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Maus ist inaktiv
Meine MX Master 3 wird mir als inaktiv angezeigt. Mauszeiger und klicken geht, aber nichts anderes. Ich kann nicht mal im Webbrowser scrollen. Mega nervig. Und es gibt noch keine Einstellungen für Final Cut Pro.
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mx master 3 missing after update
latest release, my mx master 3 has disappeared and my craft keyboard which you dont support has appeared
how do i adjust my Mx Master mouse?
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Reprogramming mouse
Hey I would like to be able to switch mouse sensitivity with what is usually shift wheel mode. Working in graphics applications its nice to able to switch between sensitivities.
Furthermore I can't find any way of reprogramming the forwards and backwards buttons for use for specific actions inside applications where you would usually just press the button to reassign function to that.
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App not working
After update, Logi+ would no longer open and the customization on my devices (MX3 mouse + keyboard) stopped working. Had to uninstall and reinstall the app.
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You broke the screenshot feature
Your recent update regarding the screenshot does NOT work. As recently as yesterday, I had that key set up to launch Greenshot and it was working perfectly. Now I can't do that.
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quiero poder ver el dpi qu estoy usando
quisiera poder saber el dpi que estoy usando, tengo un g502 que uso para jugar pero uso el mx para trabajar, pero como trabajan con dpi diferentes, al hacer el cambio me molesta un poco, si pudiera saber cual es el dpi que estoy usando, para tener los dos mouses a la misma velocidad seria genial
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software erkennen
sie ist nicht in der Liste Tastatur ???
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Do not automatically install a desktop icon after each update. I do not want it there, don't assume you have the right to do so on my computer. Your program is just a utility, we set it and then forget it, as it should be.
Also, do not open up the app after each update. Update your app silently.
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Snagit and printscreen button doesnt work!!!!
snagit printscreen
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MX Keys is not showing
App doesn't recognize MX Keys, only MX Master.
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can't use the beta s/w
I downloaded the beta software for spotlight but don't understand/know how to use it. Can you provide some steps for me?
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Several issues with the app on Mac OS Monterey
I installed Mac OS Monterey 12.0.1
I have some issues:
1) The app crashes several times and it is not possible start it again. You need to restart the mac.
2) Is not possible to add the app in the "Privacy - Input Monitoring" list of allowed apps
3) It is not possible to remove the app from the "Privacy - Accessibility" list of allowed apps.
4) I tried to remove options+ and install the old app (logi options) but the device cannot be clicked on. It says "open options+". Which I manually uninstalled.1 vote -
Scrolling on MX Anywhere 3
I have just submitted support ticket 7329765. My MX Anywhere 3 appeared not to be scrolling after installing application profiles. By chance I joined the beta programme and installed Options + . Early days but scrolling is back ... am confused. Have not got here by design!!!
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Cosas que hecho de menos
son ideas,
1.- hecho de menos, poder modificar la altura del teclado
2.- dispongo de otro teclado logitech (normalito con cable) y encuentro una chapuza que las teclas bloque mayusculas y Tab, esten invertidas, tengo uno en casa y otro en el trabajo y estoy equivocandome continuamente.
3.- Poruqe ha desaparecido el botón Pausa?1 vote -
programma specifiek taken
Van dergelijke muizen verwacht ik programma specifieke taken te kunnen toekennen aan bepaalde knoppen. Of op zijn minst een bepaalde toetsencombinatie te kunnen toekennen.
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Fallas criticas
Hola, en teclado K470. Cuando se invierte las teclas de función, si se presiona la tecla "-" del pad númerico, suspende el equipo. Un error bastante horrible. Otra cosa de momento cuando se invierte las teclas de función es que cuando subis el volumen (tecla f11) en un navegador pone la ventana en pantalla completa primero y luego sube el volumen, y esto es porque no detecta la inversión de teclas en principio.
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HInts on individual options
A hint on what the options mean would be very helpful. The one on screenshot I have no idea about.
Thank you.1 vote -
MX master 3 buttons dont work anymore in SKP
Im having issues using my mx master 3 when using sketchup, the buttong i assign to the movement buttons and click dont work when using it in sketchup or Layoute, this has worked perfectly before, but now its not reponding to any changes i do. this is a important part of my workflow, realy need a fix for this
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Frustration at heroic lack of reliability
CONSTANTLY losing bluetooth connection to my M1 MacBook Pro. MX Keys and Mouse randomly become totally unresponsive, and NOTHING will wake them up. Switching back to Apple Magic Mouse, as the ONLY thing worth paying for (and the degree to which you IT geeks don't understand this simply boggles the mind) is RELIABILITY. I don't want ANY of your bells; whistles; "features"; "neat stuff"; "could do's" — JUST reliability. And this appears simply not to be a priority for the teenagers and twenty-something coders at Logitech. Stop listening to your marketing simpletons and start listening to your customers. Until this happy day, I will be avoiding Logitech products.
CONSTANTLY losing bluetooth connection to my M1 MacBook Pro. MX Keys and Mouse randomly become totally unresponsive, and NOTHING will wake them up. Switching back to Apple Magic Mouse, as the ONLY thing worth paying for (and the degree to which you IT geeks don't understand this simply boggles the mind) is RELIABILITY. I don't want ANY of your bells; whistles; "features"; "neat stuff"; "could do's" — JUST reliability. And this appears simply not to be a priority for the teenagers and twenty-something coders at Logitech. Stop listening to your marketing simpletons and start listening to your customers. Until this…
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1 vote
- Don't see your idea?