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Logi Options+

Logi Options+



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  1. Recently I downloaded Logi Option+ and sice then my MX Master 3 mouse is changing from Ratchet to Free spin automatically. A few times a day. Please solve this.

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  2. Bonjour Ma souris MX3 pour mac n'est pas detectée par le logiciel alors que mes autres dispositifs le sont

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  3. MX Master 3 doesn't (or takes a long time to) show up.

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  4. How do I remove a paired computer from the Easy-Switch settings on my MX Keyboard?
    The "Check for Update" on my MX Keyboard said there was an update. I clicked to run the update, and 20 minutes later it was still flashing red-green. I clicked "Check for update" again, and clicked update and let it run another 10 minutes. Then I clicked "Check for Update" a 3rd time and clicked "Cancel". After a warning that the update was interrupted and that the keyboard wouldn't work unless completed I clicked "update" (from the warning message) and the update STARTED! (There's a…

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  5. I have a MX Master 3 mouse set with the middle button to have a key combination of "Ctrl + F4" it was working with logitech options but when upgrading to options + it stopped working in one of my programs. I've tried reprogramming the button but it still doesn't work. Any help/updates would be very helpfull.

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  6. 何が原因かわかりませんが文字などが突然入力できなくなります。

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  7. 맥북 프로 M1 사용자 입니다. 키설정을 하고 앱을 닫으면 설정한 키가 작동하지 않습니다.

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  8. I use M1 2020 Macbook pro and in my computer logitech options+ software shows multiple mouse devices and multiple keyboards. I use only one mx master 3 and mx keys. I have connected with bluetooth and need to mention that other than this ui issue everything looks functional for now

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  9. Please don't force people to use your bad presets. I'd like to start with my global settings and change it from there

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  10. 0 votes

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  11. Hello, why there is TWO pictures of M590 bt/usb mouse in logi front page, and both have not supported yet? If i try take duplicate away, then mouse not work anymore?

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  12. Hi Guys,
    Please make the light level of MX Keyboard constant. Every time that the keyboards disconnects from the host machine, its light level sets to the factory default value which uses lots of battery and reduces battery life.

    Also please add a feature so that we can combine FN key with any other key on the keyboard to be able to assign more actions

    best regards
    Arta Fakhari

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    • Gesture actions are not working if Logi Options+ is not focused
    • Gesture distance mouse needs to be moved is way to high -> adjustment slider
    • Assigned keyboard shortcuts not being detected
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  13. With options+ the gestures are so unsensitive. I used to be able to do gestures by just moving the mouse 1mm. Now I need to move it way further. Additionally, now it is almost impossible to chain multiple gestures while pressing the same button. Can you please add a slider to configure the sensitivity?? The only reason I bought this mouse was to use gestures, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

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  14. smart wheel 对wps的适配不好用

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  15. MX Master3を使用しています。
    M1 Mac上で使用する際、Unifyingで繋げるとカクカクしてマウスとして使えない状態になります。Bluetoothで繋げるとスムーズに動くようになるのですがOption上では「非アクティブ」となり、複数PCでのスイッチができなくなります。どちらか(できれば両方)改善してもらえると助かります。

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  16. On the new Logitech Options the "Caps Lock" popup on the display is so tiny it is almost unreadable and seems to be no way to enlarge it.

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    intermittent and very annoying problem.

    please solve it. it has been like that for 1yea r+. never worked properly

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  18. Sometimes (10-15 times by month) my shortcuts configured on my devices are not working. I need to swith off my devices to try to recover them or to launch the Logitech Options Apps.
    And something which could be really great because I do it everyday! Is to be able to disable light by default when you switch on your keyboard. Every time I used my keyboard I do it and it's boring.

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  19. Seriously frustrating that I have to use 2 apps to support my MX Master and Vert separately. Stop adding NEW devices if there are still old devices to be added.

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