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Flow: Foco del ratón "no sigue" al foco del ratón
He instalado la beta de Logitech Options+ en mis equipos, dos con Windows 10 y uno con Mac OS X Big Sur 11.4. Utilizo un ratón MX Master 3 y un teclado MX Keys for Mac.
Flow funciona perfectamente con el ratón: el foco pasa de un ordenador a otro sin problemas. Sin embargo, no con el teclado, si no selecciono el ordenador con las teclas Easy-Switch, no tengo el foco del teclado en el mismo ordenador en el que está el ratón. Eso no pasaba anteriormente. Cuando cambiaba con flow de un ordenador a otro con el ratón, el foco del teclado también cambiaba automáticamente al ordenador en el que el ratón tenía el foco.¿Hay alguna forma de configurarlo?
He instalado la beta de Logitech Options+ en mis equipos, dos con Windows 10 y uno con Mac OS X Big Sur 11.4. Utilizo un ratón MX Master 3 y un teclado MX Keys for Mac.
Flow funciona perfectamente con el ratón: el foco pasa de un ordenador a otro sin problemas. Sin embargo, no con el teclado, si no selecciono el ordenador con las teclas Easy-Switch, no tengo el foco del teclado en el mismo ordenador en el que está el ratón. Eso no pasaba anteriormente. Cuando cambiaba con flow de un ordenador a otro con el ratón, el…5 votes -
MX Keys and Master 3 Wireless Keyboard and Mouse waking computer
MX Keys and Master 3 Wireless Keyboard and Mouse waking computer all of the time
2 votes -
Urgent Security Flaw, Sensitive Data Leak
Horizontal scroll doesnt work
2 votes -
After Beta installation, Flow stopped functioning.
since updating to the Logi+ beta, I've lost Flow. :(
Unless there's a fix, I'll need to uninstall everything and start over with the supported, non-beta configuration I had before. I have a Mac and PC, hard-wired to the same network. Neither can see the other in Flow setup.
2 votes -
Inactive MX Master 3
options+ shows my mx master 3 as "inactive" -- this seems to happen every so often. I'm on OSX. Is this a known issue with a workaround? I've tried turning the mouse off/on etc and the only thing that seems to work is a computer reboot
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Option to disable gestures key when in full screen mode
I would like to be able to disable the gestures button automatically when a full screen application is open. For example, while in a presentation or game, accidentally hitting the gestures key makes for 'bad times'. I tried adding a single game to the list and disabling the gestures key for that game only, it did not work. I had to disable the gestures key for all applications.
2 votes -
DPI profile switch assignment to hw button on MX Master 3
Switching dpi profiles via a software configured button on the mouse(Mx master 3) is missing in this release. It was a very useful feature since I have three monitors and easily switching between high speed movement(high dpi) and more precise lower dpi setting was very convenient. Will it be reimplemented? If not I might stick with the older Logitech Options software.
Kind Regards,
Ersin2 votes -
not detecting mouse
unable to detect pebble m350
2 votes -
Geräte inaktiv
Wie bei der anderen Software (Logi Options), passiert es auch bei Options+, dass Geräte als "inaktiv" angezeigt werden, obwohl diese mit dem Mac verbunden sind. Bei den "inaktiven" Geräten sind dann die default Einstellungen aktiv. Das Problem tritt häufig nach einem Entsperren des Macs auf, gelegentlich aber auch während der Nutzung.
2 votes -
Windows navigation doesn't work when using gesture button
Windows navigation / switch desktops to left or right doesn't work with gestures (MacOS 11.5.2). However, it does any other action depending on the active application. E.g. when Safari is active and Windows navigation configured for gesture button, it calls Back and Forward page. In IntelliJ IDEA it changes editor tabs.
Workaround for not working Windows navigation was to assign keyboard shortcuts to gestures (which works reliably).
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App specific profiles not working
The profiles you had for the adobe suite are all gone now. There used to be app specific actions you could map to the buttons but now they are all gone. Actions like photoshop zoom, cut tool, select tool, horizontal scroll.
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Fn + esc
fn + esc 太遠了且需要兩隻手才能完成
或是可以讓master 3 有 fn的按鈕 也很棒2 votes -
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we need to disable INSERT key, or even better: we need an option to disable any key
we need the old option back: to disable INSERT key, or even better: we need an option to disable any key
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장치를 연결했는데 옵션스 플러스 다음 화면으로 넘어가지 않음
블루 투스로 장치를 연결한 상태인데,
삭제후 다시 연결해도 다음 화면으로 넘어가지 않습니다2 votes -
Scroll wheel doesn't stop
Scroll button doesn't stop
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Brak ustawień / połączenia
Po podłączeniu myszy do laptopa, wcześniejsze ustawienia przycisków itp. nie działają. Na ekranie głównym aplikacji Logi Options+ mysz "MX Master 3 for Mac" jest wskazywana jako "nieaktywna". Podobnie jest z klawiaturą "MX Keys for Mac". Problem potrafi zniknąć po uśpieniu i ponownym wybudzeniu systemu, ale nie zawsze tak się dzieje. Ponowne uruchomienie aplikacji Logi Options+ nic nie zmienia.
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wrong color k380
Detected my k380 - but changed from black to pink - mine is off white - can this be changed? just vaguely annoying
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Delete a device
Can you provide a right click on one device to Delete a device?
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Soft lock during installation process of Options+
When installing Options+ on MacOS, I got to the point where I had to give permissions in System Preferences. When told to give Accessibility permissions, I also gave it input monitoring permissions before Options+ specifically told me to. This resulted in a soft lock of Options+ telling me to give input monitoring permission even though they were already granted.
To fix this, I unchecked input monitoring in System Preferences and rechecked it.
1 vote
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