31670 results found
After updating to version 1.83.632797, button not working
After updating to version 1.83.632797, the following issue occurs:
- After booting the laptop, the buttons set in Logitech Options+ are not reflected on the M545 mouse.
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more movement customizations
The movement options available are pitiful. Where are the basic acceleration and accuracy options? I don't need AI BS dreamed up by your marketing department. Spend time on the things that I need to fine tune my trackball response or I will find another brand that does this. My Logitech mouse 15 years ago had more response customization.
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configurer les boutons
Je n'arrive plus à configurer les boutons de ma souris. L'option n'est plus présente à travers le logiciel. Pourtant, ma souris (MX master 3s) est bel et bien reconnue.
Le logiciel ne propose plus ce service pourtant indispensable ?1 vote -
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Fix mouse wheel scrolling pauses please
My mouse wheel pauses when scrolling often in multiple apps for no apparent reason. Had this mouse for over a year and this just started recently post Logi+ update so i'm guessing a bug has been introduced to mouse driver or Logi app?.?
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Forslag/fejl ERGO M575
Har netop taget min nye ERGO M575 mus ibrug. Meget lækker - men højre musetast er åbenbart FOR følsom (reagerer blot ved berøring), hvilket er vanskeligt at undgå.
Denne omstændighed virker ved daglig brug meget irriterende, så hvis det ikke er en fejl ved netop min mus, burde denne knap nok justeres så den først reagerer ved et direkte tryk i lighed med venste knap!
Med venlig hilsen
Willy Grauby 8454
Skanderborgvej 38
8000 Aarhus C1 vote -
Add option to sync currently connected computer between mouse and keyboard based on input from only one device
Hello I'd like to suggest new feature:
I have Logi keyboard and logi mouse which both are able to connect to 3 computers.
On keyboard switching is done by pressing dedicated button for each computer (1-3) which is very comfortable option.
On mouse i have to keep pressing dedicated button to scroll over option 1 then 2 then 3 which isn't very comfortable, because number of times i have to press this button to get to desired computer varies based on which computer I'm currently working. (so i have to go trought circle and depends on starting point)
- I…1 vote -
Mouse communicate to keyboard
It would be cool that Logitech mouse uses flow element to inform logitech keyboard to switch to specific pc that mouse is currently in. so that manual switch on keyboard isn't necessary.
Am aware that it may need hardware tweak on keyboard to recieve data packages instead just sending it.1 vote -
grave mancanza: smart actions richiede login, rende inutile questo mouse
L'unico motivo per cui ho acquistato ed uso il mouse mx master 3s è la possibilità di usare le smart actions. PURTROPPO TROVO DUE IMPORTANTI LIMITI: il primo, bypassabile, è il fatto di non poterle applicare a qualsiasi pulsante io voglia; la seconda mancanza, gravissima, è il fatto che il software mi richieda la connessione a internet per farmi usare le smart actions MENTRE LAVORO spesso OFFLINE IN AREE SENZA COPERTURA INTERNET, ritrovandomi di punto in bianco ad avere un mouse inutilizzabile
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Remapping key F7/Emoji to Windows Copilot not working
I have reset F7/Emoji key to open Windows Copilot from the logi Option+ software. It is not working now (it was working some time days back). Could you please have a look and resolve the issue.
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Suggestion for ChatGPT windows
Please allow resize chat GPT windows and minimize to the taskbar or system tray
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The support Bot experiuence is very frustrating and makes me want to stop using Logiutecxh alltogether. The same questions loop aroiund. The serioal number is not visible on the backside as its very very lighty - another issue YOU need to address.
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Kritik, Scrollen
Scrollen ist sehr schlecht!
Die Drehung am Rad um ein Raster bewirkt komplette Ein- oder Auszoomen das nervt richtig!1 vote -
Smart Action Loops
It would be excellent if smart actions had the capability to "loop" keystrokes to repeat a programmed action until an end trigger. For example, click 1 times per second, until another button is pressed, or click 10 times a second while a button is pressed.
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PC本体とLogi Options+を両方再起動しても、すぐにマウスのアクションが機能しなくなってしまう。
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문제좀 해결해라 무한로딩
m1 mac 사용중
로지 옵션이 무한 로딩 걸리는 증상이 나오면
마우스 옵션 사용이 안됨
마우스나 키보드 지정한 것이 기본 설정으로만 사용가능해짐 문제 좀 해결해라 몇년째냐1 vote -
Clipboard error
I'm getting this clipboard error ALL the time and it is extremely frustrating. Some google searching seems to indicate it is related to Logi Options+ and it's been a issue for quite some time. This really needs to be resolved. I definitely would not continue to purchase or recommend Logitech products if this is not resolved soon.
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设置的快捷按钮经常会不起作用,必须要要重新打开 Logi Options+ 程序一次, 然后快捷按钮才能起作用. 怎么解决?
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Logi Options dies
Logi Options crashes every day and loses config.. please fix.. driving me nuts.
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1. 左鍵的按鈕 耐用度太差
與價格不匹配- 滑鼠停駐打字區指標時(例如Google翻譯打字區) 「閃爍點非常容易跳離停駐點」 造成看著鍵盤取字時總是空打 造成非常大的困擾!
還是羅技硬體問題?1 vote
- Don't see your idea?