macOS Logi Options+ 중간에 멈춤으로 제스처 사용 불가
macOS에서 사용하는데, 중간에 모르게 꺼지고 다시 실행시키면 로딩이 자꾸 걸립니다. 다시 실행 시킬려면 재부팅을 해야합니다.
Adminpkumar (Admin, Logitech) commented
Hi there,
Thank you for reaching out to us and reporting the issue. We apologize for any inconvenience this may be causing.
To help us investigate and resolve this issue as quickly as possible, could you please provide us with the following information:
a) Device Model: (e.g., MX Master 3, M545, MX Keys, etc.)
b) Operating System (OS) details: (e.g., Windows 11 22631.4169, macOS 14.5.1, etc.)
c) Sample Process (macOS):
Steps to collect Sample Process from macOS:
1: Launch Activity Monitor from /Applications/Utilities folder
2: Close the Options Plus UI
3: Select Logi Options+ process and click on gear icon (on top left corner) and click sample processd) Logs from the Options+:
Steps to collect logs:
1) Press & hold Shift+Enter and click on Settings icon
2) Click "Start Logging"
3) Try to reproduce the issue
4) Stop Logging
5) Logs will be saved in the desktop (ex. share the requested details including log and sample process/memory dump to
Once we have this information, we'll be able to investigate the issue thoroughly and provide you with a solution.
Thank you for your cooperation.