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Windows + L Short Cut does not work
I set a keyboard shortcut to my top center button. Windows + L. To lock my PC when leaving and it is not registering the Windows portion as the command just writes "L" anytime I click the button.
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MX Master 3 button customization's non-functional
it seems like ever since updating to Options+ the customized buttons on my MX Master 3 mouse do not "stick" - either I have to reset them or force quit the Options Daemon (MacOS) to get my customizations to return. After purchasing a Logi Bolt adapter, now, certain functions do not work at all. Also, since upgrading to Options+, I'm stuck with a less than fully-functional mouse. This is disappointing - especially for Logitech kit.
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Thanks for options+, I've been facing a lot of issues with my MX Keys and Master MX 3 since first day using Logitech Options and finally are working properly with this new software, please don't forget to keep bringing support to your products.
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Switch doesn't work sometimes
When switching between desktops on multiple Windows 11 PC's with CTRL key enabled, switch does not work unless desktop has focus. This was also true with previous versions. I have MX Keys and MX Master 3 mouse with a Unifying USB Receiver on both computers.
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MX Anywhere 3 Mouse: Unable to connect 3 PCs in a flow
Unable to connect 3 Windows computers in a flow with MX Anywhere 3 Mouse. Buttons have to pressed to move from more than two computers at a time. I don't see the 3 computers anymore in the flow tab like it used to.
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The backlight turns on even though it is off in the settings
Every time I open photoshop, backlighting turns on automatically, even though I turned it off in the settings.
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Brush size gone!!!
Terrible update, and absolute no support for adobe apps. Got the latest lightroom (v11) and photoshop (v23) updates and they don't even show in personalized customisation apps, or can you imagine - in the app listing!!!!! You've the manually add them, and so, no personalized actions like brush size can be assigned.
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not hise scrollbars
mon il mouse mx3 attivo in osx vengono sempre mostrate le scrollbar nel browser anche se non sta avvenendo lo scroll ignorando le impostazioni di sistema
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sistemate lo scroller
Mettete a posto lo scroller: è inutilizzabile in quanto perde qualche impostazione e con un solo scatto avanza di decine di step, poi si riprende, e va ad intermittenza; impossibile disegnare!
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Windows navigatie in MacOS Monterey werkt niet
Ik heb een 'MX Master 3 for Mac' en die heeft altijd, tot MacOS Monterey dan, prima gewerkt. In Logi Options+ heb ik de middelste knop weer ingesteld op zgn. Windows navigatie, dus ingedrukt houden en naar links of rechts voor een ander beeld. Dat werkt zolang de Logi Options+ app actief is maar na het sluiten van de app werkt het niet meer. Graag een oplossing!
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scroll to zoom
Add zoom funktion on the normal scroll wheel for apps like premiere or photoshop. It's possible to ad the funktion on the thumb wheel but not the upper one.
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Why only support logitech keyboards?
Flow isn't working. It finds the other computer, but I can't control it with the mouse. Also, why is it limited to only logitech keyboards? Why not support other keyboards?
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MX3 wont connect
i cant get my MX3 to connect after installing this Beta - the app just keeps flashing BT or USB
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MacBook Pro 14-inch 上的指针帧率问题
在 MacBook Pro 14-inch 上,罗技 MX Master 3 连接之后,在屏幕上指针的帧率只有 60FPS ,但是用触控板的时候就有 120FPS 。
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MX KEYS MINIのサポートについて
MX KEYS MINIを購入しましたが、画面に表示されません。サポート対象外でしょうか?
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Location of products images
Can you just change keyboard and mouse images location at app. I use keyboard on left and mouse on right but on app they are opposite .1 vote -
Not supported
Kind of useless beta when it's not supporting on shelf, high end products.
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동일 제품 options내에서 이름 변경
제가 노트북을 들고서 회사 및 집에서
MXkeys 총 2개 사용하고 있습니다.
두개의 이름을 지정할수 있으면
Flow 사용시 편할것 같습니다.
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Adobe illustratorの設定
Adobe illustratorのやり直しはcontrol+shift+zなので対応できるようにしてほしい。
現状マウスにやり直しを設定するとcontrol+yでアウトラインとなります。1 vote
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