craft will be supported soon as the keyboard no longer flow with the mouse. Not something I want to get use too :)
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logitech option+삭제후 키보드 일부 동작 정지
logitech option+ 프로그램 삭제후에 키보드 기능 정지
set point, logitech option, logitech option+를 전부 설치하고 차례대로 삭제후에 fn+F1~F12 키는 동작하지만, 윈도우 키 및 일반 타이핑은 안됨.
unifying 에서 신호는 받지만 동작은 하지 않음
블루투스로 연결하면 동작하며, 해당 리시버를 다른 컴퓨터에 연결하면 정상 동작함
logitech option+를 설치했다가 삭제한 피씨에서만 문제가 발생2 votes -
3 votes -
MX Keys consistently disconnects from bluetooth. Why have that feature if it does that?
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Keyboard inactive when using flow
USB is connected to the windows desktop for logitech keys. When I use flow to the mac device, only the mouse becomes active leaving the keyboard inactive. However, when pressing the switch it works. It just doesn't automatically do it when using flow.
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ENTER key not working on MX
The main ENTER key on my new MX keyboard doesn't work. I'm using WIndows 11 on an HP Spectre x360. I've tried restarting, repairing, reinstalling the Logitech software... nothing helps.
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See the battery of the mouse without even going on the app
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Верните стандартный Print Screen
Последнее обновление Options+ принесло неприятный функционал на клавиатуре MX Keys клавиша с фотоаппаратом перестала выполнять стандартное действе Print Screen и начала выполнять старнную комбинацию клавиш названную "Снимок экран"
Это отвратительно когда вроде бы такая стандартная клавиша как Print Screen начинает выполнять функцию "снимок экрана" с непонятной комбинацией клавиш, а назначить Print Screen обратно возможности нет. (Только подключая обычную клавиатуру получается задать стандартное действе.)1 vote -
Smooth scrolling not working - focusing on Logi+ brings it back
Smooth scrolling stops working seemingly randomly for me, opening / getting the Logi+ app in focus and then going back to firefox seems to fix it for now but is quite annoying.
I love the feel of smooth scrolling much better compared to the older one though! I just hope this bug can be fixed.
1 vote -
Switch mouse with keyboard with one key press
Please make it so that we can pair devices and have them switch to different channels together when one switches.
The main point would be for my mouse to also switch to Channel 2 when I press the button on the keyboard to switch... This is such a basic feature that has been requested countless times and I can't believe it's still not implemented... people are using HID APIs and keyloggers to make this work: https://github.com/Logitech/logi_craft_sdk/issues/281 vote -
Ways to Improve the Logi Tech Options App
I'd like for a few features that I think would make for a much better user experience.
Smoother scrolling animation on the MX Master 3 mouse. I think the current scrolling is okay but it doesn't feel that smooth. This is because it doesn't have a "slowing down animation". When you spin a desk globe for instance it turn and turn but the speed at which it turns slows down at it loses momentum. This is why Apple devices scrolling feel so smooth. The scrolling animation ends abruptly making it feel less complete. Makes a huge difference in fluidity.
It would be nice if there was a timeout function, where the MX Master 3 and Logi Tech MX Master Keyboard, would automatically turn off, if they haven't been used for sometime (maybe allows users to set a timer).
Ability to login to sync devices in this beta version (I think it'll be in the final version but I'd like to see it, in the beta version). The sign in feature is currently broken in my non-beta latest version of this Logi Tech App on my Macbook AIr 2018.
Support for Apple Silicon.
I'd like for a few features that I think would make for a much better user experience.
Smoother scrolling animation on the MX Master 3 mouse. I think the current scrolling is okay but it doesn't feel that smooth. This is because it doesn't have a "slowing down animation". When you spin a desk globe for instance it turn and turn but the speed at which it turns slows down at it loses momentum. This is why Apple devices scrolling feel so smooth. The scrolling animation ends abruptly making it feel less complete. Makes a huge difference in fluidity.
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Ajouter la MX ergo Logi Trackball
Bonjour, je trouve que vous trainez un peu trop niveau mise à jour pour la souris MX Ergo trackball qui n'est toujours pas prise en charge dans votre nouvelle mise à jour, pour un peripherique à 100 euro je trouve cela un peu short de votre part.
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MX master keys not flowing, mouse OK
I used to have flow working well between my laptop and desktop. My laptop is now running Windows 11, and since then I've never managed to get the keyboard to flow. Now I have installed the beta options on both computers, I'm still with the ongoing problem that the mouse flows well, but the keyboard does not. I have to use the easy shift keys to move the keyboard. Any advice? Many thanks.
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Turn on option to disable Start button
The beta took away the option to disable the windows start key (OPT). Need that option back in the beta application.
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我现在使用Master 3和MX Keys,三个优联接收器分别接在两台Windows和一台Mac上,现在使用按住Ctrl键至边缘切换的功能,但是经常性出现鼠标移动成功,键盘还在上一个机器上的现象,平均三次切换出现一次,出现Bug时,鼠标所有快捷键全部失灵,恢复成默认设置
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There's Something wrong with your download
There is nothing wrong with my network, chck your software.
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Flow not working
Flow pairs my two machines, i can go from one to the other, but the other to the former fails, i can see the cursor move to the machine that isn't playing ball into an initial position, but nothing else, i can also see on the bottom of my MX 3 that the indicator hasn't changed correctly. I can't use flow
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Doesn't work too
1 vote
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