11007 results found
some improvements for you
overall this s/w is an improvement
1) but curiously why aren't all options available for all buttons?
2) why cant the fwd/back buttons be used for gesture buttons (they did on my MX2 with older s/w)
3) how about a print sheet that summarizes what all the buttons do that we can print and post by our monitor until we have memorized all the button functions
4) still would be nicer to have just one page where we could assign all the buttons all the functions and not have to go in button by button...its cludgey and time consuming
5)…1 vote -
allow to save presets and multiple gesture presets
allow copy custom gestures AND possibility to create multiple custom gestures.
Allow to save all settings as a file, so I can set up the same settings on different computers from different users.1 vote -
allow second scroll wheel to scroll vertically too
Allow the horizontal scroll wheel to have the option to scroll vertically too
4 votes -
Custom keyboard command scroll wheel functionality
Allow custom keyboard commands for each direction of each scroll wheel (or just the horizontal scroll wheel) for different applications.
4 votes -
Keine M1-Unterstützung
Hallo, das neue "Logi Options+" läuft auf einem Mac mit BigSur 11.4 sehr gut. Leider läuft es aber immer noch über Rosetta2. Ich würde mir eine native M1-Unterstützung sehr wünschen. Vielen lieben Dank
3 votes -
Missing options
Option to save/backup mouse/keyboard settings unavailable
4 votes -
Support for older devices like MX Master 1
Support for legacy MX Master Mice:
Hoping to get support for older mice as well. It's quite a limited list at the moment and I don't see any reason not being able to support them.2 votes -
Use previous options setup
Need to automatically pick the previous version of options configuration
2 votes -
Les sauvegardes ne sont plus disponible ?
Il serait intéressant de pouvoir supprimer des sauvegardes.2 votes -
Charge reminder
Time remaining on battery when it gets low.
A "end of work day" reminder to charge if the battery is low. E.G If I normally finish at 5 a user configurable reminder to charge the mouse say 15 minutes before I finish work.2 votes -
맥os에서 한영 전환 키를 설정할 수 있도록 하는 기능이 있으면 좋겠어요.
맥os 에서 사용할 때 한영 전환 버튼을 'cmd/한영'키 등으로 변경할 수 있도록 기능이 추가되면 좋겠습니다.
2 votes -
鍵盤大小寫提示可不可以改回 Option 的顯示方法
鍵盤大小寫提示可不可以改回 Option 的顯示方法,Option+ 的顯示字小,而且是簡中,沒有舊版的清楚。
2 votes -
人により快適な操作距離は異なると思うので、この点ご対応いただけますと幸いです。2 votes -
Opt out of suggested config for big apps
Pre-defined mouse config for some apps is "cool" . But I have a very specific global mapping which I want to just apply to Chrome with just 1 tweak for 1 button. There's no way to add chrome normally, only with the built in config which I dislike.
It's a good feature but there should be a way to add these apps without the suggested config and base the config off the global, just like any other app.1 vote -
remove a device
It would be very nice to be able to remove a old device. also a mouse ive never used is in my options menu..
1 vote -
1 vote -
k260 issues
i cannot configure my k260 keyboard using options. i tried to download options + hoping for better functionality but apparently this is also lacking. to be fair it is still in beta. but i dont know how can configure k260 in a mac
1 vote -
Customize settings difficult to find
It's a bit of confusing for me to find where to customize the buttons setting for the apps. I can add apps but i don't know how to customize their settings.
1 vote -
Additional device support
Please bring support for the M337 BT Wireless mouse and K480 BT 3-Device Wireless Keyboard.
1 vote -
Design de micro janelas para teclas utilitárias
Sugestão para melhorar o design das microjanelas que aparecem após teclar: Capslock, Numlock, e luz de fundo do teclado. A redução do tamanho em comparação ao layout do logitech options já é um bom acerto, porém,
o tamanho variavel, não transparência, falta de coesão com o design do logitech option beta (modo escuro e claro), a falta das bordas arredondas, e a sombra adicionada, pioram bastante a usabilidade principalmente quando a janela tapa alguma informação na tela (antes era possivel prosseguir graças a transparência, já agora é necessário esperar o tempo passar para prosseguir). Com essas mudanças já melhorariam bastante…
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?