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2 votes
left and right button assignment
I really need to assign different functions to the left and right button of the mouse as well.
Also different profiles for the mouse that we can enable or disable anytime we want, and maybe different profiles for the same app
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Group Switching
It would be a nice feature to group the mouse and keyboard for easy switch so by pressing the easy switch key on the keyboard the mouse also switched.
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Missing action and uninstaller
1) you cannot choose the option "set pointer speed" for the MX Master 3.
2) I cannot find the uninstaller, where it is?
Bests2 votes -
Problem with MX Keys Going Inactive
Having real problems with my MX Keys constantly going inactive.
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i am connected the internet but logitech cant connect
See attached. Win 10 OS up to date as of Sept 15 2021
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Options+ хуже Options, а также при обновлении слетели настройки
приложение отвратительное. Тут не то, чтобы нет функций дополнительных, тут еще и урезаны основные функции(в предыдущем отзыве описал). Причем пришло новое обновление и с ним слетели все настройки!!! А привязки к аккаунту ИМЕННО В ЭТОМ Options+ нет! Откатываюсь до стандартной утилиты Option.
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시스템 종료
제스쳐 설정 카테고리에 시스템 종료를 다시 추가 했으면 좋겠습니다. 이전에는 있었던 기능이 사라져서 불편합니다.
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Like the new look
Really love the look of this better than the old look
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perm backlight
Why isn't it possible to keep backlight on permanent?
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'Inactive' and Scroll Wheel not working
It keeps displaying "Inactive" under my MX Master 3 for Mac. I'm noticing that I cannot scroll with the scroll wheel while it says this.
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Herunterfahren mit Warnung
Seit der Installation von "LogiOptions+" Software, Version 0.50 kommt zu einem sehr hohen Prozentsatz (70-90%) immer die Warnung:
"Folgende App verhindert das Herunterfahren:
Hidden _d3dLogiOptionsMgr Window"
Auch andere Warnungen kommen, sind aber nicht näher spezifiziert.
Nach Deinstallation des Programms enden auch die Warnungen,2 votes -
Opstarten windows
Geen optie om de applicatie mee op te starten met Windows. zie bijlage
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Allow the backlight to be on permanently
I would like there to be an option to have the backlight on permanently. I know this will have an impact on battery life, but it can sometimes be difficult to target the relevant keys until the light comes on, slowing down the use of the keyboad.
2 votes -
M1 Support is required going forward. It's not an option. All Macs will be Apple Silicon so it's pointless developing x86 Mac Applications
You need to implement M1 support. I downloaded the options+ beta because my MX Master 2 has been barely functional on the M1 mac but now that I've installed Options+ it turns out that my mouse Isn't supported by this software... So essentially my mouse has suddenly been rendered worse than the default magic mouse due to its extreme reliance on outdated software.
1 vote -
Battery charge icon
I greatly appreciate the battery icon which now shows (finally) an approximation of the capacity remaining in the batteries of BOTH the MX Master 3 mouse and MX Keys keyboard. Long time coming & much appreciated. We'll see how accurate it is.
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Batterieladezustand in % neben Batteriesymbol einblenden
itte den Batterieladezustand der Geräte zusätzlich in % ausgeben.
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Backlight cycle between on and off
Keyboard backlight turns off and on indefinitely even when nothing is in it's range and bluetooth is connected. The light turns on, stays on for around 5 seconds, goes off then after a further 5 seconds turns on again in a cycle. Tried factory reset and it worked until I used Flow at which point the cycle started again. Turning off and on doesn't work.
1 vote -
Not smooth cursor movement in Windows 11
In the last few weeks, I've noticed that my MX Master 3 mouse cursor is not moving smoothly.
FYI, I'm using Windows 11. From time to time, whenever I completely disconnect (forget the bluetooth device) and then reconnect, it works again, but after sometime, the issue returns!
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?