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Fallo intermitente en rueda central
A veces la ruda central se vuelve loca y manda pulsos sin control, por ejemplo si está haciendo scroll un leve toque pasa varias páginas, haciendo zoom en algún elemento agranda o reduce muchísimo más de lo que debería.
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Porcentagem de carregamento
Seria muito bacana se colocassem a porcentagem de bateria dos dispositivos, e também o tempo de carregamento que ainda falta quando estiver carregando!
Isso pode ajudar ao consumidor a se programar em questão do carregamento e da bateria, quando for viajar ou precisar ficar longe do carregador por bastante tempo.
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master3鼠标,非MAC版本,连接不上,U联和蓝牙都不行,option里都没设备。已经打开mac输入监听权限,最新的mac Monterey12.0.1
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Hi. Want to say thanks! First glance at app - is looking better than common 'Option'.
Will test functionality and report.1 vote -
Sync device names between EasyKeys and Flow
- Device names are not synced between Keys/EasySwitch and Mouse/Flow.
- No option to rename device under Mouse/Flow (as it's possible under Keys/EasySwitch)
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scrolling box without the editing line inside of it
When using the Trackpad of my Macbook, I can scroll through multiple different text boxes when hovering my mouse over them, as long as the window they are contained in is in the foreground. An option to activate this feature would be great since Im used to it from the trackpad and other mice.
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Download Failed
Download failed for both mouse and keyboard
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cloud config
how about logging into google and importing the original configs via cloud backup
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turn of win key
where is function 'turn off winn key'???
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Muting microphone
Could we get the possibility of muting the microphone on the MX keys - as I see this is available on the mini, but not the "large" model.
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bouton fonctions ne fonctionne pas si citrix est ouvert
logi option + ne semble pas fonctionner correctement lorsque j'utilise Citrix
aucun bouton de fonction ne fonctionne en dehors de citrix.quand je lance mon mac sans Citrix tout focntionne parfaitement.
de plus impossible de faire defiler les page en dehors de citrix
clavier/ souris MX Key / MX master 3
mac book pro m1 pro 16"1 vote -
Download failed, check network eroo
"Download failed, check network" error.
the message looks bad, it is not centered properly, colour looks wrong, and it doesnt make sense as i have an internet connection.1 vote -
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imac os 업데이트 후 반응 느림
아이맥 big sur 에서 monterey 로 업데이트 하니
전체적으로 마우스 키보드 전환 할때나
포인트 이동할때 부자연스러워졌습니다,확인 부탁드려요
1 vote -
Scroll to Zoom feature still missing
Please bring the "scroll to zoom" feature for MX Master soon
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cant forget device on easy-switch, flow functionality switching to device that has been forgotten
cannot reset keyboard, or reset connected devices, Easy-Switch having trouble with flow and flow switches to device that does not have logitech options or flow functionality. cannot flow to device that does have flow functionality enabled
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Battery percentage for MX Keys keyboard (macOS 11/Big Sur)
Include battery percentage remaining in an easily-to-find location.. I can’t find any place where this information can be found
This should be available whether the wireless (usb dongle) or bluetooth connection method is used
1 vote
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