4459 results found
Right click does not work.
Right click does not work. Period. What are you doing?
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MX MASTER 3 Mouse Buttons Aren't Useable In Photoshop 2024
Update is needed for Photoshop 2024 ASAP! None of my preset buttons on my MX MASTER 3 mouse are working on it since I updated to the 2024 version. It's been MONTHS now and it needs to be addressed or myself and many many others are going to go with other brands for our mouse of choice.
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unitila ja bluetooth
MIten MX tuotteilla (hiiri + nÄppäimistö) saa käynnistettyä win10 koneen unitilasta (standby).
Mistä löytyy asiakaspalvelöulle email
osoite ?1 vote -
Troppa RAM consumata
trovo indecente che il consumo di ram sia cosi alto, ho attive si e no 3/4 opzioni di personalizzazione sul mouse MX 3 ed il consumo di ram è di 5GB.
Se potreste migliorare questo aspetto ne sarei molto grato sia io che il mio macbook air.1 vote -
Compatibility with "New" Teams
Dec 2, 2023, 11:46 PM UTC
Thank you for taking the time to respond. I apologize for the delayed response.I appreciate your effort in trying out the troubleshooting, I would like to inform you that since the New Teams is a new feature added to the Teams application, and its a new application, its not fully compatible with Options plus. Some features might work and some might not. We really hope this gets fixed in the upcoming updates.
I would kindly request you to please go ahead and submit this feedback via Options Plus software. To submit a feedback, click…
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Erratic mouse movements
I had a new computer built this past week. Since I connected my M720 Logitech mouse, the mouse has been erratic and I often have no control over where the cursor goes when I move the mouse. Then is works normally for a few seconds and then back to erratic It's awful! Anything I can do to fix this?
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1. 两台电脑处于同一局域网下,且网段相同。
2. 分别用USB及蓝牙连接两台电脑;
3. 两台电脑的Logi Options+版本一致。2 votes -
Options+ not working after win11 sleep
My lift vertical mouse customize key (configured by options+) is not working after my windows 11 sleep. Every time I have to restart Options+ to get it working. This is really annoying.
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Logi Option+のアップデートがする度にカスタムしたジェスチャーがリセットされるので、改善して欲しい。
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Options+ ist eine Katastrophe!
Funktioniert nur zeitweise, Maus rennnt ständig in die untere rechte Ecke und verschwindet, Tastatur arbeitet auch nur zeitweise und folgt der Maus nicht....
Minimizetotray und Akku
Ich erfreut über die Einfachheit des neuen Interfaces, ABER:
- Ich werde nun zum zweiten mal nicht benachrichtigt, wenn der Akkustand niedrig ist. Ärgerlich.
- Das Programm läuft nicht im Hintergrund wie der Vorgänger und wird auch nicht optional "MinimizeToTray minimiert. Das würde ich mir zurück wünschen.Ansonsetn bin ich seit jahrzehnten Kunde bei Logitech wenn es um Mäuse geht und habe einen Großteil der alten hier sogar noch zu liegen. Gab Hoch und Tiefs, aber im Vergleich für mich immer die beste Wahl.
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請問能如何排除1 vote -
Bad product
You guys are f*ing bandits to extort my e-mail address to use the features of this software. FU
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Master 3s 在使用mac系統時,拇指按鈕自訂手勢「桌面向左」或「桌面向右」有時會失效,需重新開機才會恢復。
失效後在YouTube會變快進或後退10秒,希望可以改善!謝謝!2 votes -
please make it minimize window when windows start !!!!!! WHY I HAVE TO SEE ALWAYS WHEN I OPEN PC... SO BAD SOFTWARE EVER...
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updated break smart actions
I am SOOOOO tired of having to update this software and then having to re-map all of my smart actions. Can you please stop breaking your software with every update????
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Horizantal Scroll Not Working
Horizantal scroll wheel is extremely buggy, sometimes it goes too fast and sometimes its too slow; and other times it will just not even work
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Não funciona
Comprei o mause com teclado da Logitec. tenho chamado em aberto, 12120646 a porcaria do teclado fica pressioando o atalho de ajuda sozinho, pediram para instalar esse software e não resolveu. ofereceram outros produtos pois o item origial não tem em estoque o que é uma piada.. então devolvam o dinheiro
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?