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Duplicate icon in Launchpad after upgrade to Mac OS Monterey
On Mac OS Monterey there is an icon with a name "logioptionsplus_agent" in the Launchpad that cannot be removed. In Big Sur it wasn't there.
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MacOS 12 连不上设备
MacOS 12 发现不了设备
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MAc os monterey MX3 problem - safari
Safari dont work correct with MX3 master on mac os 12.01.1 monetrey. Forward and backward doesnt work on latest safari.1 vote -
Logitech Flow not working properly
Flow is very erratic on MacOS Monterey. I never had a problem with this feature earlier. I have downloaded the new beta version but still there is a problem.
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Brightness down key doesn't work
Brightness down key doesn't work for mac computer. I'm using macOS Big Sur 11.16.1 with MX Keys keyboard and when I'm pressing brightness down on MX Keys nothing happens
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タスクビューに設定していても、フォルダを開くに設定していても同じです。1 vote -
Wrong Download speed unit
Wrong download speed label: My network is 150Mbps / 20MB/s; however, when installing software for devices on Options+, the download speed displayed as Mbps number but with MB/s label.
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Side button stops working after a while
The side button on the MX Master 3 still stops working after a while until I logout and login again. Sometimes have to login multiple times for it to work again. The M1 Macs have been out for a while now not sure why these problems still persist.
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Button actions
Too bad that in Options+ small button for "shift wheel mode" action, cannot be changed to "new mail" action. Because of that I'm going back to old version.
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Idée pour plusieurs MX Key et une MX Master 3
Bonjour Logitech,
J'adore ma souris MX 3 et mon clavier MX Keys à tel point que j'en ai acheté 1 pour mon lieu de travail et un pour la maison. Je connecte les 2 claviers aux mêmes ordinateurs et il est difficile de savoir quel MX Key il faut choisir pour la commande qui fait que le clavier suit la souris. Je pense que si l'on pouvait renommer les claviers, ce serait bien. Peut-être est-il possible que le programme détecte également automatiquement quel est le clavier connecté directement plutôt que je doive le changer? Merci pour vos efforts. Continuez comme ça. Meilleures salutations. Joël BonvinBonjour Logitech,
J'adore ma souris MX 3 et mon clavier MX Keys à tel point que j'en ai acheté 1 pour mon lieu de travail et un pour la maison. Je connecte les 2 claviers aux mêmes ordinateurs et il est difficile de savoir quel MX Key il faut choisir pour la commande qui fait que le clavier suit la souris. Je pense que si l'on pouvait renommer les claviers, ce serait bien. Peut-être est-il possible que le programme détecte également automatiquement quel est le clavier connecté directement plutôt que…1 vote -
battery percentage
show how much battery percentage and the flow connectivity has issues please do check that
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Can't add mx keys mini to options beta
How to add mx mini kays here to?
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Como configuro aumentar e diminuir tamanho do pincel no photoshop, esta opção não está aparecendo no Option+
Como configuro aumentar e diminuir tamanho do pincel no photoshop, esta opção não está aparecendo no Option+
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No option to upload and manage presets/user preferences per application
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office365 Excel滚轮无法滚动
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MX Master 2S 在 macOS Monterey 上卡顿
为什么 Options+ 暂不支持 MX Master 2S,我现在用 macOS Monterey,遇到了鼠标卡顿问题,几乎无法使用,希望能尽快解决
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暗い部屋での使用中にバックライトがoffになると次の文字打ち込みの際にスムーズな打ち込みができません。1 vote -
Print Screen not functioning properly with 3rd party capture apps
I want the print screen key to operate as a print screen key, not launch Snip&Sketch in windows. This key is interfering with SnagIt and Screenpresso apps - and ONLY if I use my MX Keys keyboard with Logi Options+.
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Brave Browser not recognized
Since the last update no mouse buttons except scroll and left/right button works in Brave Browser. In Chrome, everything works fine, but in Brave nothing works. Some keybinds are even completely wrong. Thumb scroll is bind to navigate between tabs, but instead it controls volume.
3 votes
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