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Logi Plus button remapping to new keyboard combo fails
Attempting to remap a button on my mouse to a new keyboard combination fails and throws a backend error
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Mac Keyboard F3 function missing
My logi mx keyboard does not show up in this app. I have the apple smaller one at the office and the F3 button which on a mac would open up all apps on the screen - does not exist on this keyboard. Rather F1 - F3 are taken by bluetooth options for 3 different computers. How do I access the normal F3 menu
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Scroll wheel - inactive app
I have 2 MX3 mice - one at home and one at the office. I am at the office and opening this app because my scroll wheel is not working. I scroll and nothing happens. I opened up this app - it shows 2 mice and both are "inactive". I don't see any way of making them active. I go into blue tooth settings and my office mouse is there. Is there something I need to do in order to get this all working?
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No devices showing since MOnterey
Mx keys and mx master 3 no longer showing in logi options + since monterey update.they do connect via bluetooth and work with the laptop, they just arent shwoing in logi options
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Making option to be able to use "alt" button with horizontal scroll for other than default use
My idea is, to make mx master 3 able to make some keyboard-mouse shortcuts. For example, the second scroll button is now set for horizontal scroll, but with pressing the "alt" button simultaniously with scrolling it would be used for changing the volume or other useful thing.
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Make battery icon larger
Please show actual battery percentage level in the Logi Options+ dashboard.
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unifying receiver disablity
unify receiver don't work
can't connect unify mouse with the software
mx anywhere 3 for mac1 vote -
fejl options+
kan ikke få adgang og mistet alle funktioner på musen
1 vote -
feature request Options+
Would it be possible to customize also other keys? I am specifically thinking about the ./del on the numerik keyboard.
In some applications, because I am in the EU region, it would be usefull if it behaves as a ',' instead of a '.' (Excel/Numbers).1 vote -
Daumenrad Chrome Tabwechsel-Richtung falsch
Hallo zusamen,
wenn einstelle, dass das Daumenrad in Chrome meine Tabs durchblättern soll, ist aktuell die Richtung verkehrt herum - scrolle ich das Daumenrad nach oben, wechselt Chrome in nach links, scrolle ich nach unten, wechselt Chrome nach rechts - war bisher nicht so und lässt sich leider auch über die Einstellung der Scrollrichtung nicht ändern..1 vote -
Flow mit Tastatur und Maus
Hallo zusammen,
ich hätte einen Feature Request für die Logi-Options+:
da ich in der glücklichen Lage bin, sowohl die MX Keys, als auch die Master 3 zu besitzen, wäre es eine wirklich angenehme Sache, wenn beim Nutzen der Flow-Funktion beide Geräte zwischen den Computern umgeschaltet werden.Bei Rückfragen stehe ich selbstverständlich gerne zur Verfügung.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Andreas Ferber
1 vote -
MX Master 3 inactive in Mac
My mouse is on and connected by bluetooth but logi options + show it as inactive. The direction of scrolling randomly changes and I can't configure it because the mouse is not recognised (MX Master 3)
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All my devices are "inactive" although they are properly connected and working.
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mx keys flow延迟且经常失败
MX KEYS跟随鼠标flow时延迟明显甚至经常失效!
1 vote -
Make a software update for 120hz
i just got my new m1 pro macbook pro with the 120hz refresh rate, and it seems like my MX Master 3 is not compatible with such a refresh rate. I have the latest firmware and everything but everytime i use the mouse, scrolling and dragging files becomes pretty slow compared to the trackpad.. are you intending on fixing it with a software update?1 vote -
VPNが原因なのか分かりませんがExcelはかなり不安定です。1 vote -
no custom buttons, inactive in logi+
says mx master 3 is inactive, but its connected via blueooth and working, except for custom buttons
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Quick Notes not working
when paired with a M1 MBP13" MacOS 12.0.1 the mx keyboard will launch quick notes (fn+q). I have try to toggle the function keys to see if that made a difference. It doesn't. Any idea how to fix this?
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mx anywhere3在 Option+里边的 photoshop 没有专属应用程序快捷键
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Buggy shortcuts on MX Master 3
Window navigation not working
Copy paste option not working from side buttonsThis is on latest version of MacOS
1 vote
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